Master Flashcards
What must happen when scheduled maintenance is not accomplished?
A check note entry is annotated
What are maintenance requirements where all or part of the related MRC is performed when specific conditions are present or not met on the referencing MRC?
Conditional related maintenance
When does the 2nd check sign a tag?
After the 1st person signs a tag, 2nd person independently verifies the correct position and location of all tags
As a qualified maintenance person, what do you do upon completion of preventive maintenance?
immediately inform the WCS of completion or issues, and Sign the accountability log if maintenance action was completed
The work center supervisor can make pen and ink changes to which block on the MRC
Tools and materials
What actions do you take if you notice a hanging tag is missing, damaged or hanging from the wrong piece of equipment?
Notify WCS, Authorizing Officer and WC responsible
What is status ‘II” IEM
-Euipment subject to corrective maintenance or removal for safe storage
-Temporarily transferred to another activity for maintenance responsibility
-When system o rcomponent are scheudled for replacement
Where would you verify your MIP
Against the LOEP
What does the acronym LGL stand for?
Location Guide List
Who is responsible for effective operation of 3M within their department?
Department Head
When is it required to submit a FBR?
- MIP Changes
- MRC Changes
- New equipment
- Equipment alteration
- Split MIP
- Shift PMS responsibility
- MIP Deletion
What information is listed on a LGL?
Name/nomenclature, Serial number, and location
Who is responsible to review, approve and initial non-applicable procedural steps that are lined out?
What is the purpose of a Location Guide List (LGL)
Used with a controlling MRC when the MRC applies to a number of identical pieces of equipment
What are the steps to applying ORM
Identify hazards, assess hazards, make risk decisions, implement controls, and supervise
What is required when HAZMAT is transferred from the primary container to a secondary container?
A lable has to be attached
What are the different lables used in the Intrument Log and what colors are they?
OOC - Red
Out of Cal - Orange
What doe sthe “Schedule” display provide?
list of all the maintenance actions that should be perofrmed for a given week and shows all the equipment details, man-hour, crew assignment, and maintenance requirement description
What system is used to schedule and track preventive maintenance?
What are the types of tags used in the tag out system and what colors are they?
- DANGER - Red
- CAUTION - Yellow
How often are tag out audits performed if ship is in overhaul, conversion, or restricted abailability
Which document contain information on HAZMAT’s physical data, melting point, boiling point, flash point, toxicity, health effects, and first aid?
Who are the 3MCs, 3MO and command 3MA onboard
3MO - LCDR Curry
3MCM - EMCM Edjan
3MC - ETC Harris, EMC Wilkins, and EMC Devinney
3MA - OS2 Carcamo
What is a LIRs?
Line Items Record Sheet
When Daily(D) and Situational checks (R) are not accomplished they become ______ checks?
Who is the ship’s 3M Manager
Who is reponsible for sustainning the shipboard 3M program?
Who reviews and acknowledges PMS alerts?
Who review MRCs and promptly submits a PMS TFBR, whenever maintenance requirements are not fully understood and errors exist?
Work Center Supervisor
How do you perform a tag out audit?
Check all outstanding tags on each TORS for correct posting
Who prepares the “Weekly” schedule?
Work Center Supervisor
A Maintenance Personse shoud notify the WCS when which sitautions occur?
Any doubt exists about capability, traininig or expereince to properly perform the maintenance requirement
What periodicty is 2M-1
Every 2nd month
What perodicity is 2D
Every 2nd day
What periodicity is S
B9 in SYSCOM Contorl number B9 4FCD Y indicates what?
date code meaning November 0f 2019
What periodcity is W-1
What does the peridocity code Q-9R mean?
Once a quarter, or when required, whichever comes first
What peridocity is 9M?
Every 9th month
B4 4FCD Y indicates what?
MRC SYSCOM Contorl Number
What is OMMS-NG used for?
used for corrective maintenance
What does the ‘Y’ or ‘N’ in the MRC SYSCOM Contorl Number?
parts required or not required
Which symbol following a peridoicity code indicates that the procedure is intended to be scheduled andperformed by Off-Ship Maintenance Personnel?
What does the MY TASKS/TASKS display provide?
-provides a quick way for the MP to view MRCs, spotchecks, and/or SMA checks assigned to them
-quick way to immediatly sign for completion of those tasks
The rate block of an MRC is the receommned skill level needed to complete those maintenance requirements
How often are tag out audits normally performed
- Every two weeks, conducted by Department Head
Which statement applies to damage to equipment, if not correctly followed?
