This class was created by Brainscape user Amin Bemanian. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Anatomy and Histology of Respiratory
Where does lower respiratory trac...,
What does the conducting portion ...
20  cards
Development and Disorders of the Lungs
What are the precursors to the lungs,
When does the lung become active,
What is first phase of developmen...
36  cards
What is tidal volume,
What are the significant pulmonar...,
What are teh sequence events duri...
25  cards
Obstructive Lung Disease
How is the left bronchus vs the r...,
What is the characteristic epithe...,
What comprise the alveolar wall a...
23  cards
Resp. Pharmacology
What are the bolded drugs,
What is asthma,
What is the mechanism of asthma a...
20  cards
Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity
What are the two types of repsira...,
What two processes can lead to in...,
What factors influence the rate o...
29  cards
Chemical Control of Breathing
What do fetco2 and feto2 measure,
What do petco2 and peto2 measure,
14  cards
Clinical Responses to Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia
What are the three components of ...,
What is collectively sensed by th...,
What are differences between the ...
26  cards
Clinical Aspects of Diffusion Capacity
What causes decreased dlco,
Why is co used to measure diffusi...,
What is the average dlco what hap...
23  cards
Sleep Physiology
What is the function of sleep dur...,
What changes appear in the eeg fr...,
What is the sleep architecture fo...
15  cards
Measuring Sleep Disorders
How is actigraphy done what is it...,
What are the uses of a diary,
5  cards
Sleep Disorders
What is obstructive apnea on a po...,
What are the osa effects on the c...,
What is hypopnea how is it shown ...
12  cards
Radiologic Anatomy of Thorax
What are the anatomical structure...,
When is imaging appropriate for s...,
What is used for imaging sinuses
33  cards
Atelectasis and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Acute Lung Injury and Disease)
What is atelectasis,
What types of atelectasis are there,
What is resorption
16  cards
Interstitial Lung Disease
What is interstitial lung disease,
What is interstitial lung disease...,
18  cards
Ventilation During Exercise
What are the changes during exerc...,
What are the differences in inhal...,
How does alveolar to capillary ga...
4  cards
Cardiopulmonary stress testing
Definitions of vo2 mvo2 rq rer la...,
What are the physiologic goals du...,
What changes occur to lungs heart...
13  cards
ILD ALV Clinical correlations
What are the 3 types of lung sounds,
What are causes of interstitial i...,
Why do transbronchial biopsy vs o...
11  cards
Lung Tumors
What are different types of lung ...,
Describe the incidence of broncho...,
What are the etiologies of bronch...
34  cards
Pleural and Mediastinal Pathology
What forces are central in a pleu...,
How does a pleural effusion clini...,
How is a pleural effusion diagnos...
35  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Acute pulmonary embolism venous t...,
Where do the majority of pes orig...,
What is virchows triad
29  cards
Clinicopathological correlation – Illustrative examples in pulmonary pathology
1  cards
Respiratory Viruses
What conditions are caused by upp...,
What conditions are caused by low...,
What cond
39  cards
Bacterial Pathogens of the Respiratory Tract
In what ways do bacteria enter sp...,
What are the defense barriers to ...,
What are the common bacterial pat...
49  cards
Endemic Mycoses
Three endemic fungal pathogens an...,
Morphology of fungi,
Form of fungi
40  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
What are symptoms of the common cold,
What viruses can cause the common...,
How is the common cold transmitted
34  cards
Prudent Use of Antibiotics
What are common unnecessary antib...,
What is an empiric diagnosis what...,
What kind of antibiotics are used in
17  cards
Respiratory Antibiotics
What antibiotics are cidal,
What antibiotics are static,
What is the breakdown of the beta...
29  cards
Clinical Correlates of Infections
What is the course of admission f...,
How do we test for tb,
What is the therapy for tb
8  cards
Head and Neck Pathology
What are aphthous ulcers canker sore,
What is herpes stomatitis caused by,
How does candidiasis of the oral ...
37  cards
Clinical and Pathological Correlation of Pneumonia
What is rusty sputum characterist...,
What is an e heard as a change in...,
What are the causes of fluffy cxr...
22  cards

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