1.1 - core ideas and principles
what is pragmatism
it rejects theory and ideology in favour of practical experience, decisions should be made on the basis of what works
usually associated with Michael Oakeshott and Edmund burke
what is a traditional conservative
where pragmatism is an essential element in facilitating natural or inevitable change within society.
Burkes conservatism maintained that cautious pragmatism would bring about necessary change peacefully
what is a one nation conservative
- hold similar attitudes too social reform, however have adopted a more modern approach to the economy, combining government regulation with market regulation.
- argue the economic policy promotes growth and harmony
why is tradition such a core value of the conservatives
- originally reason for tradition came from religious roots
- tradition should be preserved as they have showed their value to earlier societies, ‘fit for purpose’
- therefore tradition establishes continuity and social stability
why do conservatives think human nature is imperfect?
- they argue its flawed and incapable of reaching a state of perfection snd that its immutable, so it has to be kepy=t In check
how do conservatives combat human imperfection
- tough stance ion law and order to deter criminals
- foreign policy has to be based on national security
- humans are competetive so a good political system will recognise that self interest is a more powerful motivator than altruism
why do conservatives desire an organic society
- they regard humans as dependent and security seeking(psychological)
- humans can’t exist separately from society as a whole, (family, local community) which provide as a sense of security and purpose
- humans are morally selfish and greedy
- Humans don’t possess mental facilities to make sense of a complex modern world
- in turn, humans have to accept duties and responsibilities that go with being in a community/society, representing true freedom
what is atomism
society is made up of self interested, self sufficient individuals, this can be a catalyst for society breaking down
what is the conservative belief on hierarchy and authority
- argue that society is naturally hierarchal, based on fixed ranks and inequalities such as social class, groups etc
what is paternalism
idea that government by people who are best equipped to lead by virtue of their birth, inheritance and upbringing.
eg: Burke believed that natural aristocracy presided over society, like a father does over his family
what is obless noblige
- comes from idea that revolutions in France because of a lack of care for the community from the government, conservatives adopted they had a duty to care for lower social ranks
what are the 2 forms of paternalism
soft - those who are the recipients of their consent
hard - when paternalism is imposed, regardless of consent or opposition in a more authoritarian matter
what is Neo liberalism
rejects idea of paternalism, based partly on free-market economics.
aims to reduce the size of the state so economy can grow.
Neo-liberalism faith in humans rejects notions of paternalism
what is libertarianism
- emphasises rights of individuals to liberty, advocating minimal state intervention.
- primary role of state is to protect individual rights
where has libertarian thinking been evident in conservative thinking
since the 18th century, influenced by Adam smiths arguments for economic libertarianism. eg burke advocated for free trade and a market economy.
when has libertarian conservatism been used I recent times
- associated with policies of thatcher and president Reagan. it opposes Keynesian style demand management and welfare programs.