Week 2 - Chapter 2 Flashcards
Kinetic Energy
Energy of motion - manifests at each of four levels: subatomic, atomic, molecular, particle
These correspond with five common energies:
- Electromagnetic / Radiant (Subatomic) - radiant waves i.e. ultraviolet light, visible light, microwaves, x-ray
- Electrical (Subatomic) - movement of electrons
- Thermal / Heat (Atomic/Molecular) - addition of energy to an atom or molecule increases vibration, thereby increasing temperature
- Motion (molecular/particle) - energy resident of an object in motion
- Sound or wave (molecular/particle) - energy moves as compression or vibration in air or water
Potential Energy
Stored energy, resides persistently in various fuels that can be combusted. Four are:
- Nuclear energy (subatomic): Energy extant in bonds in every atom that hold subatomic particles together
- Gravitational energy (subatomic): i.e. waterfall
- Chemical energy (atomic/molecular): found in bonds between atoms and molecules, can be harnessed through forming or breaking these bonds
- Elastic energy (atomic/molecular) - in springs and polymers, hold energy in tension until they regain their natural shape
Primary Energy Sources
Energy available in nature - cannot be produced and must exist within or be constantly delivered to the energy system from nature
- Biomass (potential, chemical)
- Fossil fuel (potential, chemical)
- Nuclear (potential, nuclear)
- Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
- Tidal (kinetic, motion)
- Wind (kinetic, motion)
- Geothermal (kinetic, thermal)
- Solar (kinetic, electromagentic)
- Animal (kinetic, motion)
Prime Movers
Machines that are used to harness and transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work. Started out as very basic reciprocating steam engines.
- Have evolved into very sophisticated turbines and combustion devices used to perform industrial work in both stationary devices and transportation vehicles.
- These devices were intended to transform available energy - concentrate it, change its form to something easier to handle, and direct it to specific purposes
- In stationary applications, converting primary energy into electricity
Secondary Energy
Forms of energy not available in a primary form in the environment, which includes electricity, refined fuels, hydrogen, and other synthetic fuels. (Sometimes referred to as energy carriers)
Final Energy Service
Final products or services that are delivered by the use of energy (Toasted bread, chilled beer, spun shafts, or transported family members)
Sankey Diagram
Flow diagram showing the proportional contributions to the throughputs across various stages in a system
Business-as-usual (BAU) forecasts
Scenario in which each of the components of world energy demand and supply continue along their current trajectory, with the overall makeup of the energy system not changing much, just getting larger in the same proportions
Scenario is different from forecast. Modeling exercise that asks “what if” question. The modeler establishes and expectation of the relationship among different variables and the output and then constructs a range of scenarios for the inputs. For each scenario, outputs are calculated based on the model parameters. Scenario analysis assumes that the construction of the relationships between variables is sound, but it allows that the values the inputs will take are either subject to significant uncertainty or not known.
By contrast, by calling something a forecast usually assets that both the model and the input assumptions are expected to occur, and therefore the output is expected to approximate future reality.
“Ability to do work”
Units: Joules (J), Watt-hours (Wh), tons of oil equivalent (toe), barrels of oil (boe), British thermal units (Btu), or calories (cal)
E = P * t
The rate at which energy is transformed. Power is a rate of flow within the system, corresponding to a rate of change of energy transformed or delivered.
- joules/second transformed = watt
- Energy within a kilowatt-hour spread over an hour leaves a kilowatt (kW)
- Barrels of oil per day (bpd)
P = E/t
First Law of Thermodynamics
Law of conservation of energy - all of the energy that enters a closed system must remain in that system as energy, heat, or work produced. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
In most transformations of one type of energy to another, some amount is wasted or rendered useless. The energy input must created the desired output (useful energy) or wasted (wasted energy). Through entropy, this heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture.
Useful Energy
Amount of energy input creating desired output or work
Wasted Energy
Amount of energy input is wasted (most is in heat, though additional can be lost as light or sound or other vibration)