Overall Questions Pt1 Flashcards
Is there a difference between the binary numbers 11101 and 00011101?
The number 11101 is a 5-bit binary number, and the number 00011101 is an 8-bit binary number. However, both numbers represent the same value. Both binary numbers correspond to the decimal number 29.
What is the difference between the MDR and the CIR?
The MDR is responsible for temporarily storing data being read from or written to the memory. The current binary instruction that is being executed can be found in the CIR.
How many rows has a truth table in the case there are 2, 3 or 4 input variables?
If there are 2 input variables, the truth table will have 2^2 = 4 rows. If there are 3 input variables, the truth table will have 2^3 = 8 rows. If there are 4 input variables, the truth table will have 2^4 = 16 rows.
Explain how an OR gate works.
An OR gate performs the logical disjunction operation. It takes two input signals and produces a single output signal based on the logical OR operation.
Why is propositional logic relevant for computer science?
Propositional logic forms the basis for circuit design and for the implementation of algorithms in software.
Give some examples of operating systems.
Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android
What is the difference between an operating system and applications?
An operating system is a fundamental software component that manages the computer’s hardware and provides a platform for running applications.
What is binary?
The binary numbering system is a base 2 numbering system consisting of only ones and zeroes.
Why is firmware stored in a ROM chip?
Firmware is stored on a chip because it is non-volatile, meaning it retains data even without electrical power, and it should not be easily changed.
What is the difference between an operating system and an API?
The operating system is the software that manages the computer. Each operating system has a different Application Programming Interface (API) to communicate with the hardware.
Explain how an AND gate works.
An AND gate performs the logical conjunction operation. It takes two input signals and produces a single output signal based on the logical AND operation.
What is an AND gate?
An AND gate performs the logical conjunction operation. It takes two input signals and produces a single output signal based on the logical AND operation. The output of an AND gate is “true” (or “1”) only if both of its inputs are true; otherwise, the output is “false” (or “0”).
Example sentence: An AND gate is a fundamental component in digital electronics.
What is Boolean Decision Making?
Boolean decision making refers to the process of making decisions or determining outcomes based on boolean logic or binary choices. Boolean logic deals with binary variables that can only take two values: true (1) or false (0). In boolean decision making, the decision or outcome is based on the evaluation of logical conditions using boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT. Boolean decision making is used in computer programming to evaluate expressions for conditions, for example, in an if statement or in a loop.
Why we use ¬q instead of q in a truth table?
This allows one to save a column in the truth table. It is also possible to introduce a column with q and another column with not q in the truth table without any problems. Starting directly with not q is done for the purpose of simplification or a more compact representation.
Is p or ¬p in conjunctive normal form?
The definition of conjunctive normal form is a logic formula that is a single conjunction of any number of disjunctions. For example ( p ∨ ¬ q ) ∧ ( r ∨ s ). There can be any number of disjunctions as long as they are joined by a conjunction. Technically, a proposition or negation on its own also qualifies. Meaning that p or ¬p is also in conjunctive normal form in the trivial case.
What are the definitions of conjunctive and disjunctive normal forms?
The definition of conjunctive normal form is a logic formula that is a single conjunction of any number of disjunctions. For example ( p ∨ ¬ q ) ∧ ( r ∨ s ) There can be any number of disjunctions as long as they are joined by a conjunction. Technically, a proposition or negation on its own also qualifies. Meaning that p or ¬p is also in conjunctive normal form in the trivial case. The definition of a disjunctive normal form is a logic formula that is a single disjunction of any number of conjunctions. These normal forms help to simplify logical formulas for use in computer programming and circuit design.
What is the meaning of an implication?
Implication means that if the first proposition is true, the second one should be true as well (this often uses an “If…then” structure). If it is raining outside (p), then I should bring my umbrella (q). Implication is saying something only if the first part is true; if it is not raining outside, then the full sentence does not imply anything. This is written as follows: p ⇒ q
What is the meaning of this symbol ¬?
The symbol ¬ is a negation operator. It is used to negate the truth value of a proposition. For example, if p is true, then ¬p will be false. If p is false, then ¬p will be true. It corresponds to the word not in natural language. If it is not raining, we will go outside.
