This class was created by Brainscape user heather Fahey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

CM- Nose, SInuses, Mouth, Larynx
For the physical exam of the nose...,
For nasal exam what are the 3 tec...,
In a nasal exam what is sometimes...
69  cards
M- Pharyngitis
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the potential causes of ...,
How can you distinguish between v...
58  cards
M- Otititis Media/Sinusitis
What is the definition of acute o...,
What is otitis media with effusion,
How is diagnosis of acute otitis ...
24  cards
CM- The Neck Mass
What are the bones cartilage land...,
What are the glandular landmarks ...,
What are the vessel landmarks in ...
39  cards
CM- Radiology
What are dr reynolds nine steps t...,
What 2 views make up the standard...,
How do you verify the identity of...
55  cards
CM- Pulmonary History/Physical
What are the 3 cardinal symptoms ...,
What is the differential diagnosi...,
What is the differential diagnosi...
56  cards
CM- Sneezing, Wheezing, Allergies
What is the total prevalence of a...,
What causes allergic rhinitis wha...,
What symptoms are associated with...
55  cards
P- Neoplastic Lung Disease
What is the prognosis of patients...,
What are the cancer associated ge...,
What are the cancer associated ge...
54  cards
M- Infectious Mono/ Mumps
Describe the structure of the her...,
What are the 3 major sets of gene...,
Which is more likely to be a drug...
53  cards
P- URT and Obstructive Lung Disease
Which lung is aspirated material ...,
What structures compose the acini,
What structures make up the upper...
62  cards
P- Restrictive Lung Disease & Pulmonary Vascular Disease
In restrictive lung disease the k...,
What are the two main physiologic...,
What happens to the dlco and fev1...
60  cards
CM- PFTs and Mechanical Ventilation
What are the 5 things pfts evalul...,
What are the 4 categories of info...,
What are the 4 most important lun...
69  cards
Ph- Antihistamines
What are the h1 histamine recepto...,
What are the inhibitors of mast c...,
What are the h2 histamine recepto...
35  cards
CM- Interpretation of blood gases
What are the 3 physiological proc...,
What values are measurable when t...,
What is ventilation in a healthy ...
46  cards
What is obstructive lung disease ...,
What are the 2 general types of copd,
What are the 3 most common sympto...
37  cards
CM- Restrictive Lung Diseases
Describe the pft findings for res...,
What happens to the following in ...,
What happens to the following in ...
50  cards
Ph- Asthma
What is the pathogenesis of asthm...,
Describe the acute response of as...,
Describe the chronic response of ...
37  cards
M-Community Acquired Pneumonia
Pneumonia is the _____ most commo...,
What are the 4 main routes of inf...,
What are the 3 major innate immun...
86  cards
M- Tuberculosis
What fraction of the worlds popul...,
In the hospital setting droplet p...,
How is mtb transmitted
54  cards
P- Pulmonary Infections
Pneumonia infection of the lung p...,
What are 4 situations that could ...,
What are 4 things that can injure...
79  cards
CM- Pulmonary Vascular Diseases
Where do most pulmonary emboli or...,
How do most dvt develop,
More than half of individuals wit...
65  cards
CM- Pleural Diseases
The pleural space is supplied by ...,
Pleural disease can present as in...,
What worsens the dyspnea associat...
38  cards
M- Nosocomial Pneumonia
What are the laboratory features ...,
What is the normal environment of...,
What is the prevalence of p aerug...
46  cards
Ph- AntiMycobacterial Drugs
What are the current first line d...,
Sucessful treatment of tb require...,
What is the only situation when o...
38  cards
M- Respiratory Viruses
Influenza is a member of what vir...,
What are the 2 envelope proteins ...,
In addition to the envelope prote...
50  cards
Opportunistic Fungal & Filamentous Bacterial Infections
What 3 filamentous bacteria cause...,
What are the 2 most pertinent opp...,
___________ is the most common ca...
66  cards
M- Endemic fungal pathogens
What type of fungi are all endemi...,
What are the 5 major endemic path...,
Describe the yeast form of histo ...
48  cards
Mono/Oligoarticular Arthritis
What is the most common true arth...,
What are the 2 non inflammatory c...,
What are the 3 most common inflam...
85  cards
Polyarticular Arthritis
What are 5 syndromes with widespr...,
What are the 6 most common presen...,
What systemic autoimmune diseases...
49  cards
CM- Pediatric Respiratory Disorders
What 3 main factors determine the...,
What is the inciting factor most ...,
What is the peak incidence of age...
47  cards
Pediatric Musculoskeletal Presentation
What is the normal progression of...,
What are signs that genu varum is...,
What are the 5 diseases included ...
44  cards
P- Skeletal System
What are the three bone groups of...,
What are the 4 regions of the bone,
What are the 2 different consiste...
110  cards
M- Infectious Musculoskeletal Diseases
What is the typical organisms to ...,
A person presents with systemic i...,
What are the most likely agents i...
70  cards
CM-Musculoskeletal Radiology
What are the 7 things that can be...,
How does the look of fat and flui...,
What 4 things are radiographs not...
35  cards
CM- Disorders of Ca and Bone Metabolism
If there is decreased calcium wha...,
What are the 2 main causes of hyp...,
What are the 5 possible pathologi...
58  cards
Ph- Drugs for Disorders of Ca Homeostasis and Bone
What are the 3 oral bisphosphonat...,
What is raloxifene,
What are the 2 ways calcitonin ca...
51  cards

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