Chapter 24 - HTML and CSS Flashcards
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the script/language that web pages are written in - describing the content and structure of the web page which a browser can interpret/present to the viewer
CSS is a scripting language similiar to HTML that is used to describe the layout and styles of a web page - styles can be applied to existing HTML elements
HTML element
<p> Something </p>
Opening tag/closing tag
Opening tag: <p>
Closing tag: </p>
HTML attribute
specifies various additional properties to the existing HTML element
All code within these tags is interpreted as HTML
Defines the content in the main browser content area
Defines the tab/window heading area
Defines the text that appears within the tab/window heading area
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>
Heading styles in decreasing sizes
A paragraph seperated with a line space above and below
Self closing image tag with parameters
<img src = location, width=”x”,height = “y”>
If image is unavailable, alt signifies alternative text that will show
Anchor tag defining a hyperlink with location parameter
<a> Link text </a>
Defines an ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) list
Defines an individual list item within either a numbered or bulleted list
The <div> tag facillitates the division of a page into seperate areas, each of which may be referred to uniquely by name, and styled differently using CSS.