visca-com - Anglès Bàsic - UNITAT 1 Flashcards
Pronoms personals, auxiliars; formes i temps verbals
They play
Ell va beure cervesa
He drank beer
Estem trucant
We are calling
Han menjat
They have eaten
Creiem les notícies
We believe the news
Heu comptat els pèsols
You have counted the peas
Van acabar
They finished
Estan seguint els turistes
They are following the tourists
Han ajudat la cambrera
They have helped the waitress
Estic aprenent
I am learning
Necessiteu ajut
You need help
Van pintar la tanca
They painted the fence
Estan tibant la corda
They are pulling the rope
Recordem el passat
We remember the past
Esteu somrient
You are smiling
Han començat
They have started
Es van quedar aquí
They stayed here
Fem servir les eines
We use the tools
Estàs caminant
You are walking
Treballo cada dia
I work every day
Ell va trencar un plat
He broke a plate
Ella compra vi
She buys wine