Vedic Period Flashcards
EVP - Early Vedic Period and LVP - Later Vedic Period
Veda is a blend of?
Veda = Samhita + Brahmana + Aranyakas + Upanishads
Samhitas consists of?
Rig Veda
Sam Veda
Yajur Veda
Atharva Veda
Origin of Indian Music?
Sam Veda
Origin of Indian Medicine?
Atharva Veda
Earliest economic life of Aryans
Primarily → Pastoral
Secondary → Agricultural
Which animal domesticated in high masses and it is found in?
Found between Black Sea and Ural Mountain Area
Aryans are mentioned in?
1st in Boghaz Kui
Then: Hittite, Kassite, Mitanni
Tributaries of Indus (Sindhu) joining from the west?
Suvasthu (Swat)
Kubha (Kabul)
Krumu (Kurram)
Gomati (Gomal)
Tributaries of Indus (Sindhu) joining from the east?
Jhelum (Vitase)
Chenab (Asikni)
Ravi (Parushini)
Beas (Vipasa)
Sutlej (Sutudri)
Aryans had knowledge about which mountains?
Himvant (Snow Mountains) and Majuvant (Soma Drink found)
1st Aryan Colonizer
Who defeated who in Aryan invasion?
Divodasa defeated Sambara
Outcome of Dasarajna?
Vasishta → Bharatas
v/s Dasarajna (Ten Tribes) ← Viswamitra
Purukutsa (Leader of Dasarajna) was killed
Tribal chief is called as?
Protector of tribe and cattle is called as?
Note: Not a king of territory
Military functions are performed by who?
Vrata, Gana, Grama, Sardha
Tribe assemblies are?
Vidhatha, Sabha, Samiti, and Gana
Women attended which assemblies? (EVP)
Vidhatha and Sabha