Overall Questions Pt 2 Flashcards
Is there a difference between the binary numbers 11101 and 00011101?
The number 11101 is a 5-bit binary number, and the number 00011101 is an 8-bit
binary number. However, both numbers represent the same value. Both binary
numbers correspond to the decimal number 29. In computer science, it is common
to fill a byte with leading zeroes. This is because the smallest unit in memory that
can be accessed is a byte, and the leading bits of a byte have to be set to zero.
What is the difference between the MDR and the CIR?
What is a router?
A router is a device that forwards data packets from one network to another. It does this by analysing IP addresses.
What is a switch?
A switch is a network device. It has a connec on for an uplink and mul ple ports for communica on. However, it does do basic filtering on data. Computers send data over a network in data frames with hardware addresses. Some data is sent out with the “broadcast” address; this address means it is for all computers who can receive it. A switch filters these out so they do not get propagated across the en re network (which can cause a flood of data known as a “broadcast storm”).
How you can prevent seman cs errors?
You can prevent seman cs errors by adding comments to the program code. These are notes to yourself (and other coders) that describe what the code is doing in a certain sec on. It’s especially helpful if you haven’t looked at that sec on of the program for a day or longer, so you know what the code was intended to do instead of trying to figure it out all over again.
What is a hub?
A hub is a network device that takes a signal from one cable and splits it out over several cables. If it was spli ng out four signals, it would be called a “four port” hub. A hub does not do any signal processing—everything that comes in is sent out through all of the ports. Communica on is two-way: the ports can also send communica on through the uplink connec on.
What is Ethernet?
Ethernet is a set of standards (defined by IEEE 802.3) used for LANs and WANs. The word “Ethernet” is used commonly to refer to parts of a local wired network, such as Ethernet cabling (Cat 5, 5e, 6, 7 and 8), and Ethernet ports, where the cables are connected. The standards of Ethernet include the physical layer, which gives specifica ons for devices and signals, and the data link layer, where it defines how signals are organized.
What is an ethernet cable?
Ethernet cable is a type of cable used to connect devices to a computer network. It is the most common type of cabling in use today, and can be found in most homes and offices.
What are the UTP cable categories?
UTP cable categories are as follows: - Category 5 up to 100Mbps (Megabits per second) - Category 5e up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps) - Category 6 up to 10Gbps - Category 7 up to 40Gbps - Category 8 25Gbps or 40Gbps These UTP cables appear physically iden cal. You must usually look for a label or prin ng on the wire to see the category if you are not sure.
What is a LAN?
LAN = Local Area Network, a network in a home or office. A LAN is a group of computers connected together via a network within a dis nct geographic area.
What is UTP cable?
UTP: This stands for “unshielded twisted pair cable.” The individual wires are twisted together in pairs without extra insula on. UTP cables are used in homes and offices to build up a LAN.
What are network devices?
Network devices are devices that connect are connected to a network. Important network devices are hubs, switches, routers. A computer itself or an embedded system connected to a network can also be a network device.
What is the difference between wired and wireless networks?
Wired and wireless networks are two different types of computer networks. Wired networks use cables to connect devices, while wireless networks use radio waves to connect devices. The advantage of wired is that it is more secure than wireless, but the disadvantage is that it requires a cable connec on.
What is the difference between wired and wireless networks?
Wired and wireless networks are two different types of computer networks. Wired networks use cables to connect devices, while wireless networks use radio waves to connect devices. The advantage of wired is that it is more secure than wireless, but the disadvantage is that it requires a cable connec on.
What is a supercomputer?
Supercomputer is a computer that is used in scien fic fields to analyze vast amounts of data. For instance, predic ng the weather involves an enormous number of data points; a supercomputer is a good match for these kinds of problems. Scien sts can request me on supercomputers to do research, bringing them the massive power of Earth’s most amazing computers. Supercomputers use parallel processing, where tasks are split up between processors. One such supercomputer is in Germany, the SuperMUC-NG.
What is a server cluster?
A server cluster is a group of iden cal servers that share the workload for a certain task.
What is parallel processing?
Parallel processing is when you take a task and break it down into sub-tasks and assign a separate CPU to complete it. Several CPUs are linked together in parallel to accomplish this.
What is a device driver?
A device driver is a piece of so ware that allows the opera ng system to communicate with a hardware device. It is usually wri en by the manufacturer of the hardware. A device driver communicates with the device controller of the connected hardware device to send or receive data or commands.