What is propositional logic?
Propositional logic deals with the study of propositions and their logical relationships. Logical connectives like negation, conjunction, disjunction are provided to connect propositions.
What is an IRQ?
An IRQ stands for “Interrupt Request”. A device can send status messages to the CPU by an interrupt request line, labeled from 00 to 15. If a hardware device, such as a keyboard or mouse, has data to be processed by the CPU it sends a signal to the CPU by generating an IRQ. The CPU interrupts its tasks and executes a corresponding interrupt handler to perform the necessary actions. Each device in a computer system is assigned a unique IRQ number, which is used by the device to request an interrupt. The CPU uses this number to identify the source of the interrupt and determine the appropriate interrupt handler to execute.
Name a few sorting algorithms.
Bubble Sort, Binary Insertion Sort, Quicksort
What is the difference between “channel code”, “the I/O port address”, and “IRQ”?
The “channel code” as it is used in the course book and the I/O port address are both numeric identifiers, that are assigned to a device to be able to exchange information with that device.
Name a few sorting algorithms.
Bubble Sort, Binary Insertion Sort, Quicksort
Example sentence: Bubble Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
What is the difference between “channel code”, “the I/O port address”, and “IRQ”?
The “channel code” as it is used in the course book and the I/O port address are both numeric identifiers, that are assigned to a device to be able to exchange information with that device. So both terms refer to the same concept. An IRQ is something different, it is used by the hardware devices to signal the CPU, that there is a me-critical event that needs attention, such as a keyboard input, etc.
Additional information: IRQ stands for Interrupt Request.
What is XML?
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.
What is RAM and ROM?
RAM is volatile and ROM is non-volatile. RAM is used for temporary storage of data while ROM is used for permanent storage of data. RAM can be written to while ROM cannot be written to.
How does redundancy and error tolerance relate to each other?
Error tolerance mechanisms are designed to detect and correct errors that may occur during data transmission or processing. These mechanisms make use of redundancy to detect errors and enable error correction. By introducing redundant information, it becomes possible to compare multiple copies of the same data and identify any inconsistencies or discrepancies. Redundancy enables error detection mechanisms to determine whether errors have occurred during transmission or storage.
What is the difference between a bit, a byte and an octet?
A bit is the smallest piece of information that can be stored in memory or on disk. A bit can have only one of two values: 0 or 1, off or on. A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of eight bits.
What is a kilobyte?
A kilobyte is a unit of measurement for computer storage. It is equal to 1000 bytes.
What is a truth table?
A truth table displays the outputs of a logical expression for all possible combinations of input values. It is used to determine the truth values of complex expressions based on the truth values of their variables.
How can it be determined in the decimal to binary conversion if the corresponding digit in binary representation is a 1 or a 0?
In decimal to binary conversion, you divide the decimal number by 2 repeatedly while recording the remainders. The remainders will determine if the corresponding digit in the binary representation is 1 or 0.
Example sentence: To convert the decimal number 10 to binary: 10/2 = 5 remainder 0, 5/2 = 2 remainder 1, 2/2 = 1 remainder 0, 1/2 = 0 remainder 1. Therefore, the binary representation of the decimal number 10 is 1010.
How many comparisons need the bubble sort algorithm to sort an array of 5 elements?
Assuming we have an array with the following elements: 8, 2, 5, 9, 1. In the first comparison of the first pass, we compare the numbers 8 and 2. These numbers need to be swapped. Then the array looks like: 2, 8, 5, 9, 1. In the second comparison, we compare the numbers 8 and 5. These numbers need to be swapped. Then the array looks like: 2, 5, 8, 9, 1. In the third comparison, we compare the numbers 8 and 9. These numbers aren’t swapped. In the fourth and last comparison of the first pass, we compare the numbers 9 and 1. These numbers need to be swapped, and the array looks like: 2, 5, 8, 1, 9. The largest element is in the correct order after the first pass and won’t be considered in the second pass. Therefore, we only need three comparisons in the second pass, two comparisons in the third pass, and one comparison in the last pass. That means we have 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10 comparisons.
