What is the difference between an order of cost estimate and a cost plan?
- A cost estimate is prepared earlier on in the design process typically between RIBA Work Stages 0 to Stage 2.
- Estimates prepared with more limited design information i.e. £/m2 or £/functional unit.
- Cost plans are prepared from RIBA Stage 2 onwards. As design progresses estimated costs are broken elementally into each of its component’s parts.
What is the difference between cost and price?
- The cost is the total cost of labour, plant, materials and management deployed for a specific activity.
- The price is the amount a purchaser or client will pay for an item or product and is made up of the cost plus the main contractor’s profit margin.
How do you proceed if the cost plan exceeds the project budget?
- I would analyse the costs to assess the source of the increase and identify whether any element of work is abnormally high against the order of cost estimate.
- Once identified, I would then propose VE options to my client and design team to bring the forecast back in line with the project budget.
What is buildability?
- The ease and efficiency with which a design can be constructed.
What are the advantages of buildability?
- Buildability can result in better programming, sequencing and construction methods.
What is a wall to floor ratio?
- The relationship between the wall area and floor area.
- Used to show the cost efficiency of the building.
How would you prepare an estimate for M&E works?
- I would ask an M&E specialist surveyor to undertake the estimate.
- For feasibility estimates the M&E amount would be included in the m2 or functional unit rate.
What is a Section 106 agreement?
Agreements between local authorities and developers that are negotiated in the context of granting planning consent.
What is construction to ‘shell and core’?
- The basic structure, services and envelope of the building.
What is a CAT A fit out?
Provides generic fit-out items to suit most developers for example life safety elements and basic fittings such as suspended ceiling tiles, raised floors, carpets, lighting and power distribution
What is a CAT B fit out?
Overlays the CAT A provision with bespoke elements that are specific to the needs of the building’s user.
What is BWIC?
Covers any drilling, fixing, cutting and penetrations to enable the services installation.
What is an order of cost estimate?
The determination of the possible cost of a building early in design stage.
What is the purpose of an order of cost estimate?
To establish affordability and set a cost limit.
What is the format of a feasibility estimate or order of cost estimate?
- Usually a cost per m2, functional unit or elemental basis.
- Other inclusions are Preliminaries, Contingency, Inflation and location factor adjustments.
What is a functional unit?
A unit of measurement that considers the prime use of the building i.e. number of beds in a hospital.
Where would you get your rates from for a preliminary estimate?
Previous similar projects and historical cost data such as previous tender submissions or a contract sum analysis.
What information do you need to be able to carry out an order of cost estimate?
- Building Location.
- The type of building.
- Floor area or number of functional units.
- Specification
- Programme
- Client budget
What is a cost plan?
A more detailed estimated of cost in an elemental format