What is an input output system?
Input and output system is a system that allows the user to communicate with the computer hardware. Input and output systems are typically used to transfer data from one device to another, or from one loca on to another. The input and output system of a computer is made up of many different devices, including keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, speakers and network cards. These devices all have their own input/output systems that allow them to communicate with the CPU. Every computer needs some kind of input output system in order to receive informa on for processing and an output system to output the results of the processing.
What is an input output system?
Input and output system is a system that allows the user to communicate with the computer hardware. Input and output systems are typically used to transfer data from one device to another, or from one loca on to another. The input and output system of a computer is made up of many different devices, including keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, speakers and network cards. These devices all have their own input/output systems that allow them to communicate with the CPU. Every computer needs some kind of input output system in order to receive informa on for processing and an output system to output the results of the processing.
What are input and output devices?
Input and Output Devices are the devices that allow a user to communicate with a computer. Input devices include keyboards, mice, and external data sources such as USB drives. Output devices include monitors, printers, speakers, and network cards.
What are input and output devices?
Input and Output Devices are the devices that allow a user to communicate with a computer. Input devices include keyboards, mice, and external data sources such as USB drives. Output devices include monitors, printers, speakers, and network cards.
What is input and output?
Input and output are the communica on between a computer and its user. Input is the data that a user enters into a computer, while output is the data that a computer sends to its user.
What is RAM?
This stands for Random Access Memory and means that the memory can be read randomly and at any point in the data. RAM is not permanent (short-term memory) but a lot faster than the hard drive in terms of memory accessing speed and reading and wri ng data. Because RAM is more expensive than a hard drive, it has less capacity than a hard drive.
What is a processor?
A processor is a device that performs calcula ons and commands using data stored in memory. It takes that input from memory and creates unique output, the results of the processing. It is the “brain” of a computer.
What is a CPU cache?
The CPU cache is a small memory that is placed on the CPU chip itself. It is a memory for data and instruc ons that the processor can access very quickly. This allows to speed up memory access mes. There are different levels of cache: some processors have three levels labelled L3, L2, and L1, each smaller and with a faster access me. This provides a way to avoid memory bo lenecks as the CPU does not always have to make a request of system RAM; a small amount of currently used data is located in the cache.
What is computer memory system?
Computer memory system consists of different memories storing data and instruc ons for the processor. A computer memory system o en comprises a longterm (permanent) memory (hard disk) a RAM and the CPU cache(s).
What is computer memory system?
Computer memory system consists of different memories storing data and instruc ons for the processor. A computer memory system o en comprises a longterm (permanent) memory (hard disk) a RAM and the CPU cache(s).
What is memory?
Memory is a computer storage space that holds data and instruc ons for the CPU to access.
What is memory addressing?
Each byte of memory has a unique binary address. You could think of them each as li le mailboxes, storing a different binary number and also having a binary address. That means that the number of bits used for addressing will iden fy the number of bytes available. For instance, the Commodore 64 had 64K of addressable memory. This was accomplished by using 16-bit addressing. The total number of bytes that can be addressed with a 16-bit address is 65,536 bytes. This was considered 64K (At the me, a kilobyte was referred to as both 1,024 (2 to the power of 10) and 1,000 bytes). Each 16-bit address points to a mailbox (memory loca on) that contains exactly one byte (inside the box).
What is a data bus?
A data bus in general is a connec on that is used for data transfer between different components of a computer. A data bus is a data path that connects the CPU to memory and I/O devices. It is a collec on of wires that carry data from one device to another.
What are von Neumann registers?
There are five registers specific to the Von Neumann design. These are as follows: 1. Program Counter (PC) contains the memory address of the next instruc on to read from memory.2. Memory Address Register (MAR) contains the address of the current instruc on in memory, or the next data transfer address.3. Memory Data Register (MDR) contains the contents of the memory address that the MAR is poin ng to and contains data to be transferred.4. Accumulator (AC) this contains data that have been processed or are about to be processed, including arithme c or logic results.5. Current Instruc on register (CIR) contains the current binary instruc on that is being executed.
What are von Neumann registers?