What is a default gateway?
The default gateway is the router or device that allows the computer to access other devices outside of its local network.
What is a default gateway?
The default gateway is the router or device that allows the computer to access other devices outside of its local network.
Example sentence: The default gateway for this network is
What is a subnet mask?
A subnet mask is a series of ones and zeros that identify which part of the address is the network ID and which is the host ID. IP addresses have the option of being split in different places depending on the need of the network.
Additional information: Subnet masks are typically represented in the form of
What is IoT?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure.
Example sentence: IoT devices can communicate with each other to optimize energy usage.
What is a cache?
A cache is a small storehouse of memory directly on the chip which improves memory access time.
Additional information: Caches are commonly used in CPUs to store frequently accessed data.
What is TCP/IP error detection?
“TCP/IP divides data into pieces to be sent over a network into segments or datagrams. These segments have a “header” at the beginning which defines the sending computer, the receiving computer, transmission settings, and also a 16-bit checksum to verify the data. The maximum size of this segment is 65,536 bytes. When each segment arrives at the destination computer it is checked against the checksum value; if the values don’t match, a retransmit request is sent to the source computer. Along with a checksum, TCP/IP also checks for transmission errors on other levels. The receiving computer must also send an acknowledgement (ACK) for each datagram received. This is accomplished by giving each datagram a sequence number in the header. The recipient machine sends an ACK for each sequence number—if one of the numbers is not acknowledged after a certain period of time, the source computer will retransmit. At another level, TCP/IP will also detect broken routes over the network and re-route to new ones. This is one reason why TCP/IP has been used for decades on the internet: it is fault-tolerant. Part of the network can stop working without taking the entire network offline. Routers and devices that stop forwarding network traffic can be worked around by checking for alternate routes to the destination.”
Example sentence: TCP/IP error detection mechanisms ensure reliable data transmission.
What is the difference between checksum and CRC?
Checksum and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) are both methods used for error detection in data transmission. The checksum is a simpler approach compared to CRC. The checksum uses a different mathematical algorithm than CRC.
Additional information: CRC is more robust in detecting errors compared to checksum.
What is the difference between byte and int?
“Byte and int are data types and belong to the numerical data types. Byte is a data type that can store 256 different values; some of them are used for negative values, some for positive values, and one for zero. A variable of the byte data type can contain values ranging from -128 to 127. On the other hand, a variable of the int data type can typically store values ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The int data type uses 32 bits (4 bytes) of memory space, while the byte data type only uses 8 bits (1 byte) of memory space.”
Example sentence: When working with large numbers, it is more efficient to use the int data type.
What is CRT?
A cathode ray tube (CRT) was a type of monitor or television that used a large tube to display images.
Example sentence: CRT monitors were commonly used in the early days of computing.
What is the meaning of verification in the Waterfall Model?
Verification is equal to testing in the Waterfall Model.
Additional information: Verification ensures that the software meets the specified requirements.
How much storage does an integer or a character data type use?
The amount of storage used by an integer or a character data type depends on the programming language and/or the underlying hardware architecture being used. In the programming language Java a variable of data type int always uses 4 bytes (32 bits) and a variable of type char always uses 1 byte (8 bits) of storage.
Example sentence: In C programming, an int typically uses 4 bytes of memory.
What is the data link layer?
“The data link layer is the second layer of the OSI model. The data link layer provides specifications for devices—such as Ethernet—that determine the way signals are sent electronically over the network, as well as standards for devices; this is where the hardware (MAC) address is used. It includes local network error checking, including collisions. Collisions occur when two network devices send out a signal simultaneously, and they collide over physical media. Most networks use collision detection. This means after a collision is detected both devices are instructed to”
Additional information: The data link layer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a link between two directly connected nodes.
What is the data link layer?
The data link layer is the second layer of the OSI model. The data link layer provides specifications for devices—such as Ethernet—that determine the way signals are sent electronically over the network, as well as standards for devices; this is where the hardware (MAC) address is used. It includes local network error checking, including collisions.
What happens in collisions in a network?
