How would you create a cashflow forecast?
- I would require the construction programme and contract sum analysis.
- The values associated with each element of construction could be forecasted at times to reflect their installation within the programme.
- I would split the works into the different packages as shown on the contract programme and include individual s-curves for each package.
If your construction budget was £2.5m and proposed construction period was 25 weeks, would a forecast cashflow expenditure of £100,000 per week be realistic?
- This would not be very realistic as the cashflow expenditure per week is unlikely to have a flat or regular profile.
- A standard S-Curve would be more realistic.
What is the benefit of a cashflow forecast?
- Allows the employer to gain an understanding of the financial requirements over
the duration of the project duration and setup any funding requirements. - Can also be used to check against valuations and provide an early indication of project delays or financial difficulties if the actual expenditure is lagging behind the forecast.
What would you include within a construction cost report?
I would typically include:
* contract sum
* adjustment of variable costs
* adjustment of variations
* adjustment of fluctuations
* claims for loss and/or expense; and
* adjustment of risk allowances.
What would you include within a project cost report?
I would typically include:
construction costs
* professional fees
* statutory fees and charges
* third-party costs
* direct works costs
* land costs
* agency costs
* finance cost; and
* legal fees.
What is the purpose of a cost report?
- To report against budgeted values and act as a working cost check on the project budget.
- To give the Client an understanding of any savings or additional monies required.
- To report contract progress compared against pre-contract predictions.
What are variations?
- Alterations or modifications to the design, quality or quantity of the contract works or to the site access or working conditions.
Why might variations arise?
- a) change to specification.
- b) discrepancies between contract documents.
- c) discrepancies with statutory requirements.
- d) errors and omissions.
- e) deficiencies in employer’s requirements.
What form must architect’s instructions take?
- Should be in writing from the CA or an authorised person
- Must be clear and unambiguous
Can the contractor object to a variation?
Some contracts allow the contractor to object to an instruction
* Where the instruction affect the efficacy of the CDP
* Where the instruction affects compliance with CDM Regs.
* Where the instruction may infringe patent rights.
* Where the instruction relates to a named specialist, and the contractor is unable to enter into a contract with that firm.
What about oral instructions?
- Oral instructions are not usually valid for construction work unless the contract allows for them.
- JCT SBC - Contractor must issue CVI within 7 days.
- If CA does not dissent, it takes effect from expiry of 7 day period.
What can the architect do if the contractor does not comply with an instruction?
- Depends on the form of contract however under JCT Suites if the contractor does not follow an instruction, the CA will be required to issue a ‘notice to comply’ to the contractor.
- If failure persists, the CA can instruct another party to carry out the work and the contractor will be liable for any additional costs incurred.
What 3 methods are there of obtaining a cost for variations under JCT forms of Contract?
This depends on the form of contract being used, under JCT SBC, quotations can be made by:
* Agreement between the employer and contractor.
* A schedule 2 quotation.
* Valuation by the QS under the valuation rules.
What are the time periods for Schedule 2 quotations under JCT SBC?
o The CA should request via issue of an CAI.
o The contractor has 21 days to provide the quotation (or 7 to decline).
o The CA then has 7 days to confirm in writing the acceptance or rejection.
o The acceptance is called the ‘confirmed acceptance’.
What costs does the schedule 2 quotation contain?
- Value of the work.
- Any adjustment of time.
- Money in lieu of direct loss and expense.
- The fair and reasonable cost of preparing the quotation.