Market structures Flashcards
What are efficiencies?
Concerned with how well resources, like time, materials or talents are used
What is static efficiency?
When resources are allocated efficiently at a point of time (short run efficiency)
Different types:
- Productive
- Allocative
What is dynamic efficiency?
When resources are allocated efficiently overtime
Via innovation
The more innovation, the more dynamically efficient a firm is
What is productive efficiency?
When production is achieved at it’s lowest cost
So produces at bottom of AC curve
Only exists where there is technical efficiency
Occurs when firm operates on PPF curve
What is technical efficiency?
When a given level of output is produced with the min number of inputs
Or max output is produced with a given quantity of input
Has to be technical efficiency when productive efficiency is present
- as its the cheapest way to produce
However, not all technically efficient outputs are productively efficient
E.g may be cheaper to produce output with a machines with 2 workers instead of 9 workers
What’s allocative efficiency?
(economic efficiency)
Measures whether resources are allocated to those who demand them
When the scarce resources are used t produce a bundle of goods that satisfies the consumer and maximises welfare
Where supply = demand
MC (supply) = AR / P (demand)
P = MC
What’s X-inefficiency?
(organisable slack)
Specific type of productive inefficiency
Where a firm fails to minimise it’s avg costs at a given level of output
So they don’t work on the curve AC
They work above it
What’s perfect competition?
- Buyers and sellers must be small enough to not influence the price
- Freedom to entry / exit
- Buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge of prices
- All firms produce homogeneous products
AR curve is perfectly elastic
- as a price increase will loose all sellers
so D = AR = MR as a straight horizontal line
Their MC curve is their supply curve
- as they are price takers
In the long run, firms all join as no barriers and removes profits
So theres no profit in long run
Productively efficient
Allocatively efficient
Dynamically inefficient
What’s monopolistic competition?
The same as perfect competition, but sells non-homogeneous products instead
Can increase prices without loosing all customers
- so have downwards sloping AR and MR, but demand is elastic
- not a price taker, but have weak market power
Can make abnormal profits in short run
Can’t in long run, as competition makes AC=AR
Allocatively inefficient
Productively inefficicnet
Dynamically inefficient
What’s an oligopoly?
- Few large sellers dominate the market
- Barriers to entry/exit are high
- Buyers and sellers have imperfect knowledge of prices and competitors’ actions
- Firms produce non-homogeneous products
Firms are interdependent
- an action from a firm affects others
Firms are price makers and adjust quantity based on strategic interaction with competitors
In the long run, firms can earn abnormal profits due to barriers to entry preventing new competitors from joining
Productively inefficient
Allocatively inefficient
Dynamically efficient
What’s collusion?
There’s a very strong incentive for oligopolistic firms to collude
Meaning they make agreements among themselves to restrict competition and maximise benefits
There’s different types of collusion?
- Formal collusion
- Tacit / informal collusion
What’s formal collusion?
Where firms make agreements to limit competition
Typically changing prices and output
Different types:
Price agreements
- where they fix prices, maybe low, to ensure other firms can’t compete
- more ‘formal’ than formal
- regular meetings, agreements must be met, no cheating
What’s overt vs covert collusion?
Overt = formal collusion that’s open for everyone to see
Covert = hidden away from legal authorities
Most collusion today is covert
What’s Tacit / informal collusion?
Collusion but no formal agreements about co-operating together
Just monitor each other closely
Could do through price leadership
- where one firm sets a price (often big firm) then smaller firms follow
Game theory
Analysis of situations of groups being made interdependent
may not trust each other, but will be benefits if both of them work together.
- but a bigger reward if they betray, but if both betray, they both get bad