Collisions occur when two network devices send out a signal simultaneously, and they collide over physical media. Most networks use collision detection. This means after a collision is detected both devices are instructed to wait a random amount of time before sending again.
How does a device communicate with the CPU?
A device uses the control bus to exchange status information with the CPU.
What is semantics?
If I very clearly describe how to make a peanut butter sandwich, but actually wanted a chicken salad, then I have a semantics problem. It’s possible to create perfectly readable code for a computer, yet have it do something different than your intention. When a program compiles and runs without producing any syntax errors or runtime errors, but it does not produce the expected output or produces incorrect output due to a mistake in the logic of the program.
Is the waterfall model considered an information system?
No. The waterfall model is a software development life cycle model. The waterfall model can be used to develop an information system.
What is the difference between the ALU and the control unit?
The ALU and the control unit are components of the CPU. The control unit is responsible for the operation of the ALU and communication with the input and output devices. The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
What is the difference between a proposition and a statement?
A proposition is the idea behind a statement. For instance, saying “It is more than 27 degrees Celsius” is a statement, but the proposition behind it is that the conditions of the environment include that the temperature is more than 27 degrees Celsius at the current moment outdoors. There are many statements that can be used for the same proposition.
What is a bus?
A bus in general is a connection that is used for data transfer between different components of a computer. It is a collection of wires that carry data from one device to another. A CPU will need to have a way for input and output—therefore it will use buses. The standard Von Neumann design incorporates an address bus, which is used to send memory addresses, a control bus, which carries instructions and special signals from devices (such as their status), and a data bus, which simply sends and receives data.
What are error checking techniques?
It is possible that during data storage or transmission some of the information can be corrupted. To detect this, various error checking techniques (error checking systems) have been created. Checksums and CRC take the binary data through a mathematical
What are error checking techniques?
It is possible that during data storage or transmission some of the information can be corrupted. To detect this, various error checking techniques (error checking systems) have been created. Checksums and CRC take the binary data through a mathematical function that returns a specific value for that data stream. If the sending value matches the receiving value, then the data is assumed to be unchanged. A simple form of error checking is adding a parity bit, more complex ones are CRC and checksum.
Example sentence: Checksums and CRC are common error checking techniques used in data transmission.
What is a byte?
A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of eight bits.
Example sentence: The ASCII character ‘A’ is represented by the byte 01000001.
Where is firmware located in the context of the course?
Firmware is located in the BIOS chip.
Example sentence: The BIOS chip stores the firmware that initializes the hardware components of a computer.
How many digits is one byte?
One byte consists of 8 binary digits.
Example sentence: The binary representation of the decimal number 10 is 00001010.
What is TCP/IP?
TCP/IP is a protocol that allows computers to communicate with each other.
Example sentence: TCP/IP is the foundation of the internet and enables devices to exchange data packets.
How can we convert a decimal number to a binary number?
Keep on dividing the decimal number by 2 until the result of the division operation is 0 while recording the remainder. The first digit of the binary number is the remainder of the division operation that resulted in 0. The last digit of the binary number is the remainder of the first division operation. The rest in reverse order is the binary number.
Example sentence: Converting the decimal number 13 to binary results in the binary number 1101.
What does conjunctive mean?
“Conjunctive” refers to the noun conjunction. A conjunction describes an “AND” connection. The only way a conjunction of two propositions p and q is true is when both propositions are true.
Example sentence: The conjunction “if and only if” is represented by the symbol “↔”.
What are specific data types of a variable?
A specific data type of a variable is for example int or char.
Example sentence: In C programming, the data type “int” is used to store integer values.
How to do bubble sorting?
The rules for bubble sorting are this: starting at the beginning, compare the first two values. If the first one is larger, swap the two values. If it is not, there is nothing to do. Then compare the next two values and do the same until you reach the end. Once this is done, do it again for every element except the last one, since it will be in order now. Each pass you complete will guarantee one more element is in order. Others may happen to be in order, but the bubble sort will check them all regardless.
Example sentence: Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
What is a file?
