This class was created by Brainscape user Robert Grogan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Endo 1: Hyposecretion of anterior pituitary hormones
5 hormones of ap,
Differentiate primary and seconda...,
Tsh and t4 levels in primary and ...
34  cards
Endo 2: Hypersecretion of adenohypophysial hormones
Overall causes of hyperpituitaris...,
Specific effect of a large pituit...,
What is the result of excess of e...
26  cards
Tutorial 1
Relationship between glucose and ...,
Why is acromegaly associated with...,
Why does acromegaly cause thirst
8  cards
Endo 3: Neurohypophysial disorders
How does post pit appear on mri,
2 hormones released from post pit,
Define diuresis
34  cards
Tutorial 2
T f hyponatramia hypernatraemia i...,
Where is adh made,
How could hypothalamus be damaged...
12  cards
Endo 4: Hypothyroidism
How is tsh release controlled,
What is the cause of primary hypo...,
Symptoms of primary hypothyroidis...
21  cards
Endo 5: Hyperthyroidism
How does graves work,
What is the cause of goitre,
Why are there eye symptoms
35  cards
Tutorial 3 thyroid disorders
How can you differentiate b w thy...,
Neurological symptoms with hypert...,
What is the name of the antibody ...
9  cards
Endo 6: Hyperadrenal disorders
What is cushings,
Clinical features of cushings,
Causes of cushings
25  cards
Endo 7: Hypoadrenal disorders
Why is it called acth,
What does acth do,
Pathway of aldosterone from proge...
24  cards
Hypoadrenalism tutorial
Tests for suspecting addisons,
How does aldosterone work in dct,
What is destroyed in addisons
17  cards
Endo 8: Therapeutic use of adrenal steroids
Which 2 things affect acth release,
Where is cortisol made within the...,
T f production of sex steroids in...
32  cards
Endo 9: Endocrine Infertility
Outline the hypothalamo pituitary...,
Outline the hypothalamo pituitary...,
3 stages of 28 day menstrual cycle
41  cards
Endo 10: HRT, menopause and oral contraceptives
Define menopause,
Average age of menopause,
Complications of menopause note t...
34  cards
Endo 11: Endocrinology of pregnancy
Role of oestrogen in male reprodu...,
How do men get their oestrogen,
Consequences of aromatase deficie...
34  cards
Endo 13: Calcium and phosphate regulation
Relevance of vit d to calcium hom...,
How does parathyroid hormone work...,
Outline regulation of phosphate l...
27  cards
Endo 14: Endocrine and metaboic bone disorders
Outline component of bone,
Outline composition of organic an...,
Function of osteoblast
39  cards
Endo 15: Endocrine control of food intake
What is the input to the hypothal...,
What are the outputs of hypothalamus,
Why is paraventricular nucleus im...
35  cards
Endo 16: Type 1 diabetes
T f dka only occurs in t1dm,
T f monogenic diabetes is only ev...,
Patietns presenting with t1dm in ...
47  cards
Endo 17: Type 2 diabetes
Define dm,
T f t2dm is ketosis prone,
Oral glucose test
56  cards
Tutorial: DKA
Primarymdefect in t1dm,
What could precipitate diabetic k...,
What will happen with deficient i...
19  cards
Endo 18: Microvascular complications of diabetes
3 sites of microvascular complica...,
What determines microvascular com...,
What causes microvascular complic...
48  cards
Endo 19: Macrovascular complications of diabetes
Differentate macrovascular diseas...,
T f controlling glucose alone wil...,
Outline what macrovascular diseas...
31  cards

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