There are five registers specific to the Von Neumann design. These are as follows: 1. Program Counter (PC) contains the memory address of the next instruc on to read from memory.2. Memory Address Register (MAR) contains the address of the current instruc on in memory, or the next data transfer address.3. Memory Data Register (MDR) contains the contents of the memory address that the MAR is poin ng to and contains data to be transferred.4. Accumulator (AC) this contains data that have been processed or are about to be processed, including arithme c or logic results.5. Current Instruc on register (CIR) contains the current binary instruc on that is being executed.
What is von neumann architecture?
The von Neumann architecture is a reference model for the architecture of a computer. It consists of - a CPU, - a memory that holds both computer program instruc ons and data, - an input system, - an output system. The CPU consist of an ALU, a control unit and registers, which contain a fixed number of bits. These registers can contain data or instruc ons that have been read from memory. Besides the processor and memory, there also should be some type of input (entering data) and output system (outpu ng data) to be able to communicate with other devices or a human being.
What is a Central Processing Unit (CPU)?
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is o en referred to as the “brain” of the computer. It does all the processing, which includes doing calcula ons and sending instruc ons to other hardware. It is a square computer chip which is inserted into a motherboard—this is a circuit board designed for computer components to connect to and communicate through. The CPU is o en referred to as the processor, which refers to its ability to process data.
What is the meaning of data messaging?
The process of sending data over a network is called data messaging.
How does data messaging work?
Data messaging works by breaking down the data to be send over the network into chunks, or segments, that are sent out separately.
What is a message?
A message is a piece of informa on that is sent from one person to another. It can be verbal or wri en, and it can be in the form of a le er, an email, or even a text message. Computers send binary messages to each other through networking.
What is a message?
A message is a piece of informa on that is sent from one person to another. It can be verbal or wri en, and it can be in the form of a le er, an email, or even a text message. Computers send binary messages to each other through networking.
What is data?
Data consists of raw numbers and symbols that can be arranged into meaningful informa on, which is then used for specific research or analysis purposes. To a computer, data are numerical and the basic data storage system is the binary numbering system.
What is the meaning of a correct algorithm?
The correctness of an algorithm is an important requirement for algorithm development. Any algorithm that is used must be mathema cally correct. An algorithm is totally correct if it receives valid input, terminates, and always returns the correct output. We can prove this by formal reasoning or mathema cally, for instance, with a proof by induc on.
What is algorithm accuracy?
The accuracy of an algorithm is the degree to which it approaches the op mal solu on. The more accurate an algorithm, the closer it gets to the op mal solu on. Some algorithms are required to give the op mal solu on. For instance, if we are sor ng data, the algorithm cannot stop un l everything is sorted with 100 percent accuracy. If we are searching for a specific data point, it must be found. However, if we are tryingto find a good solu on to a complex mathema cal problem, a standard of “good enough” is applied by the programmer to the situa on.
What is quicksort?
Quicksort is a sor ng algorithm. Quicksort is regarded as one of the most efficient algorithms overall. Imagine a teacher with a stack of graded papers. The teacher wants to sort all of the papers by grade. The pile is split into all the grades higher than 55 (this number is the pivot and can be chosen by different methods) and those less than 55. Then the two piles are split around another pivot bringing the total number of piles to four. The teacher then sorts each pile separately and when they are done, can simply put all the piles back together in order from lowest pile to highest. It can be thought of as a “divide and conquer” type of method. In this example, the stack was split into four piles but, in reality, the data determines how many stacks it is split into for sor ng.
What is quicksort?
Quicksort is a sor ng algorithm. Quicksort is regarded as one of the most efficient algorithms overall. Imagine a teacher with a stack of graded papers. The teacher wants to sort all of the papers by grade. The pile is split into all the grades higher than 55 (this number is the pivot and can be chosen by different methods) and those less than 55. Then the two piles are split around another pivot bringing the total number of piles to four. The teacher then sorts each pile separately and when they are done, can simply put all the piles back together in order from lowest pile to highest. It can be thought of as a “divide and conquer” type of method. In this example, the stack was split into four piles but, in reality, the data determines how many stacks it is split into for sor ng.
What is binary inser on sort?
Binary inser on sort is a sor ng algorithm that uses the same method we used for a binary search—by spli ng the data in half repeatedly. To sort the data, it builds a new output list and takes items from the input list. The input list are items yet to be sorted, and the output are the ones already sorted. For inser ng an element from the input list in the output list the data in the output list is spli ed in half repeatedly un l the correct posi on of the new element is found.
What is bubble sort?
Bubble sort is a sor ng algorithm that works by comparing two elements at a me and swapping them if they are out of order. It is one of the simplest sor ng algorithms, but it is also one of the slowest.
