VSCode Basics Flashcards
Q: What is Visual Studio Code (VSCode)?
A: VSCode is a free, lightweight, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft with support for multiple languages and extensions.
Q: How do you open a folder in VSCode?
A: Use File > Open Folder or press Cmd+K Cmd+O.
Q: How do you open the command palette in VSCode?
A: Press Cmd+Shift+P.
Q: What is the command to open a new file in VSCode?
A: Press Cmd+N.
Q: How do you save a file in VSCode?
A: Press Cmd+S.
Q: What is the shortcut to toggle the integrated terminal in VSCode?
A: Press Cmd+
` (backtick).
Q: How do you open the settings in VSCode?
A: Use Code > Preferences > Settings or press Cmd+,`.
Q: How do you open the extensions marketplace in VSCode?
A: Click the Extensions icon in the sidebar or press Cmd+Shift+X.
Q: How do you install an extension in VSCode?
A: Search for the extension in the marketplace and click Install.
Q: What is the shortcut to format code in VSCode?
A: Press Shift+Option+F.
Q: How do you enable auto-save in VSCode?
A: Go to File > Auto Save or set “files.autoSave”: “afterDelay” in settings.
Q: How do you change the default theme in VSCode?
A: Go to Code > Preferences > Color Theme or press Cmd+K Cmd+T.
Q: What is the shortcut to comment/uncomment lines of code?
A: Press Cmd+/.
Q: How do you split the editor in VSCode?
A: Press Cmd+.
Q: How do you navigate between editor groups in VSCode?
A: Use Cmd+1, Cmd+2, etc.