This class was created by Brainscape user Tom Fresen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 3 (Louden)
How do the developing testis diff...,
Describe alfred josts experiments,
What are the wolffian ducts
38  cards
Lecture 1 (Louden)
Describe polygynous vs monogamous,
Birds are weird why,
What led to different reproductiv...
20  cards
Lecture 2 (Louden)
Gnrh function in rodents,
What can produce an lh surge,
What experiments were carried out...
30  cards
Lecture 5 (Louden)
Birds chromosomes,
How do humans avoid getting xxx xxy,
What is the ancestral role of tes...
14  cards
Lecture 4 (Louden)
Occurence of sexual mimicry male ...,
What is cliteromegaly,
Animals that exhibit cliteromegaly
28  cards
Lecture 7 (Bechtold)
Rate of social monogamy in mammals,
What defines a social affiliative...,
What is natural selection
24  cards
Lecture 8 (Bechtold)
What does bonding require,
Social recognition mouse models,
Roles projections and responses o...
31  cards
Lecture 9 (Bechtold)
Maternal care innate,
Non selective recognition,
Selective recognition
25  cards
Lecture 10 (Bechtold)
2 functions of oxytocin vasopressin,
Montane vole,
Prairie vole
29  cards
Lecture 11 (Louden)
What results in sperm competition,
Primate poly mating systems,
What occurs in seasonally breedin...
19  cards
Lecture 12 (Luckman)
Adolescence v puberty,
Brain development during adolescence,
Role of the amygdala
20  cards
Lecture 13 (Luckman)
Model of puberty in rodents,
What triggers puberty,
Neurobiological brake model of pu...
18  cards
Lecture 14 (Luckman)
Discovery of imprinting,
Genomic imprinting,
Experiments in 80s with genomic i...
32  cards
Lecture 15 (Luckman)
Peg3 gene,
Peg3 effect on behaviour,
Peg3 ko in mother
18  cards
Lecture 16 (Luckman)
What is the sympatho adreno medul...,
What is the hypothalamic pituitar...,
Hpa axis response
28  cards
Lecture 6 (Louden)
Platypus outline,
Platypus sex chromosomes,
Sex determination in the platypus
20  cards

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hormones and behaviour

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