What is a binary search?
Binary search is a search algorithm that searches for data in a sorted list. It works by dividing the list into two halves, and then repea ng this process on each of the halves un l it reaches the desired data. The algorithm can be used to find an element in a sorted array, or to find an element’s posi on if it is known to be in the array.
What is jump search?
Jump search is a search algorithm that uses a jump size to find the target element in an ordered list. The jump size is the number of elements that are skipped over between each comparison. Let’s say the book is 2,500 pages long. We calculate the square root of n, the number of pages, which gives us 50, which we will use for the jump size, or m. Ken will first jump to page 50 and see if Josh is higher or lower, then keep jumping un l he is past Josh. Then, he will go back to the previous jump and do a linear search (page by page) on the next 50 pages to find him.
What is linear search?
Linear search is a searching algorithm that starts at the beginning and looks at each element in order.
What is linear search?
Linear search is a searching algorithm that starts at the beginning and looks at each element in order.
What is a mul dimensional array?
A mul -dimensional array is an array that contains one or more arrays as its elements, where each element is also an array. In other words, it is an array of arrays. A two-dimensional array is the most common form of a mul -dimensional array, and it is o en used to represent a matrix or a table. A two-dimensional array is like a grid of rows and columns, where each element is iden fied by its row and column index.
What is an array?
An array holds a fixed number of values of the same data type. Each value in the array can be accessed by its index, which represents its posi on in the array.
What is a linked list?
A linked list is a sequen al data storage structure. Each element is linked to the next. In other words, an element in the data structure linked list contains two pieces of informa on, the data and the link. The last element in the linked list structure does not have a pointer to the next value, instead it points to null, which indicates that there are no more elements. Null is o en used to end a series of data. The link in each list is a pointer, which is a memory loca on. It iden fies the part of memory that contains the next element.
What is a stack?
A stack is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: Last In, First Out. This is o en abbreviated as LIFO. Imagine you are inpu ng data into a computer program—in this case, we will say it is a card game simulator. It will use a standard deck of 52 cards, and they will be randomized and placed into the stack. Just like in real life, when you are playing cards, you can only draw the card from the top of the deck. That is the last card that was placed on top, so it is the last in, but the first out. Once the game is started, the order cannot be changed, the next card in play is always the one on top of your deck—or in our simula on, your stack. A stack in computer programming allows for two basic opera ons: push and pop. Pop will take the top piece of data from the stack, which removes it. Push will add a new item to the top (and only the top) of the stack.
What is a stack?
A stack is a data structure that works under a specific philosophy: Last In, First Out. This is o en abbreviated as LIFO. Imagine you are inpu ng data into a computer program—in this case, we will say it is a card game simulator. It will use a standard deck of 52 cards, and they will be randomized and placed into the stack. Just like in real life, when you are playing cards, you can only draw the card from the top of the deck. That is the last card that was placed on top, so it is the last in, but the first out. Once the game is started, the order cannot be changed, the next card in play is always the one on top of your deck—or in our simula on, your stack. A stack in computer programming allows for two basic opera ons: push and pop. Pop will take the top piece of data from the stack, which removes it. Push will add a new item to the top (and only the top) of the stack.
What is a flowchart?
Flowcharts (Flow Diagrams): To translate human instruc ons into computer instruc ons, coders have used flowcharts for many years. These charts make it easy to observe the structure of an algorithm and create it with a programming language. They use standard symbols to indicate different types of instruc ons. A terminator symbol (oval or rectangle) is used at the beginning of a flowchart and at all the endings. They represent the external nodes of flowcharts. A rectangle represents a process, for instance, some type of data calcula on or filtering. The diamond is a decision—a decision has mul ple pathways that can be taken. A parallelogram in a flow chart represents input or output, where data are sent into or out of the process. Finally, the arrows represent the flow from beginning to end of the sequence.
What is the rela on between algorithms and flowcharts?
An algorithm is a set of well-defined instruc ons or rules for solving a par cular problem or performing a par cular task. It is a step-by-step procedure that can be followed to perform a computa on, solve a problem, or automate a task. An algorithm can be represented in many forms. On possibility is to use a flowchart to visualize the steps of an algorithm.
What is a driver?
A driver is a piece of so ware that allows the opera ng system to communicate with hardware devices.
What are the parts of an URL?