What does it mean if the SYSCOM Contorl Number at the bottom right of th eMRC is shown with brackets ‘[ ]’ around it?
MRC was printed from the PMS Viewer tab and should not be used due to potential loss of custom line-outs
A piece of equipment that will not be operated for a least how many days may be placed in IEM
7 days
Who is overall responsible for the 3M program?
Which safety precaution applies to death or injury
What are the four checks related to an equipment in IEM
To replace missing/mutilated MRC and LGL, what tab in SKED is provided solely for printing specific MRC’s
PMS Documents
The SPIN used in conjunction with the _______ to validate tools, parts, and materials
How do you validate an MRC
MRC > MIP > LOEP > Change Page
What symbol indicates a lost check
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: B11
What is the purpose of the Instrument Log?
- The control doucment for administering labels.
- Provides sequential listing of all OOC and Cal instruments
What is ORM
Operational Risk Management
What periodicity is Q-1
What publication should be used by work center personnel to cross-reference the proper tools and materials for PMS
What type of tag would be used as a precautionary measure to provide temporary special instruction or to indicate that unusual action must be exercised to operate equipment?
What is listed in the LOEP
All applicable maintenance for that work center
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: B5
Sign conservation
What is a JSN
Job Sequence Number; 4-digit number assigned by the work center to the maintenance action
What type of tags prohibits the operation or removal of equipment that could jeopardize safety of perosnnel or endanger equipment?
Danger tags
What is the meaning of SPMIG
Standard PMS Materials Identification Guide
Can you operate a valve that has red tag on it that says the position is ‘Shut’?
What block details the sequence of steps to be followed in peforming the maintenance action?
What is the purpose of the tag-out program
- provide perosnnel and ship safety and prevent damage to equipment
- prevent improper operation of an equipment
provide special procedure prior to operating an equipment
Who is your D3MA
FCC Ortega
What is “Gun Decking”
Intentional falsification of records
What is a SDS?
Safety Data Sheet
What program is used to conduct tag-outs and tag-out audits?
What does MRC stand for?
Maintenance Requirement Card
Which block of the MRC, detailing a listing of those precautions and references, directs attention to hazards to personnel while doing maintenance
Safety Precaution
What is an IEM?
Inactive Equipment Maintenance
What is the 3M manual?
On which PMS schedule would you find “2D” listed?
Common safety chapters when conducting maintenance: B7/C9
Electrical/Electronic safety
Who assigns spot checks within the department
What periodicity is 2W
Every 2nd week
What do the last two numbers on the SYSCOM MIP control number represent
Month and Year MIP was prepared
Who conducts an oral board for 3M 301
Who assigns zone inspectors within the department?
When is the double-barrier isolation required for mechanical systems?
- high temperature; 200F or more
- High pressure 1000 psi or greater
- All sea connected systems except lines less than 1/3 inch inboard of the backup valves
- All hull penetrations below the anticipated waterline
- Fluids with flash point below 200F
- Oxygen
- Hazardous toxic vapor
What does the letter ‘C’ or ‘A’ to the left of the MIPS on the LOEP indicate?
It indicates Change or Addition to MIP respectively
What does the “R” stand for in M-1R
Situation code
Who is responsible for effective operation of 3M within their division?
How long is 0.1 man-hours?
6 minutes
What is/are responsibilities of the maintenance person?
Perform assigned scheduled maintenance
What manual covers all things Hazmat related
NSTM 670
What periodicity is 3W
Every 3rd week
List the sections of the Tag out Log
- Tag-out Index
- Record of Audits
- TORSs (active and cleared)
- Instrument Log
You are performing a maintenance action and cannot complete a step on the procedures, what if any is the most correct statement for reporting status of maintenance action?
Stop the PMS and notify WCS for clarification
What symbol indicates a checknote
Blue folder with a red cross
Which category of IEM is accomplished when placing an equipment in IEM
Lay-up Maintenance
What symbol indicates a Safety of Ship item?
How long is 1.1 man-hours
1 hour and 6 minutes
Who is responsible for effective operation of 3M within their work center?
What manual is used for Tag-out procedures
Tag-out Users Manual
If you discover inaccurate data on an MRC you should?
-Inform your WCS of the discrepancy
-Submit a PMS Feedback Report
What do you do once you have completed a PMS check?
