This class was created by Brainscape user Henry Aguiar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Esophageal Disorders
Hiatal hernia dx,
Hiatal hernia tx best initial the...,
Hiatal hernia tx if symptoms persist
53  cards
Epigastric Pain
Tenderness meaning,
Patients hospitalized with epigas...,
Most common cause of epigastric pain
7  cards
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gerd dx,
Gerd dx diff,
When to use endoscopy
12  cards
Atrophic gastritis is associated ...,
Gastritis cx fx,
Gastritis dx
8  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Less common causes of peptic ulce...,
Gu isassociated with weight,
Pud dx
12  cards
Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome)
Gastrinoma zollinger ellison synd...,
Gastrinoma zollinger ellison synd...,
Gastrinoma zollinger ellison synd...
8  cards
Diabetic Gastroparesis
Diabetic gastroparesis patho,
Diabetic gastroparesis cxfx,
Diabetic gastroparesis dx
10  cards
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Most common cause of upper gi ble...,
Most common cause of lower gi ble...,
Most important initial management...
44  cards
Antibiotic associated diarrhea dx,
Antibiotic associated diarrhea tx,
After multiple recurrences of ant...
54  cards
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome dx,
Irritable bowel syndrome pain,
Irritable bowel syndrome tx
5  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Both crohn disease cd andulcerati...,
Erythema nodosum is an indicator of
25  cards
Short Bowel Syndrome, SIBO and Microscopic Colitis
Short bowel syndrome cxfx,
Key finding is,
Tx diet
11  cards
Diverticular Disorders
Diverticulosis cx fx,
Diverticulosis dx,
Diverticulosis management
8  cards
Colon Cancer Screening
What s the frequency of screening...,
When to do screening with a famil...,
When to do screening with a famil...
31  cards
Acute Pancreatitis
90 caused by,
Less common causes of acute pancr...,
Cx fx
23  cards
Pancreatic Cancer. Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas.
Pancreatic cancer cxfx,
Pancreatic cancer labs,
Pancreatic cancer dx
9  cards
Liver Disease
Chronic liver disease can produce...,
Liver cancer screening,
Ascites paracentesis should be pe...
27  cards
Specific Causes of Cirrhosis
Alcoholic liver disease the most ...,
Alcoholic liver disease labs,
Primary biliary cholangitis pbc cxfx
33  cards
Specific Causes of Cirrhosis part 2
Chronic hepatitis b and c asoc w,
What s hep b surface antigenfor,
What shepatitis b dnalevel by pcrfor
55  cards
Acute Diarrhea
Enterotoxic e coli is related to,
Vibrio cholerae,
Staff aureus
12  cards
onlinemeded pearls
Clothing factors of liver,
Hepatic encephalopathy patho,
Hepatic encephalopathy dx
15  cards
Two main causes od prehepatic jau...,
Types of obstruction among posthe...,
Intrahepatic jaundice causes
7  cards
Amboss pearls
Most likely causal organism for r...,
Most likely causal organism for b...,
Most likely causal organism for i...
72  cards

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