Door Pitch Using the PKQ Method (Memorize This Verbatim!) Flashcards
If HO does any of the following:
- Cracks opens the door & you only see their eye 👁️
- Only opens the door halfway where you can’t see their full body or face
- If they stand behind the screen….
Do we start pitching them?
NO. DO NOT pitch someone who is hiding behind the door, using it as a “guard” between you and them.
You MUST draw them outside FIRST and get them to cooperate so that you know you hold the authority & control. These types of people are especially guarded compared to the rest.
If HO does either of these and Cooperates:
- Opens the door entirely and stands in the doorway
- If they walk out onto doorstep and shut the door behind them….
Do we pitch them?
YES. They are cooperating off the bat, and you have them in front of you where you can be viewed as the authority because you are supposed to be there. These types of people are demonstrating that they aren’t as guarded and are more okay with you being on their doorstep.
When they’re using the door as a guard between you and them:
How do we draw them onto the doorstep if they are hiding? What do we say?
Hi there! I’m JP. I’m supposed to be here to update you on the changes in electricity going on in your neighborhood this week. Only takes 2 mins to update you..Can you pop out here real quick? 2 mins and I’ll be out of your hair in no time. Can you pop out here just quickly?
Say this over and over and over until they come outside or tell you to F off.
If they don’t cooperate: I pretend I can’t hear them and I say “I’m sorry i can’t hear you at all, can you pop out here real quick?
HO opens the door and says “who are you? Can I help you with something ?”
What do you say first?
Hi! How are you?
How is your day going?
HO: I’m fine, how are you?
Respond depending on weather:
1. I’m doing good! Trying to stay out of the heat and keep the bugs off of me, you know how it is right now lol
- (on cloudy days) look up and say, “I’m doing good! Looks like it’s about to rain though… so I can’t stay long”
- Oh you know…trying to stay out of trouble!
HO: Yes, I know it’s hot / I know it’s about to rain
How can I help you?
You must be … you must be the king / queen of the castle, I assume??
Notes: (I personally have never been a fan of name dropping - “you must be John”?
-I have found ppl feel vulnerable as to how you know their name and if they say NO I’m not John, now the rep has to overcome a potential hurdle.
When using king/queen; they usually laugh or shrug their shoulders “man idk if I’m the King but I’m something, I mean I am the HO”
HO: Well idk if I’m the King / Queen. But I am the homeowner,
Great! I’m JP. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
HO: Nice to meet you. Why are you here though?
Yep. I’ll be really quick (name they just told you).
Point to roof. Look up. And pause.
“I was just curious..are you… are you selling the home??”
HO: What? No I’m not selling.
Repeat the question again (always repeat the selling question a second time)
Okay. Not selling at all?
HO: No I’m not selling! And I’m not selling for a LONG time either.
Asking the “Selling Question” before we start pitching does several things in our favor:
- They think you want to buy the house lol (now its hard for them to assume you’re solar and yell at you in the first 5s)
- They are confused because no D2D guy has ever asked if they are selling. (By confusing them, we have broken them out of their normal routine of kicking every salesman of the doorstep without listening first)
- If they say “no I’m not selling” then they have just told you they are in fact the HO and not RENTERS.
- If they say “no im not selling the home because I actually “RENT” (I tend to believe they are actually renting and not lying to get us to go away)
- By telling you they aren’t selling the home. They can’t give you the smokescreen after you ask for biz in 3 mins and they tell you “I’d love to see free info but I’m actually selling”
We got em 😏
HO: No I’m not selling! And I’m not selling for a LONG time either.
who, what, why:
Great. Well I’m JP, as you can see from my shirt I work for Lumio. I’m Supposed to be here to update you on the changes in electricity…going on, on your street this week.. you might see some of our vans and trucks driving around… reason for that is a lot of your neighbors have been pretty upset with FPL’s RATE INCREASES.
Tell me… what do you know about those RATE INCREASES up until this point?
HO: what do I know about the rate increases? “This and that” rates are high.
That’s exactly why I’m here.
Now, I’ve updated enough of your neighbors here so far to learn that… many of them are moving in or out of the neighborhood often because they are military, and some people own real estate to rent out as vacation homes.
Just so that I’m caught up to speed.. how long have you been in the home using FPL for?
HO: I’ve been in the home for 6yrs.
(Doesn’t matter how long they say)
Wow. Okay great. So you’ve been here for XYZ months or XYZ years,
This is a beautiful home.
Just so that I have a visual..
What do you typically pay for power here?
Like, what did you pay…say.. idk last month for example?
HO: It’s not bad. Probably around $250
No matter what $$ amount they say. Respond and act confused so they feel their bill is out of the norm.
$250? Hmm… do you .. have a pool in the backyard and that’s what’s causing your bill raise to $250?
Whether they have a pool or not:
Okay so no pool.
Okay so you do have a pool!
Follow their answer with:
Do you have the Brady bunch living with you? Big family inside? Causing the bill to climb that high?
Yes I have a family.
Gotcha. Makes sense.
Okay so tell me “name”
Paying $250 month after month after month…
I don’t think I have to ask this but how does it make you feel… to pay $250 for power each month?
it sucks
Or -
it’s not bad, I like paying it
(Time to build hurt, do not skip this!)
Well that’s exactly why I’m here.
Let me ask you this..
If you could pay less than $250 like you mentioned you’re paying now,
Like if you could pay less … on all of your household bills …
Would that be beneficial to you as a homeowner??
HO: well, obviously. Who wouldn’t want that?
(Meat and Taters)
Calmly say:
Yea. That’s exactly why I’m here.
Slick them, get close..
We have this program called Net Metering. Now John, this might not be for you.. it might not.
But just so you’re aware.. with Net Metering we can POTENTIALLY… eliminate that high $250 you mentioned you’re paying to FPL..
And ELIMINATE it down to zero (basically you won’t pay FPL for electricity anymore)
And instead, we replace that with a lower, fixed solar bill.
HO: Solar?!
Yep. Solar. But I’m not here to suggest that you go solar today..
Because What IM doing here today is a little bit different. And it might not be for you..
All this is - is a bill swap
Now John, I am NOT claiming Solar is free.
Nothing in life is free right?
Simply put, what you’re paying now @$250.. you could potentially pay less than that …
and it cost you nothing out of pocket to get you there, like zero dollars down and no install costs etc
HO: I don’t want to buy solar, I’m not interested .
Yep. I’m not here for that.
I am getting way ahead of myself because I am NOT here to suggest that you go solar. Don’t even know if it could work on your roof to be frank..
What I’m doing today is a little bit different..