This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Henson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

Upper GI anatomy
Name the 3 important muscles of t...,
What are the layers of the oesoph...,
What does contraction of the circ...
19  cards
Gastroduodenal pathology
Describe the basic structure of t...,
What is pyloric stenosis,
Commonest presentation of pyloric...
14  cards
What causes increased iron absorp...,
What causes decreased iron absorp...,
Iron deficiency anaemia blood res...
9  cards
What is dyspepsia and how may it ...,
Causes of acute epigastric pain,
Causes of dyspepsia
14  cards
Upper GI drugs
Simple explanation of gord,
How do antacids work,
When are antacids used
25  cards
Hiatus hernias, reflux + bariatric surgery
What substances can be refluxed,
What is a hiatus hernia,
Cxr signs of hiatus hernia
22  cards
Viral hepatitis
What is the dual blood supply of ...,
What blood does the hepatic porta...,
Define hepatitis
23  cards
Embryology of the GI tract
Which layer of the trigeminal dis...,
What connects the midgut and the ...,
What parts of the gi tract are de...
8  cards
Oesophageal + gastric cancer
4 oesophageal layers,
2 histological types of oesophage...,
Where is the commonest location o...
23  cards
Infections of the upper GI tract
Normal oropharyngeal bacterial flora,
What is an aphthous ulcer,
Define ludwig s angina
17  cards
Upper + lower GI bleeding
Define haematemesis,
Define melaena,
Define haematochezia
28  cards
Inflammatory bowel disease
Ulcerative colitis pathophysiology,
What is it called if ulcerative c...,
Crohn s pathophysiology
25  cards
Drugs altering GI motility
Lower gi motility symptoms,
How should you describe poo what ...,
Define diarrhoea
25  cards
Dysphagia, vomiting, anti-emetics
What are the stages of swallowing,
What are 2 types of dysphagia,
Causes of oropharyngeal dysphagia
18  cards
Lower GI infections
Stomach normal flora,
Small bowel normal flora,
Large bowel normal flora
17  cards
Hepatorenal syndrome
Define hepatorenal syndrome,
What are the 2 patterns of hepato...,
Precipitating factors of hepatore...
5  cards
Anatomy + physiology of the liver
What is the colour of the liver d...,
What is the name of the fibrous c...,
What parts of the liver are not e...
28  cards
Conceptual constructs of liver disease
Name some lfts,
What scoring system is used for l...,
Where is bile made
37  cards
Metabolic liver disease
What does mash stand for and what...,
Signs of mash on liver biopsy,
Nafld pathology definition
39  cards
Define biochemical hyperbilirubin...,
Define jaundice,
When is jaundice sclera skin gene...
29  cards
Drug metabolism
What is first pass metabolism,
What drugs have high first pass,
What is a pro drug
20  cards
Ascites, portal hypertension + sequelae
Define ascites,
What are the grades of clinical s...,
Causes of abdominal distention
29  cards
Colorectal cancer
Aetiology of colorectal cancer,
Describe familial adenomatous pol...,
Familial adenomatous polyposis tr...
11  cards
Intestinal pathology
What does amylase digest,
Where is meckel s diverticulum no...,
What is the most sensitive specif...
5  cards
What are the hepatocellular lft m...,
What are the cholestatic lft markers,
What are the synthetic function l...
38  cards
Bile composition,
What is the difference between a ...,
Bile function
38  cards
Anatomy + physiology of the GI tract
Colon functions,
Is obstruction of the small or la...,
What is the caecum
16  cards
Define acute pancreatitis,
Where does the splenic vein lie r...,
Pancreatitis diagnosis
32  cards
Pathology of the HPB system
Name 2 hepatotoxic drugs,
Difference between pbc and psc
2  cards
Intra-abdominal sepsis
Peritonitis definition,
What causes primary peritonitis,
What causes secondary peritonitis
51  cards
Alcoholic hepatitis + NAFLD
What is hazardous drinking,
What is harmful drinking,
What is dependent drinking
17  cards
Anatomy Workbook - gastro
Name the muscles of the abdominal...,
Rectus abdominis actions,
Obliques actions
62  cards
Abdominal wall hernias
Define hernia,
Name some hernias,
What causes a hernia
14  cards
Pancreas + biliary tract anatomy + physiology
Pancreas parasympathetic supply,
Pancreas sympathetic supply,
What can fill with fluid in pancr...
17  cards
Anatomy of small intestine,
What initiates digestion of prote...,
Why is fibre not digested
13  cards
Eating disorders
Name the 3 classes of eating diso...,
Risk factors for developing an ea...,
Examination findings in patients ...
16  cards
Abdominal pain
General management of abdominal pain,
Causes of right hypochondriac pain,
Causes of right lumbar pain
28  cards
Bowel obstructions
Causes of small bowel obstruction,
What is absolute constipation,
Small bowel obstruction presentation
9  cards
Week 4 Clinical Relevance
Presentation of gallstones,
Gallstone uss signs,
What should you coprescribe with ...
15  cards
Anorectal disorders
Which muscle is responsible for b...,
Anus epithelium type,
Rectum epithelium type
34  cards
Perioperative management
3 leading causes of death followi...,
What can be used to stratify risk...,
What tests should be done pre ope...
18  cards
Enteral feeding tubes
What should the ph of ng tube asp...,
What drugs can affect the ph of a...,
What is a ryles tube
9  cards
Secondary care notes
What is a colloid fluid,
What is a crystalloid fluid,
Name some crystalloid fluids
79  cards

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