A URL is composed of several components. The first part is the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS). The second part is the computer name (e.g. www). The third part is the domain name. The fourth part is the folder loca on, and the fi h part is the file name.
What are the parts of an URL?
A URL is composed of several components. The first part is the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS). The second part is the computer name (e.g. www). The third part is the domain name. The fourth part is the folder loca on, and the fi h part is the file name.
What is Cyclic Redundancy Check?
Cyclic Redundancy Check, or CRC is a type of error-detec on in network communica on. It works with a similar principle to the checksum. A block of data is processed through a mathema cal algorithm and a result is appended to the data. A er the data is sent, a calcula on is repeated to check the integrity. The CRC can be applied to any length of binary data and will always return a code of the exact same length. This makes CRC a “hashing” algorithm, one that returns a value of consistent length in digits.
How does quicksort work?
Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It works by first choosing a pivot element, then par oning the list into two parts: all elements that are less than the pivot element, and all elements that are greater than or equal to the pivot element. The algorithm recursively calls itself on each of these two sub-lists.
What is parity?
Parity is a method of error-checking for binary data. It is used in telecommunica ons, and was used in the past to check for errors in telegraphs. It works by adding an extra bit to a group of data bits, and then checking that the total number of ones (including the extra bit) is odd or even. If it does not match, then it assumes there was an error and requests retransmission.
What is transmission data fault tolerance?
Transmission data fault tolerance is the ability of a network to detect and recover from errors that occur during the transmission of data. Error detec on techniques such as checksums, CRC or parity bits can be used to detect errors in the transmi ed data.
What is transmission data fault tolerance?
Transmission data fault tolerance is the ability of a network to detect and recover from errors that occur during the transmission of data. Error detec on techniques such as checksums, CRC or parity bits can be used to detect errors in the transmi ed data.
What is a checksum?
A checksum is a small fixed-length value that is computed from a block of data in order to detect errors that may occur during transmission or storage. It is used to verify the integrity of data and ensure that it has not been corrupted or modified in transit. The checksum is generated by performing a mathema cal calcula on on the data, typically using a hashing algorithm. The checksum is appended to the data itself, a er transmission the receiver performs the same calcula on on the received data and compares the computed checksum with the one that was transmi ed. If the checksums match, it is assumed that the data has been transmi ed correctly, and no errors have occurred. If the checksums do not match, then an error is detected, and the data must be retransmi ed.
What is storage error checking?
Storage error checking is a method to detect corrupted files in storage. It is done by storing an exact copy somewhere and then comparing it. But because some files are megabytes, or even gigabytes, in size, this would be very inefficient. Instead, since the file is one large binary number, it is placed into an algorithm. This algorithm is like a mathema cal func on—it has a numeric solu on. The checksum is the solu on to this problem; it is calculated and appended to the file when it is saved. The checksum can be calculated again when the file is opened. If the calculated checksum is different from the checksum appended to the file, the file has been corrupted.
What is storage error checking?
Storage error checking is a method to detect corrupted files in storage. It is done by storing an exact copy somewhere and then comparing it. But because some files are megabytes, or even gigabytes, in size, this would be very inefficient. Instead, since the file is one large binary number, it is placed into an algorithm. This algorithm is like a mathema cal func on—it has a numeric solu on. The checksum is the solu on to this problem; it is calculated and appended to the file when it is saved. The checksum can be calculated again when the file is opened. If the calculated checksum is different from the checksum appended to the file, the file has been corrupted.
What are non numeric data types?
Non numeric data types are data types that are used to represent non numeric or non-mathema cal values, such as text, characters, dates, mes, Boolean values, and other data that cannot be expressed as a number. Examples: String (sequence of characters that represents text), character (a single alphabe c or symbolic character, such as a le er, digit, punctua on mark, or other symbol), date and me (used to represent dates, mes, or both), …
What are non numeric data types?
Non numeric data types are data types that are used to represent non numeric or non-mathema cal values, such as text, characters, dates, mes, Boolean values, and other data that cannot be expressed as a number. Examples: String (sequence of characters that represents text), character (a single alphabe c or symbolic character, such as a le er, digit, punctua on mark, or other symbol), date and me (used to represent dates, mes, or both), …
What are numerical data types?
