Challenges Of An Urbanising World Flashcards
What is urbanisation?
An increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas.
The growth of urban areas and mega cities
What is rural-urban migration?
The movement of people from rural to urban areas
What is primacy?
When the capital city completely dominates life in the country (economically, politically, demographically)
What are informal settlements?
Also known as slums or favelas
Illegal, unregistered and unregulated areas of housing
What is the informal sector?
Unregistered, often illegal jobs done by unemployed migrants desperate for income
What is the primary sector?
The economic activity which extracts raw resources
What is the secondary sector?
The economic activity which brings together the raw products to manufacture them
What is the tertiary sector?
The economic activity which sells the products produced in the primary and secondary sectors
What is the quaternary sector?
The economic activity which focuses on knowledge-based industries, relying on people rather than the raw materials
What challenges does Lagos face?
80% of residents are employed in the informal sector
Over 60% live in informal settlements, such as Aginkale
Rate of migrants
Lack of education
What is a maquiladora?
Mexican factories owned by foreign countries USA) for cheap labour
What are the advantages of the Maquiladoras for Tijuana and its residents?
Lower unemployment and higher wages compared to the rest of Mexico
What are the advantages of the Maquiladoras for the American companies?
Cheap labour close to the border
What is NAFTA and how does it help the US companies?
Allows materials to be moved between US and Mexico without tariffs
What is urbanisation?
The increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities (urban areas)
What is industrialisation?
When a country moves from an agricultural means of production to a manufacturing means of production
What is suburbanisation?
The outward growth of urban development to expand
What is urban sprawl?
The uncontrolled growth of towns and cities spreading and taking over the country side
What is deindustrialisation?
The decline of a country’s manufacturing industry due to exhaustion of raw materials, competition, or loss of markets
What is counter-urbanisation?
The movement of people from urban areas into rural areas
What is globalisation?
The way the world has become more interconnected
What is HafenCity, Hamburg?
Largest urban redevelopment project in Europe - 2.2km squared
Repurposed traditional buildings to be a hub for quaternary and quinary sectors.
TNCs and HQs for German companies, and universities for finance and management
What is regeneration?
Upgrading or improving areas of the city that have been in decline
What is redevelopment?
Rebuilding parts of the city, often older buildings and sites
What is rebranding?
Improving the image of a place
What is the Clark-Fisher Model and what does it tell us?
A model that shows how countries move through pre-industrial, industrial, and post-industrial times.
It tells us that as employment increases, primary and secondary activities decline, and tertiary and quaternary activities increase
Which key processes are relevant to the current state of Lagos?
Which key processes are relevant to the current state of Tijuana?
Secondary sector
Which key processes are relevant to the current state of Detroit?
Which key processes are relevant to the current state of Hamburg?
Quinary and quaternary sectors