In Person Interview Review Flashcards
Special VFR operations may only be conducted—
(1) With an ATC clearance;
(2) Clear of clouds;
(3) Except for helicopters, when flight visibility is at least 1 statute mile; and
(4) Except for helicopters, between sunrise and sunset (or in Alaska, when the sun is 6 degrees or less below the horizon) unless—
(i) The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirements for instrument flight under part 61 of this chapter; and
(ii) The aircraft is equipped as required in § 91.205(d).
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class A
Flight Vis: Not applicable
Distance from Clouds: Not applicable
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class B
Flight Vis: 3 SM
Distance from Clouds: Clear of Clouds
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class C
Flight Vis: 3 SM
Distance from Clouds: 500ft Below/ 1000ft Above/ 2000ft Horizontally
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class D
Flight Vis: 3 SM
Distance from Clouds: 500ft Below/ 1000ft Above/ 2000ft Horizontally
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class E
*Less than 10000ft MSL
Flight Vis: 3 SM
Distance from Clouds: 500ft Below/ 1000ft Above/ 2000ft Horizontally
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class E
*At or above 10000ft MSL
Flight Vis: 5 SM
Distance from Clouds: 1000ft Below/ 1000ft Above/ 1 SM Horizontally
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class G
*1,200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude)
*For Helicopters
Flight Vis: 1/2 SM
Distance from Clouds: Clear of Clouds
Flight Vis: 1 SM
Distance from Clouds: Clear of Clouds
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class G
*More than 1,200 feet above the surface but less than 10,000 feet MSL
*For Helicopters
Flight Vis: 1 SM
Distance from Clouds: 500 feet below/ 1,000 feet above/ 2,000 feet horizontal.
Flight Vis: 3 SM
Distance from Clouds: 500 feet below/ 1,000 feet above/ 2,000 feet horizontal.
Basic VFR weather minimums: Class G
*More than 1,200 feet above the surface and at or above 10,000 feet MSL
*For Helicopters
Flight Vis: 5 SM
Distance from Clouds: 1,000 feet below/ 1,000 feet above/ 1 statute mile horizontal.
Class G Airspace: Operations may be conducted in Class G airspace below 1,200 feet above the surface:
Helicopter: A helicopter may be operated ___ __ ___ in an airport traffic pattern within ____ of the runway or helipad of intended landing if the flight visibility is not less than __ ___ ___.
clear of clouds
1⁄2 mile
1⁄2 statute mile
Class A Airspace
18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) up to and including flight level (FL) 600, including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles (NM) of the coast
IFR only (unless otherwise otherized)
Class A Entry/Equipment/ Certificate Requirements
ATC Clearance
IFR Equipped
Instrument Rating
Class B Airspace
Surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation’s busiest airports
Class B Entry/Equipment/ Certificate Requirements
ATC Clearance
Two-way radio, transponder
with altitude reporting capability.
Private—(However, a student or
recreational pilot may operate at
other than the primary airport if seeking private pilot certification and if regulatory requirements are met.)