A file on a computer is a series of binary numbers—in fact, it could be considered one very long binary number. A file is a unit of binary data stored on a permanent storage device. To find out what is the meaning of the binary data additional context information is required. A file for example has a header at the beginning with specific binary sequences that indicate that the data are an image, a document, an executable program, or something else.
Example sentence: The file format JPG is used to store images in binary form.
Explain Von Neumann’s architecture.
The von Neumann architecture is a reference model for the architecture of a computer. It consists of - a CPU, - a memory that holds both computer program instructions and data, - an input system, - an output system. The CPU consists of an ALU, a control unit and registers, which contain a fixed number of bits. These registers can contain data or instructions that have been read from memory. Besides the processor and memory, there also should be some type of input (entering data) and output system (outputting data) to be able to communicate with other devices or a human being.
Example sentence: The von Neumann architecture revolutionized computing by introducing the concept of stored programs.
What is a decimal?
A decimal is a number that uses ten symbols, 0 through 9, to represent all possible numbers. Human beings use the decimal numbering system to represent numbers because human beings started counting using their ten fingers.
Example sentence: The decimal number 25.75 is represented using the decimal point to separate the whole and fractional parts.
What is the difference between data and information?
Data is for example a binary value like 1011 or some other symbols you don’t know the meaning. If you know that the binary number 1011 represents the house number of a specific person it is a piece of information. Information is data with context.
Example sentence: Data becomes information when it is processed and organized to convey meaning.
What is a stack?
A stack is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: Last In, First Out. This is often abbreviated as LIFO. Imagine you are inputting data into a computer program— in this case, we will say it is a card game simulator. It will use a standard deck of 52 cards, and they will be randomized and placed into the stack. Just like in real life, when you are playing cards, you can only draw the card from the top of the deck. That is the last card that was placed on top, so it is the last in, but the first out. Once the game is started, the order cannot be changed, the next card in play
Example sentence: The undo feature in a text editor uses a stack data structure to store previous states of the document.
What is a queue?
A queue is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: First In, First Out. This is often abbreviated as FIFO.
Queues aren’t part of the course book and therefore this question is not relevant for the exam.
What is CRC?
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a mathematical algorithm that returns a code (a kind of checksum) of consistent length in digits. It can be applied to any length of binary data and will always return the same code if the binary data is the same. CRC is used for error detection in network communication. A block of data is processed through a mathematical algorithm and the result is appended to the data. After the data is sent, the calculation is repeated to check the integrity.
Can you explain int with an example?
An integer is a unit number; this means it contains no decimal component. Integers include all the natural numbers (1,2,3, etc.), their negative versions, and zero.
Can you explain char with an example?
A char is a single character. It can be used to represent a letter, number, or symbol. For example: ‘A’, ‘5’, and ‘+’ are all examples of chars.
What is a char?
A char is a single character. It can be used to store letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols.
What is the octal numbering system?
The octal numbering system is a base-8 numbering system. It uses the digits 0 through 7. Each digit’s place value is a multiple of 8, which is a power of 2, so it maps nicely—one digit of octal can represent exactly three digits in binary.
What is firmware?
Firmware is a type of software that is required by the hardware for essential functionality. It is either used for booting up a computer or electronic devices that always perform the same task, such as your smart refrigerator or a child’s toy. A single-task device does not need RAM to run different applications. Advanced personal computers can perform many tasks and need the RAM and extra hard drive storage to do so.
Can you describe the jump search algorithm?
Jump search:For this one, we need a little more information. Let’s say the book is 2,500 pages long. We calculate the square root of n, the number of pages, which gives us 50, which we will use for the jump size, or m. Ken will first jump to page 50 and see if Josh is higher or lower, then keep jumping until he is past Josh. Then, he will go back to the previous jump and do a linear search (page by page) on the next 50 pages to find him. As you can see, this is definitely an improvement over a straight linear search.
What are professional principles of the ACM code of ethics?
