פרק ה' Flashcards
Not for the test
מה הפרשיות שיש בתפילין
What are parts of Sacharit
ברכות השחר, ברכות התורה, פסוקי דזמרה, קריאת שמע, עמידה, תחנון, קריאת בתורה, סיום התפילה
What are the ברכות השחר
נטילת ידיים, אשר יצר, אלוקי נשמה
What is the goal of ברכות השחר
1 to give our gratitude
2 To enter your heart that everything is from g-d
What are the 3 ברכות התורה
לעסוק בדברי תורה, המלמד תורה לעמו ישראל, נותן התורה
What is the reward for studying the Torah?
The highest reward תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם
Why do we say a bracha when reading the Torah
To thank for the Torah that he gave us
מדוע אנו אומרים פסוקי דזמרה בתפילת שחרית
We praise and thank hashem for the creation of the world
What are the 3 פסוקי דזמרה
ברוך שאמר, אשרי, ישתבח
We read shema after
פסוקי דזמרה
What are the first 2 brachot of shema
“Yotzer Amerot” and “Ahava Rabbah.”
Where in the Torah is shema
1 Va’etchanan שמע ואהבת
2 והיה עם שמוע Ekew
3 ויאמר Shlach
What are the basic ideals of each paragraph of Shema
אמונה ב ה’, קבלת מצוות, יציאת מצריים
How do we say shema
Cover ur eyes and say it with the crowd
How do we say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו
What does this pasuk symbolizes
How did rabbi akiva die
Since what time can you read the Shema
What’s the best time to say shema
From when u are able to recognize a friend from 4 ammot.
Right before נץ.
מהי שעת זמנית
Halchik hour
Until what time can you say shema in the morning
First 1/3 of the day
What is the Bracha after shema
gohal Israel
What is “לסמוך גאולה לתפילה”
Before saying Amida you must say shema
What is the main part of Tfila
Right 3 names for it
When do we say it
Amida, shmonei esra and the quiet prayer
Sacharit mincha and maariv
מי קבע את נוסח התפילה ומתי
כמה ברכות הם קבעו לתפילה
Ashnei kneset agdola 2nd temple
What is the 19th Bracha
What is the goal of Amida
Requests from G-d
What are the 3 parts of Amida
1 ברכות השבח
2 הבקשות
3 ברכות ההודאה
In Amida what do we say in the winter and in the summer
When does the winter and when does the summer start?
משאיר ארוך מוריד הגשם
מוריד הטל
Winter after Simchat Torah
Summer first day of pesach
When do we add and say the following
אתה חוננתנו, יעלה ויבוא, על הניסים, נחם, עננו, המלך הקדוש’, המלך המשפט
1 Motzei shabbat and Yom tov in Aravit
2 rosh hodech hol amoed of pesach and sukkot in רצה
3 chanuka and Purim in מודים
4 9th of av during בונה ירושלים
5 mincha on a fast at שמע קולנו
6 the 10 days of teshuva שמע קולנו
How many brachot are on Amida of shabbat
What is the blessing in the middle of the prayer about?
On the day
Where can I ask for personal requests at Amida?
שומע תפילה, יהי לרצון
(Amida )
What intention is needed when praying?
Connect with God, express gratitude, praise, and requests for help.
(Amida )
What should a person do if he has other thoughts while he is praying?
acknowledge them and then try to refocus on the prayers.
How should one behave during the return of the Shatz?
No talking and reply with Amen and Baruch hu Baruch shemo
What are the special prayers for the Shatz prayer
Kedusha, moddim darabanan and Birkat cohanim
Where did we learn that Amida is in a whisper
איזה כיוון המתפלל צריך להתפלל
1 out of Israel
2 in Israel
3 in Jerusalem
1 towards Israel
2 towards Jerusalem
3 Har abayit
What should the worshiper aim for, wherever he is?
The worshiper should direct his heart as if he were standing in the Temple in Jerusalem
How should one stand when praying Amida
One should stand straight with feet together facing Jerusalem
When do you kneel in prayer?
Start and end of ברכת אבות
Start and end of מודים
(after amida)
After the prayer they say the psalm “אשרי יושבי ביתך”, when should this psalm be aimed specifically?
פותח את ידיך ומשביע לכל חי
(after amida)
What do we say after אשרי
When do we not say it
When no tachnun
Which verses are found in the prayer “ובה לציון”?
What are they called? How do you say them?
What is Kadish prayer?
In memory of the deceased