Exam Review Flashcards
Continental Climate
areas far from an ocean. The annual temperature range is large and precipitation is low.
Maritime Climate
climates in areas near an ocean. The annual temperature range (summer to winter) is small and precipitation is high.
What is Geography
It is the science that tries to understand how the Earth works and how humans change it.
What are the 3 main questions in Geography
What is Where? Why There and Why Care?
How does relief precipitation occur?
Places on the windward side (the side facing the wind) get substantially more rain and snow than places on the leeward side (the opposite side, away from the wind’s direction)
Primary Industry
An industry that focuses on producing/extracting natural resources. (agriculture, mining, fishing, etc.)
Secondary Industry
An industry that focuses on making things using products from primary industries. (manufacturing, construction, etc.)
Tertiary Industry
An industry that focuses on providing services. It includes “everything else” that is not included in the primary and secondary industries.
What are the three main Canadian regions?
The Canadian Shield, The Lowlands and Highlands
Push Factor
a reason that encourages people to move away from their current country
Pull Factor
a reason that makes a particular country seem attractive to potential immigrants
Renewable Resources
resources that can be regenerated if used carefully
Non-Renewable Resources
resources that are limited and cannot be replaced once they are used up
Residential Land Use
Land that is used to provide for residents.
Transportation Land Use
Land that is used to make vehicles easily move from one place to another
Open space and recreational land use
Land that is publicly owned for recreational uses
Industrial Land Uses
Land that focuses on manufacturing products
Commercial Land Uses
Land that is used for goods and services for financial profit
Intensive Farming
Involves relatively small land, Involves a large amount of labor, and is located near urban areas and produces dairy products
Extensive Farming
Involves a large amount of land, Involves a small amount of labor, Produces products such as wheat and cooking oil
What is Urbanization
it is the percentage growth of a country’s population that lives in cities and towns
What is Urban Growth
growth in the number of people who live in cities and towns
What is Urban Sprawl
uncontrolled expansion of cities onto nearby rural lands
Differences between immigrants and refugees
An immigrant is a person who chooses to settle permanently in another country. Refugees are forced to flee.
How to find the doubling time
Divide 70 by the annual growth rate
What is Dependency load
the percentage of the population that is non-working.
renewable resources
Resources can be regenerated if used carefully
non- renewable resources
resources that are limited and cannot be replaced once they are used up
flow resources
resources that are replaced by natural actions and must be used when and where they occur or be lost
other resources
resources that do not fit into the other three categories
Why are mountains that are formed by the same processes look different?
factors like rock type, tectonic activity, climate, and erosion can affect the shape and appearance of mountains.
Why do people migrate to Canada?
The main reasons are better job opportunities, safety, and access to healthcare and education. Many people settle in Vancouver or Toronto, hoping to find better economic opportunities.
How does sedimentary rock turn into metamorphic rock?
sedimentary rock turns into metamorphic rock through heat and pressure
How do all rocks turn into magma
they turn into magma by melting
How do igneous rocks turn into metamorphic rocks
Igneous rocks turn into metamorphic rocks by heating and pressure
how do all rocks turn into sediment
they turn into sediment by weathering, erosion, and deposition
What is Latitude
The closer you are to the equator, the warmer it gets. As latitude increases, the temperature decreases
What do Ocean currents do?
The temperature of an ocean affects the air passing through it.
Winds, air masses and jet streams
It is when the direction and strength of winds can affect temperature. They are categorized by moisture and temperature.
As the elevation increases, the temperature decreases. This is due to the air’s density lowering at high altitudes due to gravity.
the set of geographic features present on the surface of the Earth
Near Water
Bodies of water have a moderating effect on land temperatures because they heat up and cool down much slower than land.