Those who work in the industry creating software, hardware, and other computer products can hold themselves to more specific standards: Professional principles are - “quality work” (have a high standard for the quality of your process and your finished product), - “professional conduct” (Conduct yourself professionally at all times: keep to your ethical standards. Strive to improve your skills and education), - “professional knowledge” (Continually be aware of—and update—your knowledge of the company policies and procedures and follow them.) - “Review and criticism” (Be able to accept feedback on your work and products and be able to give honest reviews when needed.) - “Work in your expertise” (If you are
What are general principles of ACM code of ethics?
Contributing to society, Avoid harm, Honesty, Respect creativity, Honor confidentiality and privacy.
These principles are important to everyone in the computer industry.
Why are there general principals in ACM code of ethics?
Regardless of specific career or section of computing, an individual can find guidance in the general principles of the ACM code.
These principles are important to everyone in the computer industry.
What is ethics?
Ethics is the study of moral concepts such as personal behavior, responsibility, good, and evil. There are individual differences between ethics, although in societies there are group ethics that apply. For instance, most countries have laws against stealing, assault, and murder.
These can be broken down into three layers of responsibility: corporate/government, developer, and user.
What is user ethics?
User ethics is the code of conduct that a user must follow to maintain proper use of software. It is important for users to be aware of their ethical responsibilities and to abide by them. If they do not, they may face legal action or other consequences.
What is developer ethics?
A software developer has several ethical issues to consider as well. Writing code is similar to writing a novel, in that you are expected to create your own original work and not copy others. As an employee, you will also be expected to report coworkers who do not uphold the company’s standards or who break laws or ethical codes.
Covering up for another’s unethical behavior is also a breach of ethics.
What devices can filter network traffic?
A switch does basic filtering on network traffic (for example prevent broadcast storms). Another device filtering network traffic is a router. Sometimes this functionality is called firewall.
What device does not filter network traffic?
A hub. The hub takes a signal from one cable and splits it out over several cables. If it was splitting out four signals, it would be called a ‘four port’ hub. A hub does not do any signal processing—everything that comes in is sent out through all of the ports.
What is ACM code of ethics?
The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct exists to inspire computing professionals to work for the greater good of society. The code of ethics was written to apply to all computer professionals worldwide. The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct consists of a set of principles that guide computing professionals in their professional conduct.
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence: There are many different types of machine intelligence. They fall into two broad categories: specific and general. Specific artificial intelligence (AI) is a system created to perform a specific task. General AI is still a major programming challenge.
What are the two broad categories of machine intelligence?
Specific and general
Specific (or narrow) artificial intelligence (AI) is a system created to perform a specific task. General AI is a major programming challenge.
What is intelligence in the context of AI?
More than just being able to perform a series of mathematical algorithms; implies deduction and learning. AI can come to conclusions with new data.
Basically, this kind of AI seems to function similarly to a human being.
What is Data Science?
Part of computer science dealing with analyzing large amounts of data and providing meaningful and useful information.
What is the Big Bang model?
A model often used by startups and small companies for smaller projects, involving coding, design, requirements, and testing beginning simultaneously with little planning.
It involves quite a bit of risk since there is little pre-planning.
What is the Spiral model?
An iterative software development approach involving planning, designing, development, and testing cycles before final release.
Several prototypes are developed before final release, with multiple rounds of redesigning.
What is the Waterfall model?
A rigid model flowing downward through different steps of the cycle without returning. Requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance are the main stages.
What is a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
A standard development cycle that takes place over the life of a software application, involving maintenance and updates similar to the initial development process.
What is a microcontroller?
A computer chip with a processor, RAM, input, and output built in, enabling the creation of various electronic devices.
Input and output travel through specific pins on the chip.
What is an embedded system?
Devices with a microprocessor and software to perform specific tasks, with the software embedded in the device. Examples include washing machines and car engine control units.
What is OLAP?
Online Analytical Processing involving high-performance data analysis querying across multiple tables and sources to provide detailed results.
What is an information system?
Consists of raw data, software tools for analysis, and hardware components, with tasks assigned based on efficiency. Computers excel in tasks like data searching.
What is a file system?
A file system manages and stores information. Operating systems implement file systems. An example for a file system is NTFS—New Technology File System associated with the Windows operating system.
An example sentence: The NTFS file system allows for advanced security features and file compression.
What is BIOS?