Notify WCS, report any discrepancies and sign if off in SKED0
What is another name for LOEP
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: B12
An ‘X’ on the Quarterly schedule means
Action fully accomplished
4FCD in SYSCOM Control Number B4 4FCD Y indicates waht?
The library code
What is the LIRs?
Necessary information required for isolating equipment for work including a list of required tags and verifying singatures
Which category of IEM is accomplished on a recurring basis during the inactive period to prevent equipment deterioration?
Periodic Maintenance
What is the HMUG
Hazardous Materials Users Guide
Who can initiate a FBR
Anyone within the chain of command
What system is used to track corrective maintenance?
What is the purpose of the MRC
provide step-by-step procedures to effectively perform PMS
What does MIP stand for?
Maintenance Index Page
Classified MRCs are printed on what color paper?
Pink paper
What is periodicity is M-2
When is the double-barrier isolation required for electrical systems?
Breakers with remote operating capabilities shall be tagged both at the breaker and at all remote operating stations
Who conducts weekly close-outs?
What is the purpose of a tag out audit?
to ensure active tags are hung in the correct location, position and inactive tags are not still in place
What is FBR? What is it used for?
-Feedback Reports
- used to identify problems with the PMS documentation or to request the addition or deletion of PMS coverage
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: B4
Hearing conservation
Who deteremines the maintenance workload of their personnel for a given week or quarter utilizing the forecasting report?
Work Center Supervisor
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: B6
Respiratory protection
What symbol is used to mark a check complete
What is the minimum required isolation for eletrical systems?
Requires only a single isolation point in each conductor path
The WCS cannot substitute what?
specific or specialty tools called out by description
Which symbol following a peridocity code indicates that the procesure is intended to be scheduled an performed by either Ship’s Force or Off-Ship Maintenance Perosnnel
If multiple maintenance persons are assigned to a single maintenance action who signs for the completion of the maintenance?
The most senior maitnenance person
When conducting maintenance and there’ sonly one piece of equipment of its kind and no LGL, where can you find the equipment information?
Front page, top left of the MRC
When is equipemnt placed in IEM?
When a piece of equipement or system is intentionally placed in a hibernated state for a specific period with the intenion of reactivating that quipment or system at the end of the period
What symbol indicates mandatory related maintenance?
What does OMMS-NG stand for?
Organizational Maintenance Management System - Next Generation
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: C1
Basic safety
What are you looking for when verifying MIP to LOEP
Make sure the MIP SYSCOM contorl number on the MIP matches whats on the LOEP
How do you validate a piece of equipment
using the Equipment Validation sheet, verify serial number, lcoation, name plate data.
What are you looking for when verifying MRC to MIP
ensure MRC and MIP SYSCOM Control Number on the MRC match whats on the MIP
What is the local 3M instructions?
CVN70INST 4790.2J
What periodicity is D-1
What periodicity is M-1
What does LOEP stand for
List of effective pages
Who is reponsible for the administration of their cognizant tag-out log?
Authorizing Officer
Common safety charpters when conducting maintenance: C8
Working over the side/aloft
What are you looking for when verifying LEOP to Change Page
Make sure ‘Date of Change’ and the ‘Date Entered’ match
Who is repsonsible for providing training to departmental personnel and managing departmental 3M qualification?
What are the two types of Maintenance actions?
Preventive and Corrective
Which category of IEM is accomplished when taking equipment out of IEM?
Start-Up maintenance
What symbol indicates an N/A check
Circle with slash
What is Status ‘I’ IEM
-Equipment not scheduled for corrective maintenance or overhaul
-Equipment remain onboard
-Will be inactive during extended period of time
What is the number assigned to Tools, Parts, Material, and Test Equipment
In the 43P1, 5000/005-A7 indicates what page and what are the series of numbers called?
SYSCOM MIP Contorl Number
What is an electronic file that groups test equipment by function or capability?
Which response best describe the work center PMS manual
reflects that portion of the PMS Master file that is applicable to a particular work center
Who is responsible for reviewing the CSMP? How often?
What kind of information does the HMUG contain
Control measures, precautions, PPE, and spill controls for HAZMAT
What are the non-calendar Periodicity codes
R - Situational requirements
U - Unscheduled maintenance
AP - Assessment Procedure
LU - Lay-up
SU - Start-up
What are maintenance requirements that must be accomplished concurrently with another maintenance requirement
Mandatory related maintenance