This class was created by Brainscape user C Holloway. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

2 The Clavicle
What s the clavicle more commonly...,
Where does the clavicle extend be...,
What type of bone is the clavicle...
12  cards
2 The Scapula
What is the scapula commonly know...,
What does scapula articulate with,
What is the joint between the sca...
25  cards
2 Glenohumeral joint and proximal humerus
What is the name of the cavity on...,
What articulates with glenoid cavity,
What type of joint is the glenohu...
38  cards
2 Muscles of the shoulder
What is the resting function of t...,
What are the four rotator cuff mu...,
What movemenys of the glenohumera...
27  cards
3 Humerus
Where is the humerus found,
What dies the humerus join,
What does the humerus articulate ...
22  cards
3 Muscles of the upper arm
What are the two compartments of ...,
What are the three muscles of the...,
What nerve innervates the anterio...
35  cards
3 Joints in the elbow
What type of joint is the elbow j...,
How many articulations are in the...,
What other joint has the same bur...
34  cards
3 Cubital fossa
What is the cubital fossa,
What forms the lateral border of ...
15  cards
4 The wrist and hand joints
What is the wrist joint,
What typ,
What forms the radiocarpal joint
28  cards
4 Bones of the hand and wrist
What are the three catergories of...,
How many carpal bones are there,
What are the carpal bones of the ...
17  cards
4 Muscles of the hand and wrist
What are the muscles of the poste...,
Which nerve innervates the muscle...,
What are the groups of the poster...
40  cards
4 Anatomical snuffbox
What is the anatomical snuffbox a...,
What is the anatomical snuffbox,
How can you best see the anatomic...
8  cards
3 Muscles of the forearm
What are the categories of muscle...,
What is the general function,
What are the superficial muscles ...
18  cards

More about
1 upper limb anatomy

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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