Numerical data types are used to represent numerical or mathema cal values, such as integers, floa ng-point numbers, and decimal numbers. The following numerical data types are used in the programming language Java: - byte: integer from -128 to 127 (8 bits) - int: integer from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32 bits) - float (smallest value): 1.4E-45 to 1.4E-45 to 3.4E38 (32 bits), float (largest value): 3.4028235E38 (32 bits) - double (smallest value): 4.9E-324 to 49E-324 to 1.7E308 (64 bits), double(largest value): 1.7976931348623157E308(64bits)
What is float?
Float is a data type that can store numbers with decimal points.The reason a decimal is called a “float” is because the decimal point can float around to different places in the number. This is an important dis nc on for a computer: where is the decimal? That must be stored somewhere in the variable itself. It is something a human would take for granted, but something that has to be specified for a computer. Example: float var = 2.234f; is the Syntax to define a float variable in Java and assign the value 2.234 to this variable.
What is a variable?
In programming, the coder creates variables to store individual units of data. A variable is a container for informa on. It has three important defining factors: a name, a type, and a memory loca on. The name is what it will be referred to in code, just as if you wrote a label on a box. The memory loca on is where the computer can find this box in RAM. The type describe for example how many bytes in memory are used to store the value of the variable and what is the meaning of the individual bits and bytes.
What is a data type?
A data type determines the kind of data that can be stored in a variable, such as integers, floa ng-point numbers, strings, and boolean values. A data type defines the range of values that a variable can take, the amount of memory that must be reserved for a variable, and the meaning (encoding) of the individual bits and bytes.
What is a data type?
A data type determines the kind of data that can be stored in a variable, such as integers, floa ng-point numbers, strings, and boolean values. A data type defines the range of values that a variable can take, the amount of memory that must be reserved for a variable, and the meaning (encoding) of the individual bits and bytes.
What is data contextualiza on?
All informa on is stored in binary format in computers. If you want to store alphabe cal le ers, you can represent each le er with a specific number. To convert the stored binary numbers back into le ers, you need addi onal contextual informa on, such as the code that was used for conversion. Examples of such codes include ASCII or Unicode.
What is the meaning of “Everything on a computer is binary”?
A computer can only store the values 1 and 0. Therefore, all informa on must be converted into the binary numbering system. When informa on is read from memory and outpu ed to the user, it has to be converted back. For example, the le er ‘A’ is converted to the binary value 01000001. When this binary value is read from memory, it has to be converted back into the le er ‘A’.
What is hexadecimal?
Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system used in compu ng and digital communica ons. In contrast to the familiar base-10 decimal numbering system, which uses 10 digits (0-9), the hexadecimal system uses 16 digits: 0-9 and A-F. The le ers A through F are used to represent the numbers 10 through 15, respec vely. One digit of hexadecimal (or “hex”) can represent four digits of binary. In computer applica ons, hexadecimal numbers are usually wri en in groups of two, since two digits represent eight digits in binary (a byte). You will o en see a leading zero before a hex number to represent this. Hex is o en used to view raw data in a file; it is a sort of shorthand for binary. Hexadecimal is used as a go-between for humans since: a) it has an exact 1:4 ra o of digits with binary, and b) it has more symbols, so it is easier for humans to read. Displaying data in hex takes four mes less space than in binary.
What is hexadecimal?
Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system used in compu ng and digital communica ons. In contrast to the familiar base-10 decimal numbering system, which uses 10 digits (0-9), the hexadecimal system uses 16 digits: 0-9 and A-F. The le ers A through F are used to represent the numbers 10 through 15, respec vely. One digit of hexadecimal (or “hex”) can represent four digits of binary. In computer applica ons, hexadecimal numbers are usually wri en in groups of two, since two digits represent eight digits in binary (a byte). You will o en see a leading zero before a hex number to represent this. Hex is o en used to view raw data in a file; it is a sort of shorthand for binary. Hexadecimal is used as a go-between for humans since: a) it has an exact 1:4 ra o of digits with binary, and b) it has more symbols, so it is easier for humans to read. Displaying data in hex takes four mes less space than in binary.
How can we convert an octal number into a binary number?
Octal is a base-8 numbering system (with values from 0 through 7) and binary is a base-2 numbering system (with values of 0 and 1). Each digit’s place value in octal is a mul ple of 8, which is a power of 2, so the conversion between these two numbering systems is straigh orward. Specifically, one digit of octal can represent exactly three digits in binary. For example, if you have an octal number like 730524, you know that each digit represents three digits in binary. 7 is equivalent to 111 in binary, 3 is equivalent to 011 in binary, and so on. Therefore, the octal number 730524 is equivalent to 111011000101010100 in binary. If you’re unsure about the correctness of your conversion between numbering systems, you can use a webpage like the following to check: h ps://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/binaryto-octal.html.
