Articles of Agreement Flashcards
Dates of Article
Sept 1, 2023 - Aug 31, 2027
The purpose of the Articles of Agreement is to promote harmonious relations between the City and the employees covered herby and to fix the rates of _______ and the terms and conditions of employment for these employees.
A. Pay, Hours of Work
All promotions in positions ______ and above shall be exempt from competitive examinations and shall be made instead by appointment by the Police Chief.
A. P6 (Commander)
B. Employees working in P6 and above shall serve at the pleasure of the Police Chief and may be demoted from said position at the Chiefs discretion.
- P1 ____________
- P2 ________Police Officer P2 Police Detective
- P3 ___________Police Officer P3 ____________Detective
- P4 Police ______________
- P5 Police ______________
- P6 Police _____________
- P7 Police ______________
- P8 Police ______________
- P9 Police ______________
B. Employees working in P6 and above shall serve at the pleasure of the Police Chief and may be demoted from said position at the Chiefs discretion.
- P1 Police Officer
- P2 Advanced Police Officer P2 Police Detective
- P3 Senior Police Officer P3 Senior Detective
- P4 Police Sgt
- P5 Police Lieutenant
- P6 Police Commander
- P7 Police Deputy Chief
- P8 Police Assistant Chief
- P9 Police Executive Assistant Chief
If the Police Chief demotes an Officer to a class grade lower than that from which the Officer was appointed, the Officer retains all rights to appeal said demotion to the
D. Civil Service Commission*
Probation can be extended no longer than?
180 Days
- The chief ________notify the Association in writing of the reason for extending the probationary period
An officer shall be deemed to be a probationary employee for the first _______ after the officer has successfully completed Basic Training Academy work.
A. 12 months*
The Chief may extend the ending date of the probationary employee’s probationary period ___
A. To ensure the probationary employee serves a full twelve months as a police officer in full duty status
B. To determine if retention of the probationary employee is in the best interest of the Department
C. If an investigation is pending into the probationary employee’s conduct at the time the probation would otherwise end.
D. All the above*
The probationary period on an officer can be extended no longer than ____ to determine if retention of the probationary employee is in the best interest of the Department or if an investigation is pending into the probationary employee’s conduct at the time the probation would otherwise end.
C. 180 days*
Should the City find it necessary to furlough Officers during the term of the agreement, it shall provide the Association ____ advance notice and an opportunity to negotiate concerning procedures and effects of such furlough.
E. City “Shall Not” Furlough Officers
Officer who are promoted to Sergeant and above will be given the entry pay for the rank to which they are promoted or the next higher level which will assure an increase of at least ___ in pay.
C. 5%*
Base Pay effective first pay period after?
September 1st
Step Increase on Aniversary
Longevity Pay for Laterals?
after calendar year 2021 shall mirror that of officers hired from the Basic Training Academy with the exception that “years of service” shall mean years of service with the El Paso Police Department.
- Lateral officers shall not receive credit for more than ______ credit for experience. Officers will be placed into existing pay scales commensurate to their experience, to be best ability possible.
10 Years
Officers after 125th Academy must complete _______ Before Promotional Exams?
4 Years
Laterals After ____ must complete 4 years
Effective __________, placement to a Detective position shall result in one advancement in level and reset the employee’s anniversary date.
A. September 1, 2023
Rates of Extra Pay for Detectives (Years and Amount)
4-8 years $30
9-14 Years $90
15+ Years 120 in addition to Base Pay
Starts Sept 1, 2024
Officer assigned to duty and actually work between the hours of _______ shall receive premium pay of 6%
A. 1800-600 Mon – Thursday
B. 1500 – 600 Friday to Monday
Effective Sept 1, 2023 Officer assigned to duty and actually work between the hours of 6p-6a shall receive premium pay of ______
A. 6%
Effective __________ FTO’s who shall be appointed be or approved by the Chief shall receive an additional _____ of their salary added to their regular class grade and level pay during the period they serve
Sept 1, 2023 7% for Officers and 3% for Supervisors
Jan 1, 2026 Changes to 8% and 4% for Supervisors
An Officer who is required to perform the duties of ___________is entitled to be paid the salary prescribed for lowest level of that class title that results in a pay raise during the time the Officer performs those duties.
B. Higher class title* and 5% Pay Bump
Motorcycle hazard pay shall be __________
A. $125.00 bi-weekly*
B. Jan 1, 2025 $150