Week 6 (w/c 6th Nov) - Meetings, Resolutions, Accounts and Audit Flashcards
How can a director be removed during their term?
A director can be removed during their term of office via ordinary resolution at a general meeting (CA, s 168)
If a shareholder wants to propose a removal of a director, needs to give 28 days’ notice before the meeting (special notice)
It is possible to have weighted voting rights which protect directors from removal by ordinary shareholders
what other ways can a directorship cease?
Directorship will also cease if:
The director dies
The director is no longer physically or mentally capable
They have been AWOL from board meetings for a set period of time
The company goes into liquidation
For the above three cases, there still needs to be a positive act to remove that director
how si the directors remineration decided if they are removed?
Any remuneration must be allowed either:
by the articles (for fees paid to an NED)
by a contract of service (for salary paid to an ED)
A service contract must be kept
by the company for shareholders to inspect
what is a company’s secratary?
Plcs must have one (s 271), Ltds can have one but not required (s 270)
Could be one of the directors
Responsible for administrative duties
Potentially liable in criminal and civil law for failing to meet any statutory requirements (such as filing company accounts)
Who can be a company secretary of a public company?
Some who fulfils any one of the following criteria:
Has been a secretary of a plc for at least 3 of the last 5 years
Is a qualified UK lawyer
Is a member of a certain professional body (mostly accounting bodies)
Has relevant experience through being a holder of another office or body
what are the four types of company meeting?
the four types of company meeting are:
Board meeting (directors only)
Annual general meeting
General meeting
Class meeting
What are decisions made by shareholders called?
some decisions need to be made by the shareholders these decisions are called resolutions
What is quorum at a board meeting? what number is it?
Quorum at a board meeting is the minimum number of directors in attendance required for decisions to be made
Model articles fix quorum at 2 (Section 11), but can be set to higher number
what is the chairman of the board?
The Chairman of the board is:
Responsible for providing an agenda and facilitating the meeting
Often will have the casting vote if there is a deadlock
Isn’t necessarily the MD, sometimes beneficial to be somebody else
Usually will be one vote per director, but articles may state otherwise
Directors and auditors have right to inspect minutes of meeting
What must be true for a resolution to be valid?
Only valid when meetings have been adhered to properly, in terms of:
Notice period to shareholders
Voting procedures
What is an AGM?
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Public companies must have an AGM, private companies can have one but isn’t obligatory
For public companies must hold their AGM within 6 months after the financial year-end (CA 2006, s 336)
Officers of public companies can be prosecuted for failing to hold an AGM
What happens at an AGM?
The board reports on the events that have occurred in the company over the last 12 months, with any future prospects
Shareholders can put any questions to the board and vote on certain matters
The annual report/accounts need to be approved by the shareholders
Shareholders approve any officer and auditor appointments or re-appointments
The board declares the dividends offered to shareholders
When can a general meeting be called?
A general meeting can be called:
By the directors at any time (CA 2006, s 302)
When there has been a serious loss of capital in the company (CA 2006, s 656)
By shareholders that have at least 5% of the share capital/voting rights (they can also propose resolutions) – CA 2006, s 303
By the auditors if they plan to resign (CA 2006, s 518)
By the court if the directors are unable to call a meeting
What are class meetings?
Class meetings May exist when a company has more than one class of shareholders (Class A, Class B etc.)
May be necessary to call a meeting when the agenda (and the attendance) is restricted to shareholders holding a particular class of shares
For example, if the company needs to discuss the rights of preference shareholders
are resolutions passed valid with the incorrect notice of the meeting?
Resolutions passed at meetings will only be valid if the correct notice of the meeting and the resolution has been given (CA 2006, s 301)