The Shape of Space - Visualizing Surfaces & Three-Dimensional Manifolds Flashcards
What properties does traditional geometry have that topology lacks?
Curvature, areas, distances, and angles…basically all properties that change with respect to some sort of deformation of an object’s surface.
What is the difference between Intrinsic vs Extrinsic properties?
In general, two surfaces have the same instrinsic topology if Flatlanders living in the surfaces cannot topologically tell one from the other.
Two surfaces have the same extrinsic topology if one can be deformed within three-dimensional space to look like the other.
For example, a Moebius Strip has the same intrinsic topology, but not the same extrinsic topology. A sheet of paper and the inner cardboard toilet paper roll has the same intrinsic topology but not the same extrinsic topology.
In this book we will study all surfaces intrinsically.
The hemisphere, plane, and saddle surface all have…
same / different
…intrinsic geometries.
The hemisphere, plane, and saddle surface all have…
…intrinsic geometries.
An intrinsically straight line is called a ________.
An intrinsically straight line is called a geodesic.
What is the difference between local vs global properties?
Local properties are those observable within a small region of the manifold, whereas global properties require consideration of the manifold as a whole.
A flat torus and a doughnut surface have the same global topology but different local geometries. On the other hand, a flat torus and a plane have the same local geometry, but different global topologies.
A 2-dimensional manifold (ie - a surface) is a space with the local topology of a plane, and a 3-dimensional manifold is a space with the local topology of an ordinary 3D space.
What is the difference between homogeneous vs non-homogenous manifolds?
A homogeneous manifold is one whose local geometry is the same at all points. (ex - a sphere, flat torus)
A non-homogeneous manifold varies its geometry from point to point. (ex - an irregular blob, or a doughnut since it is locally convex on the outside but concave on the inside)
Give an example of a 1D manifold.
One-dimensional manifolds include lines and circles, but not figure eights (because no neighborhood of their crossing point is homeomorphic to Euclidean 1-space).
Two-dimensional manifolds are also called surfaces. Examples include the plane, the sphere, and the torus, which can all be embedded (formed without self-intersections) in three dimensional real space, but also the Klein bottle and real projective plane, which will always self-intersect when immersed in three-dimensional real space
Can we find a surface in tridimensional space representing the square flat torus without length distortion?
What is the name of the term used to describe this process
There does not exist any way to embed the square flat torus in tridimensional space while preserving distances.
We say that the square flat torus does not admit any isometric embedding in the ambient space.
Which of the following manifolds are closed vs. open?
(Corresponding to “finite” vs. “infinite”,
or “has an edge” vs. “no edge”)
- Circle
- Line
- Two-hole donut surface
- Sphere
- Plane
- Infinitely long cylinder
- Flat Torus
- Three-Dimensional Space
- Three-Torus
Which of the following manifolds are closed vs. open?
- Circle = Closed
- Line = Open
- Two-hole donut surface = Closed
- Sphere = Closed
- Plane = Open
- Infinitely long cylinder = Open
- Flat Torus = Closed
- Three-Dimensional Space = Open
- Three-Torus = Closed
The local geometry of a Klein bottle is _________.
The local geometry of a Klein bottle is everywhere flat.
A path in a surface or 3-manifold which brings a traveler back to his starting point mirror-reversed is called an ________-________ _______.
A path in a surface or 3-manifold which brings a traveler back to his starting point mirror-reversed is called an orientation-reversing path.
Manifolds that don’t contain orientation-reversing paths are called ______.
Manifolds that do contain orientation-reversing paths are ______.
Manifolds that don’t contain orientation-reversing paths are called orientable.
Manifolds that do contain orientation-reversing paths are non-orientable.
Name 2 examples of orientable surfaces.
Name an example of a non-orientable surface.
Orientable Surfaces: sphere, torus
Non-orientable Surface: Klein bottle
The projective plane is a surface that is globally / locally like a sphere, but has same / different global topology.
How do you make a projective plane?
