Financial Statements And Standards Flashcards
What is the fundamental of accounting?
Accounting is the process of maintaining financial record records of a businesses transactions
What are the two main aspects of accounting?
Recording transactions
Summarising transactions
How is accounting Used internally and externally?
It’s used to monitor performance, plan for the future and make decisions
Is presented to different users . You need to prep and present standardised and regulated reports.
Who are the users of the financial statements?
- Shareholders
- Investors
- The public
- Lenders
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Competitors
- Management
- Employees
- Government
Financial accounting versus management accounting
Financial accounting
Focuses on financial statements of reporting the financial performance of the business
Management accounting
Provides the management team with information and support to enable them to affectively run the business
For entities following IFRS, which statements need to be produced
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income
- Statement of changes in equity
- Statement of cash flows
- notes including significant accounting policies and other explanatory information
Comparative information for previous periods is also required
What is an asset?
It is a resource of physical object used by the business to generate income
What is a liability?
Amount owed by a business to external entities
What is equity?
Equity can come from two sources
- Share capital.
The amount invested into the business by the owners fund operations - Retained earnings.
The cumulative net earnings/profit of an entity less any distribution or dividends paid to the owner
What is the accounting equation?
Assets = liability + equity
What is a ledger account?
I record that stores transactions and represents a specific asset liability or equity item revenue type or expense type
The general ledger is the complete record of all financial transactions in a company
These are shown as T accounts
This shows the sides of a T account
Debit side
- Assets
- Expenses
- drawings (reductions to equity)
Credit side
- Liabilities
- Income
- Capital
This means the types on the debit side you would need to debit to increase and the types on the credit side you would need to credit to increase
What is the 8 parts of conceptual framework?
The framework provides guidance to all preparers and users of financial statements. It was put together in 2018.
- The objective of general purpose financial reporting.
- Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information.
- Financial statements and reporting entity.
- The elements of financial statements.
- Recognition and recognition.
- Measurement.
- Presentation and disclosure.
- Concepts of capital and capital maintenance
Types of grouped financial reports
Parent and subsidiary is called consolidated
Parent alone is called unconsolidated
Two or more entities not linked by a parent is called combined
What is recognition?
It is the process of capturing items for inclusion in one of the financial statements. It should be captured by its carrying amount.
In order to be recognised, the following criteria should be satisfied :
- It makes the definition of an element in the financial statement
- it provides relevant information regarding the particular element
- It provides faithful representation of the particular element
What is derecognition?
It is the removal of all or a part of a recognised asset or liability from an entity statement of financial position. This would normally happen because:
Asset - the entity loses control of all part of it
Liability - the entity no longer has a present obligation
It could also be if they have been expired, consumed collected, fulfilled or transferred
What is measurement in the conceptual framework?
There are two measurements allowed by IFRS and these are historical cost or current value
Historical cost
The price paid for the asset or liability
Current value
The value at the measurement date . This could be:
- Fair value (Price if sold in the current market)
- Value in use (present value of future cash flows)
- Current cost ( the cost of buying the equivalent asset on the measurement date)
Financial versus physical concept capital
Financial concept of capital is the same as the assets or equity of entity
Physical concept of capital is the productive capacity of the entity
What is IAS 16?
It is an accounting standard focusing on property plant and equipment that are:
- Held by an entity for use in production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for administrative purposes
- are expected to be used during more than one accounting period
These are all non-current tangible assets.
In accordance to IAS 16 when should an asset be initially recognised?
It should be recognised if:
- It is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the items will flow to the entity
- The cost of the item can be measured reliably
In accordance to IAS 16, what can be recognised?
- purchase price
- Directly attributable cost bringing the asset to its current current location and condition
Initial estimate for dismantling, removing and restoring the site whether there is an obligation to do so
What are the 2 ways to treat subsequent measurement?
Cost model
Cost of asset - accumulated depreciation - accumulated impairment losses
Revaluation model
Fair value - accumulated depreciation - accumulated impairment losses
What is depreciation?
The systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life
What is the depreciable amount?
Cost of an asset - it’s residual value