simple, unvarying, unlearned response to sensory stimuli such as touch, pressure, and pain
Motor Plan
set of muscle commands established before an action occurs
Closed - loop mechanisms
- maximizes accuracy
- information from what is being controlled flows back to the controlling device
open-loop mechanisms
- maximize speed
- no external feedback; the activity is pre-programmed
The Motor System
- all the muscles
- all the neurons that control the muscles
- purpose is to generate coordinated movements
Spinal Cord
contains pre - wired motor programs for coordinated muscle contractions
brain / motor cortex
initiates and controls
motor programs
Synergists (agonists)
muscles that act together, providing more total force
muscles whose contraction causes movement in opposite directions
How do muscles move?
By contracting / becoming shorter
Motor Neurons
Carry the signals from the brain to move muscles
Alpha Motor Neurons
- Final neurons that carry the message from the spinal cord to the muscles
- control muscle contraction
- contain A - alpha axons and are large and fast
What happens when an alpha motor neuron fires an AP?
- ACh is released into the Neuromuscular junction
- causes a strong depolarization of that the muscle fiber contracts
Neuromuscular Junction
Connection between the alpha motor neuron and the muscle fiber
Motor Unit
- One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates
- helps with fine precision