The projective plane is a surface that is locally like a sphere, but has different global topology.
You can make a projective plane by gluing together the opposite points on the rim of a hemisphere.
The projective plane is homogeneous / non-homogeneous.
The projective plane is homogeneous.
Label the following with orientable vs. non-orientable and curved local geometry vs. flat local geometry:
- Sphere
- Torus
- Klein Bottle
- Projective Plane
Label the following with orientable vs. non-orientable and curved local geometry vs. flat local geometry:
- Sphere = Orientable + Curved
- Torus = Orientable + Flat
- Klein Bottle = Non-Orientable + Flat
- Projective Plane = Non-Orientable + Curved
Is Orientability a local or global property?
Is it topological or geometrical?
Orientability is a global property because it says something about a manifold as a whole.
It is a topological property because deforming a manifold does not affect it.
The operation of making a two-holed donut surface from two one-holed ones by cutting a disk out of each and gluing together the exposed edges is called a _______-____.
The operation of making a two-holed donut surface from two one-holed ones by cutting a disk out of each and gluing together the exposed edges is called a connected-sum.
What do you get when you form the connected sum of a two-holed donut surface and a sphere?
How about a Klein bottle and a sphere?
A projective plane and a sphere?
What do you get when you form the connected sum of a two-holed donut surface and a sphere?
Two-holed donut surface
How about a Klein bottle and a sphere?
Klein Bottle
A projective plane and a sphere?
Projective Plane
What do you get when you cut a disk out of a projective plane?
What is the connected sum of two projective planes?
What do you get when you cut a disk out of a projective plane?
Mobius Strip
What is the connected sum of two projective planes?
Klein Bottle
What are the shorthand names for the following simple manifolds?
- euclidean plane
- sphere
- torus
- klein bottle
- projective plant
- disk
What are the shorthand names for the following simple manifolds?
- euclidean plane = E2 = (“E-two”)
- sphere = S2
- torus = T2 (both donut + flat)
- klein bottle = K2
- projective plant = P2
- disk = D2
What are the shorthand names for the following manifolds?
- euclidean space
- three-torus
- solid ball
- projective three-space
What are the shorthand names for the following manifolds?
- euclidean space = E3
- three-torus = T3
- solid ball (a 3D “disk”) = D3
- projective three-space = P3
What are the shorthand names for the following manifolds?
- line
- circle
- interval
What are the shorthand names for the following manifolds?
- line = E1
- circle = S1
- interval = I
The connected sum operation is abbreviated with the ___-symbol.
The connected sum operation is abbreviated with the ”#” symbol.
How do you notate the two-holed donut surface as a connected sum?
How do you notate the three-holed donut surface as a connected sum?
How do you notate the two-holed donut surface as a connected sum?
T2 # T2
Since it is the connected sum of two tori.
How do you notate the three-holed donut surface as a connected sum?
T2 # T2# T2
Sometime in the 1860s, mathematicians have discovered that every conceivable surface is a connected sum of _____ and/or _____.
What is the sphere a connected sum of?
Sometime in the 1860s, mathematicians have discovered that every conceivable surface is a connected sum of tori and/or projective planes.
What is the sphere a connected sum of?
zero tori and zero projective planes
What is a Klein bottle a connected sum of?
What is a Klein bottle a connected sum of?
P2 # P2
K2 # P2 =
K2 # T2 =
K2 # K2 =
K2 # P2 = P2 # P2 # P2
K2 # T2 = P2 # P2 # T2
K2 # K2 = P2 # P2 # P2 # P2
K2 # P2 =
T2 # P2 =
K2 # P2 = P2 # P2 # P2
T2 # P2 = K2 # P2 = P2 # P2 # P2
Every surface is a connected sum of either ____ only or ____ only!!!
Every surface is a connected sum of either tori only or projective planes only!!!
A cylinder is the product of a _____ and an ______.
This is notated as _____.
A cylinder is the product of a circle and an interval.
This is notated as S1 x I