Past Tense Verbs (PPS) Flashcards
What is the past tense form of ‘falar’ for ‘eu’?
eu falei
What is the past tense form of ‘comer’ for ‘tu’?
tu comeste
What is the past tense form of ‘viver’ for ‘ele/ela’?
ele/ela viveu
What is the past tense form of ‘ir’ for ‘nós’?
nós fomos
What is the past tense form of ‘ter’ for ‘vocês’?
vocês tiveram
What is the past tense form of ‘ver’ for ‘eu’?
eu vi
What is the past tense form of ‘fazer’ for ‘tu’?
tu fizeste
What is the past tense form of ‘dizer’ for ‘ele/ela’?
ele/ela disse
What is the past tense form of ‘poder’ for ‘nós’?
nós pudemos
What is the past tense form of ‘dar’ for ‘vocês’?
vocês deram
Fill in the blank: ‘Eu ____ (ir) ao mercado.’
True or False: The past tense form of ‘falar’ for ‘ele’ is ‘falou’.
What is the past tense form of ‘escrever’ for ‘eu’?
eu escrevi
What is the past tense form of ‘ler’ for ‘tu’?
tu leste
What is the past tense form of ‘jogar’ for ‘ele/ela’?
ele/ela jogou
What is the past tense form of ‘correr’ for ‘nós’?
nós corremos
What is the past tense form of ‘saber’ for ‘vocês’?
vocês souberam
What is the past tense form of ‘trazer’ for ‘eu’?
eu trouxe
What is the past tense form of ‘conhecer’ for ‘tu’?
tu conheceste
What is the past tense form of ‘sentir’ for ‘ele/ela’?
ele/ela sentiu
What is the past tense form of ‘pensar’ for ‘nós’?
nós pensamos
What is the past tense form of ‘andar’ for ‘vocês’?
vocês andaram