4.3 Energy Security Flashcards
What is energy security?
Energy Security exists when a country is able to meet all of its energy needs reliably and preferably from within its own borders. The number of countries which enjoy energy security is quite small. It is important so people can have access to energy at all times in the event of emergencies and it also allows for businesses and infrastructure to be maintained.
How does energy demand and production vary globally?
- More developed countries generally have a higher energy demands since they can afford more services which require lots of energy such as air travel.
- Countries with higher populations generally have higher energy demands since more people will own cars which require petrol to fuel and more people are using appliances in their houses which requires more energy
- Technological advances: New products are created which have higher energy demands therefore countries with access to these will have higher energy demands. However technological advances can also make things more efficient and use less energy therefore there will be a lower energy demand.
- Generally countries which demand more energy will produce more energy to suffice that demand
- Countries which have access to resources that are crucial for energy production such as oil, coal and gas also produce more energy. Similarly with renewables, if a country has more access to sunlight, wind or geothermal power they will often produce more energy.
Name all renewable and non renewable energy sources.
Renewable (infinite):
- Wind
- Solar
- Geothermal
- Tidal
- Wave
- Hydroelectric
- Biomass
Non Renewable (finite):
- Coal
- Oil
- Gas
- Nuclear
- Shale oil/gas
Name the advantages if these energy sources for people and the environment.
Wind - Can be utilised basically everywhere. It is carbon neutral and infinite.
Solar - Can be utilised basically everywhere. It is carbon neutral and infinite. Efficient.
Geothermal - Reliable energy output and operating cost is relatively low.
Hydroelectric - Can give a consistent and large power output. Renewable and carbon neutral.
Biomass - Widely available for countries such as LIC’s. Easily stored.
Coal - Large supply, cheap cost, new mines are mechanised, reliable.
Oil - Easy to transport, efficient, less polluting than coal.
Gas - Efficient, cleanest fossil fuel easy to transport.
Nuclear - Carbon neutral, efficient, produces lots of energy for its maintenance cost.
Shale oil/gas - Efficient, easily stored and transported.
Name the disadvantages if these energy sources for people and the environment.
Wind - Some people think it is an eyesore. Intermittent supply.
Solar - Requires a very large area. Only available during the day.
Geothermal - Only easily accessible in some areas of the world.
Hydroelectric - Damages environment when flooding reservoir. Concrete used to make is bad for environment. Not available everywhere.
Biomass - Some pollution, inefficient, waste can’t be recycled
Coal - Very polluting and main contributor of acid rain. Produces greenhouse gases. Large producer of soot and particulate matter if electrostatic precipitator is not used- major cause of respiratory problems.
Oil - Still polluting, low reserves, danger of contamination (niger delta) from spills, explosive.
Gas - Explosive, some air pollution,
Nuclear - High start up cost, risk of meltdowns, nuclear waste is difficult to store.
Shale oil/gas - Uses lots of water to extract, that water is then polluted, harmful to environment as well.
How can energy be managed sustainably?
Efficiency - If products become more efficient therefore they will use less energy so there will be a lower energy demand
Education - If people are educated on how to conserve energy and the impacts that fossil fuels have on the environment and global warming will make people more inclined to switch to renewable resources
Conservation - Promoting the conservation of energy will make people more sparing with energy such as turning off lights, using public transport, better insulating houses and adopting a more renewable lifestyle to decrease their overall carbon footprint.