What is data storage?
RAM (Random Access Memory) and hard drives are data storage devices. In RAM, data is stored temporarily while a computer is running. A hard drive stores data permanently and can therefore be used to preserve data even a er the computer is turned off.
What are data measures of bytes?
Data measures of bytes are units used to express the amount of digital informa on. The most common units used for data measures of bytes, listed from smallest to largest: - Bit (abbrevia on: b) - a single binary digit that can hold a value of either 0 or 1. - Byte (B) - a group of eight bits. A single byte can represent a character of text or a small amount of data. - Kilobyte (KB) - 1,000 Bytes. Used to measure small amounts of data, such as text documents or small images. - Megabyte (MB) - 1,000 Kilobytes. Used to measure larger files, such as high-resolu on images or short videos. - Gigabyte (GB) - 1,000 Megabytes. Used to measure even larger files, such as movies or large so ware programs. - Terabyte (TB) - 1,000 Gigabytes. Used to measure very large amounts of data, such as complex databases or en re
collec ons of high-resolu on videos. - Petabyte (PB) - 1,000 Terabytes. All photos on Facebook. The larger unit is always 1,000 mes the previous.
collec ons of high-resolu on videos. - Petabyte (PB) - 1,000 Terabytes. All photos on Facebook. The larger unit is always 1,000 mes the previous.
How can we convert a binary number into a decimal number?
Assign place values to each digit of the binary number, star ng from the rightmost digit and working le ward. The rightmost digit has a place value of 1, the next digit to the le has a place value of 2, then 4, 8, 16, and so on, with each place value doubling. 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 (place value) 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 (binary number 1011) Mul ply each digit of the binary number by its corresponding place value and add the results: 18+04+02+11 = 8+0+0+1 = 9 Therefore the binary number 1001 is 9 in decimal.
How can we convert a binary number into a decimal number?
Assign place values to each digit of the binary number, star ng from the rightmost digit and working le ward. The rightmost digit has a place value of 1, the next digit to the le has a place value of 2, then 4, 8, 16, and so on, with each place value doubling. 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 (place value) 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 (binary number 1011) Mul ply each digit of the binary number by its corresponding place value and add the results: 18+04+02+11 = 8+0+0+1 = 9 Therefore the binary number 1001 is 9 in decimal.
What is the binary numbering system?
The binary numbering system is a base-2 numbering system that uses two symbols, 0 and 1, to represent all possible numbers. Computers use the binary numbering system because early computers used switches that could be turned on or off, giving two possibili es, as in the binary numbering system.
What is the decimal numbering system?
Human beings have ten fingers. It is a common reason given for why we use a base 10 numbering system: decimal. Decimal uses ten symbols, 0 through 9, to represent all possible numbers. In the decimal numbering system, each digit’s value is based on its posi on rela ve to the decimal point. For example, the number “123” in decimal nota on represents 1 x 10^2 + 2 x 10^1 + 3 x 10^0, or 100 + 20 + 3, which equals 123.
What are the eras of compu ng?
To look at the history of modern compu ng machines, we will break it down into four eras: - Behemoths: Huge machines used mostly by governments. 1940s - 1960s. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturiza on of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today.
What are the eras of compu ng?
To look at the history of modern compu ng machines, we will break it down into four eras: - Behemoths: Huge machines used mostly by governments. 1940s - 1960s. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturiza on of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturiza on of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today.
What are the eras of compu ng?
To look at the history of modern compu ng machines, we will break it down into four eras: - Behemoths: Huge machines used mostly by governments. 1940s - 1960s. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturiza on of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today. - Business: Computers that are used by individuals in business. 1960s - 1980s. - Graphical: The dawn of the Graphical User Interface and digital imagery. 1980s - 2000s. - Portable: Miniaturiza on of computers; laptops, tablets, smartphones. 2000s - today.
What is a behemoth?
A behemoth is an enormous computer that were built with vacuum tubes and wires and took up en re rooms. The input was usually entered by flipping switches and turning dials. The output was o en given via lights or punched holes on paper. They were basically number-crunching machines that were used to perform large mathema cal computa ons, or to work with large amounts of numerical data. The U.S. Census Bureau purchased one of these huge computers, the UNIVAC, in 1951 to help with coun ng the popula on of the United States. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first general-purpose computer, which began opera on in 1946 and was programmed by a team of six female operators, should also be men oned in this context.
