Discovery (civil Litigation) Flashcards
Once answer to claim has been filed, most civil claims allow _
Discovery is designed to allow each party to ask the other party what _
They know about the claim that was asserted
Discovery is designed to allow each party to ask the other party who _
Any relevant witnesses may be
Discovery is designed to allow each party to ask the other party to _
Identify any relevant documents
Discovery may come in several different _
Discovery may come in the form of _
Written interrogatories
Written interrogatories consists of _
Written questions that either party may send to another
The questions in the written interrogatories have to be answered by _
Discovery may also request _
Documents and inspection
Documents and inspections is seeking to see _
Documents and possessions of other party
Request for admissions is written statements other party is required to either _ (2)
Purpose of requests for admission is to narrow issues of contention so _
Each party knows what they are fighting over
May also be _
A deposition is an oral examination that is conducted in the presence of _
A court reporter
Purpose of deposition is to orally examine other party/witness so
No surprise at trial
Discovery process gives each party ample opportunity to discover _ of other party (2)
Discovering claims/defenses of other party let’s each party know _
What party intends to present at trial