BIOS is a Basic Input Output System. The BIOS is a special kind of chip of a computer. Within the BIOS chip a special kind of software (firmware) is stored typically in a ROM (read only memory). The firmware of a BIOS chip provides a starting line for a computer every time it is turned on. One of the very first things a BIOS chip will instruct the computer to do is detect and test hardware that is connected to it. It performs a POST, or power on self-test to check that the required hardware is there and that it is functioning properly. Then it starts loading the operating system.
An example sentence: The BIOS chip detected a hardware failure during the POST process.
What is internet of things?
Small devices connected to the Internet have become the Internet of Things (IoT). There are already over a billion of these devices connected to the internet. They include many “smart” devices. Light bulbs that can be controlled remotely are a type of smart device. Regular and self-driving vehicles are also connected to the internet. Some devices can provide feedback on their performance. A home appliance such as a smart refrigerator can tell you recipes, whether you are running low on eggs, how much power it is using, and an optimal temperature setting.
An example sentence: The Internet of Things has revolutionized the way we interact with everyday objects.
What is DHCP?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol used to assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network so that the devices can communicate with each other. This eliminates the need for a user to manually configure these settings, such as an IP address, when connecting to a network.
An example sentence: DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to all devices on the network.
What is world wide web?
The World Wide Web is a special set of services that is delivered to a web browser. Basically, anything you can access in a web browser is part of the world wide web. The world wide web was created primarily to communicate formatted documents with pictures and hyperlinks using a simple markup language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Eventually, it evolved into what is used today including video services and websites with interactive JavaScript and connections to databases of information.
An example sentence: The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way we access information.
What is an application layer?
The application layer is the top layer of the OSI model. The application layer is the closest to the user, yet it interacts with applications that request network access. Technically, this layer is for applications, not made of applications. It is the interface layer where applications make requests of the operating system to access the network.
An example sentence: The application layer handles user interfaces and data exchange.
What is OSI model?
“OSI is a general communication standard that defines seven layers that are useful for data transmission over networks. There is no ““real”” implementation of the OSI model. OSI is a so called reference model. Other communication standards like TCP/IP or Ethernet refer to the OSI standard to explain which part of the OSI layers they implement. “
An example sentence: The OSI model provides a framework for understanding network communication.
What is wireless technology?
Wireless technology is a method of communication that uses radio waves to transmit data without the use of wires. The term is often used in reference to mobile phones, but it can also refer to other devices such as wireless computer mice and keyboards. Wireless technology has become increasingly popular with the advent of Wi-Fi networks, which allow computers and other devices to connect wirelessly to the Internet.
An example sentence: Wireless technology enables seamless connectivity without physical cables.
What is a star network?
A star network is a network topology in which all of the nodes are connected to a central node. The central node is usually a hub, switch, or router. A star network can be implemented as an Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) or as part of the Internet backbone.
An example sentence: The star network topology ensures centralized communication and easy troubleshooting.
What is a ring network?
“A ring network consists of computers connected together in a ring, where the signal would pass around it. In this design, each computer was required to look at any data passed to it to see if it was required to pass it along. This design was not faulttolerant, and would stop working if the ring was disconnected; this is why it has fallen out of use today. “
An example sentence: Ring networks require data to circulate through each connected device.
What is a ring topology?
A ring topology is a network topology in which the nodes are connected in a closed loop.
An example sentence: In a ring topology, data flows in a circular manner between connected devices.
What is a ring network?
A ring network consists of computers connected together in a ring, where the signal would pass around it.
What is the design of a ring network?
In this design, each computer was required to look at any data passed to it to see if it was required to pass it along.
Why is a ring network not fault-tolerant?
This design was not fault-tolerant, and would stop working if the ring was disconnected; this is why it has fallen out of use today.
What is a ring topology?
A ring topology is a network topology in which the nodes are connected in a closed loop.
What is an example of a ring network?
The simplest example of a ring network is a token ring network, where all the nodes share the same transmission medium and each node can send data to any other node by passing its data to the next node in the ring. In this way, each node acts as both a transmitter and receiver for every other node on the network.