College and University mottos Flashcards
Amherst College
Terras irradient - Let them illuminate the lands
Baylor University
Pro ecclesia, Pro Texana - For the Church, for Texas
Brooklyn College
Nil sine magno labore - Nothing without great labor
Brown University
In Deo speramus - In God we trust
Cambridge University (UK)
Hinc lucem et pocula sacra - Hence light and sacred draughts
Centenary College
Labor omnia vincit - Labor overcomes all
City College of New York
Respice, adspice, prospice - Look to the past, look to the present, look to the future
Colgate University
Deo ac veritati - For God and Truth
Columbia University
In lumine tuo videbimus lumen - In thy light we shall see light
Dartmouth College
Vox clamantis in deserto - The voice of one crying in the wilderness
Delaware College
Scientia, sol mentis - Knowledge, the sun of the mind
Duke University
Eruditio et religio - Learning and religion
Emory University
Lux, lex - light, law
Florida State University
Vires, artes, mores - Strength, arts, character
Fordham University
Sapientia et doctrina - wisdom and teaching
Harvard University
Veritas - Truth
Hunter College
Mihi cura futuri - my concern is for the future
Johns Hopkins University
Veritas vos liberabit - the truth will set you free
Mens et manus - mind and hand
New York University
Perstare et praestare - To persevere and surpass
Oxford University
Dominus illuminatio mea - God, my illumination
Princeton University
Dei sub numine viget - He flourishes in the presence of God
Queens College (SC)
Non ministari sed ministrare - not to be served but to serve
Southern Methodist University
Veritas liverabit vos - The truth will set you free
Trinity College
Pro ecclesia et patria - For church and country
Tulane University
Non sibi, sed suis - not for herself, but for her own
United States Naval Academy
Ex scientia tridens - Out of knowledge, a trident
University of California
Fiat Lux - Let there be light
University of Chicago
Crescat scientia, vita excolatur - Let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
University of Florida
Civium in moribus rei publicae salus - In the character of its citizens lies the welfare of the state
University of Georgia
Et docere et rerum exquirere causas - both to teach and to inquire about the nature of things
University of Miami
Magna est veritas - Great is the truth
University of Michigan
Artes, scientia, veritas - Arts, knowledge, truth
University of Mississippi
Virtute et armis - by valor and arms
University of Missouri
Salus Populi - The welfare of the people
University of Nebraska
Litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus - dedicated to letters and all the arts
University of New Mexico
Lux hominum vita - Light, the life of mankind
University of North Dakota
Lux et lex - Light and Law
University of Notre Dame
Crux spes unica - The cross, the only hope
University of Oregon
Mens agitat molem - The mind moves the mass
University of Paris
Hic et ubique terrarum - Here, there, and everywhere
University of Texas
Disciplina praesidium civitatis - Discipline, the defense of the state
Univ. of the South (Sewanee)
Ecce quam bonum - Behold how good
University of Vermont
Studiis et rebus honestis - through studies and honorable pursuits
University of Washington
Lux sit - let there be light
Yale University
Lux et veritas - Light and truth
University of Buenos Aires
Argentum virtus robur et studium - Argentine virtue is strength and study
Buenos Aires Institute of Technology
Ad Lucem Serenitate Tendo - To the light peacefully she goes
National University of Córdoba
Ut portet nomen meum coram gentibus - Carry my name to the people
National University of the South
Ardua Veritatem - Through the difficulties to the truth
National University of Tucuman
Pedes in Terra ad Sidera Visus - Feet on the ground eyes towards the stars
Australian National University
Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum-
First, to learn the nature of things. (From Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, l. VI.)
Central Queensland University
Doctrina Perpetua - Forever learning
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Perita manus mens exculta- [A] skilled hand [and] cultivated mind
Swinburne University of Technology
Factum per Litteras - Achievement through learning
University of Adelaide
Sub Cruce Lumen - The light [of learning] under the [Southern] Cross
The University of Melbourne
Postera Crescam Laude - We grow in the esteem of future generations. (“I will grow in praise afterwards.”) - Horace, Odes, l. III. 30.
University of New England
Ex sapientia modus - Out of wisdom comes moderation
University of New South Wales
Scientia Manu et Mente - Knowledge by hand and mind
The University of Notre Dame Australia
In principio erat Verbum - In the beginning was the Word. (John 1:1)
University of Queensland
Scientia ac Labore - Through knowledge and hard work
University of Southern Queensland
Per Studia Mens Nova - Through study the mind is made new
University of Sydney
Sidere mens eadem mutato - The constellations change, [but] the mind [remains] the same
University of Tasmania
Ingeniis Patuit Campus - The field is open to talent
Theresian Military Academy
A.E.I.O.U. - amor electis, iniustis ordinor ultor - “I am loved by the elect, for the unjust I am ordained an avenger”
University of Klagenfurt
Per aspera ad astra - Through difficulties to the stars
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Scientia vincere tenebras - Conquering darkness by science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Scientia vincere tenebras - Conquering darkness by science
Université catholique de Louvain
Sedes sapientiae - Seat of wisdom
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenKatholieke Universiteit Leuven
Sedes sapientiae - Seat of wisdom
Ghent University
Inter Utrumque - In Between Both Extremes