Can you tell me something about the first computers?
There’s no machine that we can point to and say “here is the first computer.” It was more of an evolu on of advanced machines into something that eventually resembles the computers we have today. In 1801, Joseph Maria Jacquard invented a loom that used punch cards made of wood to create fabric designs automa cally. Technically, this was programming—a pre-made set of instruc ons changed into a “machine language” that tells a machine what to do. However, this machine wasn’t doing any compu ng, simply weaving cloth. Later, during World War II, machines were used to encode secret messages. These machines used gears that would align with symbols to create a coded text from regular or “plaintext” messages. Breaking those codes required actual compu ng power. The Turing machine was able to take in encrypted messages, process them, and output an answer. However, his machine had no keyboard or monitor, let alone a mouse.
What is a language?
We can dis nguish between natural languages and programming languages. A natural language is used for communica on between humans, while a programming language is used for communica on between humans and machines. With a programming language, an algorithm can be described in such a way that a computer is able to execute the program/algorithm.
What is a language?
We can dis nguish between natural languages and programming languages. A natural language is used for communica on between humans, while a programming language is used for communica on between humans and machines. With a programming language, an algorithm can be described in such a way that a computer is able to execute the program/algorithm.
What is syntax?
Syntax is the set of rules that govern how a language is used. In programming, syntax refers to the correct usage and ordering of words and symbols in a program. If they are not in the correct order, the program will not work. Just like the words in an English sentence, programming instruc ons only make sense in the correct order; otherwise, it is just a jumble. If you took the words of this sentence and put them in a random order, it would ignore proper syntax and make li le sense. Syntax also includes rules for when certain symbols can be used, similar to English rules for where punctua on can go in a sentence.
What is an applica on?
An applica on (app) is a computer program that performs a specific task. For example, Microso Word is an applica on that allows users to create and edit documents. Applica ons are usually designed for a specific purpose, such as word processing or playing games.
What is an opera ng system?
An opera ng system (OS) is the first so ware loaded into the RAM during the boot process. An OS is essen al for a computer to func on (assuming a standard personal computer). Examples include Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This so ware provides three fundamental func ons for the computer: 1. Provide an interface 2. Control hardware 3. Run applica ons. An interface is required so a human being can interact with a computer. The hardware in a computer system would sit, dormant, without the OS to give it instruc ons. Applica ons need an opera ng system to run. They are a second layer of func onality.
What is so ware?
So ware is a set of instruc ons that tell a computer what to do. It takes the form of either an opera ng system or an applica on. The OS provides basic func onality including an interface, while applica ons (apps) are available to perform specific tasks such as word processing, games, or even controlling robots.
What is so ware?
So ware is a set of instruc ons that tell a computer what to do. It takes the form of either an opera ng system or an applica on. The OS provides basic func onality including an interface, while applica ons (apps) are available to perform specific tasks such as word processing, games, or even controlling robots.
What does an opera ng system provide to interact with the user?
An opera ng system provides an interface to interact with the user. Nowadays an opera ng system typically provides a graphical user interface (GUI): This interface uses graphical elements such as icons, menus, and windows to allow users to interact with the system. Another interface would be a touch interface (users can interact with the system by using their fingers) or a speech interface.
What are differences between the opera ng systems Mac and Windows?
Two of the differences are: Mac OS is designed to run exclusively on Apple hardware, while Windows can run on a variety of different hardware pla orms. Mac OS uses APFS as file system and Windows uses NTFS as file system.
Does an array take more space than a stack?
Typically, an array does not take up more space in memory than a stack. A stack can be implemented internally as an array or a linked list. If you want to store 100 elements in an array, and the array size is exactly 100, then a stack that is implemented with a linked list requires more space because every element is linked to the other elements using an addi onal pointer. However, if you have 100 elements, and the array size is 200, for example, then a stack (internally implemented with a linked list) may require less space.
Where is a linked list used?
A linked list is a flexible data structure. Each element in a linked list is linked via a pointer to the next element. A linked list hasn’t got a fixed size and elements can be inserted easily in the middle of the list. For example, if you were tracking the number of people who have visited your website over me, you could use a linked list to store each visitor’s IP address and mestamp.