Beginning of life Flashcards
Sanctity of life, treatment & use of embryos, abortion
What is sanctity of life
The belief that life is sacred and Holy, as it’s God-given
Why do Christians believe in sanctity of life?
They believe that humans were created in Imago a Dei (image of God)
Why do Muslims believe in sanctity of life?
They believe humans are God’s pinnacle creation
What’s quote of Quran 17:33
“Don’t take a life which God has made sacred
What are 2 quotes from 5:32
“Whoever takes an innocent soul, it’s as if they’ve killed the whole of humanity”
“Whoever saves a life, it’s as if they’ve saved the whole of humanity”
When do many Christians believe life begins?
At conception, because embryos are humans filled with potential
some Christian theologians, such as Augustine and Aquinas, believe life doesn’t begin until day 40 and 80
What are differing Muslim views on beginning of life
Many Muslims believe life begins 120 days after conception since there’s strong implications of this in Hadith (speech of prophet) and Quran. However, others believe the soul is given at conception
What’s Sahih al-Bukhari 3036
“Each of one you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days, and then becomes a clot of thick blood for similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then God sends an angel to write down his deeds, livelihood, the date of his death and whether he will be blessed or wretched. Then the soul is breathed into him.”
What May humanists believe about beginning of life
They may use science to determine when life is given, for example: some may believe it starts when the heart starts beating, when primitive streak is formed or when they first breathe
When is primitive streak formed?
Day 15
When can brain patterns be recorded in developing fetus
Day 45
Three uses of embryos, examples and definitions
- Reproductive is when the aim of embryo use is to have a child. An example is IVF which is when a sperm and egg is fused in a lab and inserted into the mother’s womb, in hopes it will implant and continue like normal pregnancy
- Therapeutic use of embryos is when they’re used to treat diseases or disorders, such as Parkinson’s, by replacing damaged tissues in the brain with embryonic stem cells
- Research uses of embryos can be conducted with a clear aim in mind or not (pure research). In UK, research can’t take place after 14 days and any embryo not implanted must be destroyed
What are embryonic stem cells
They’re unspecialised stem cells, which are able to turn into any type of cell in tissue or body if the correct genes are turned off or on (pluripotence)
What is abortion and its legality in the UK?
According to NHS, abortion is a procedure to terminate a pregnancy which can be done by taking medicine or undergoing surgery
In UK, abortions are usually done before 24 weeks of pregnancy. After this, it can only be done if the pregnancy poses a risk to mother or if the baby can be born with severe disability
Religious responses to Abortion (Muslims & Roman Catholic )
Many Christians believe abortion goes against the sanctity of life, since it’s consists the killing of a potential child. One main exception would be that if pregnancy endangers the woman’s life
However, other christians believe that since Jesus says in Matthew 22, “God is love”, Christians should show compassion to the woman by allowing her to have abortion
some Muslim school of thoughts allow abortion up to 16 weeks whilst others allow it for up to 7 weeks. Abortion isn’t permitted on social or financial grounds, since they believe God is beneficient and should be trusted.
Many Muslims believe that abortion isn’t allowed after 120 days since that’s when ensoulment takes place. However, there are exceptions in cases of rape, incest, risk to death.