Topic 6 - Skeletal Muscles Flashcards
What are myofibrils made up of?
They are made up of fused cells that share nuclei and cytoplasm (sarcoplasm)
Why do myofibrils appear striped?
They have alternating light and dark coloured bands:
- Light = I (isotropic) -> no overlap
- Dark = A (anisotropic) -> overlap of thin and thick filaments.
What are the light bands in a myofibril?
Isotropic bands
What are the dark bands in a myofibrils?
Anisotropic bands
What is a sarcomere formed from?
What happens to a sarcomere in muscle contraction?
The sarcomeres shorten and the pattern of light and dark bands changes.
What are thick filaments made up of?
Myosin molecules
What are thin filaments made up of?
Actin molecules
Explain the characteristics of the thick filaments
fibrous protein molecules
globular head
fibrous part anchors the molecule into the thick filament
myosin head points away from the M line.
Explain the characteristics of the thin filaments
globular protein molecules
many link together to form a chain
two actin chains twist together to form one thin filament.
tropomyosin is twisted around the two actin chains.
What is the I band?
Isotropic bands that appear lighter as there is no overlap (contains only actin)
What is the A band?
Anisotropic band that are the overlap of thin and thick filaments and span the total width of the myosin.
What is the M line?
Holds the myosin fibres and forms part of the sarcomere in the middle.
What is the Z line?
Joins the actin together and makes one repeating unit of myofibrils.
What is the H zone?
At the centre of the A band and contains myosin only.