Trans lecture 6 Flashcards
uncommon blood group system
What are the characteristics of the Dombrock system antibodies?
The Dombrock antibodies are weakly reacting IgG antibodies that are unable to bind complement.
Which treatment is Dombrock antigens sensitive to?
Dombrock antigens are sensitive to treatment with DTT (dithiothreitol).
In what conditions do Dombrock antibodies react optimally?
Dombrock antibodies react optimally in the IAT (Indirect Antiglobulin Test).
Are Dombrock antibodies associated with hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)?
No, none of the Dombrock antibodies have been associated with HDN.
What reactions have the Dombrock antibodies been reported to cause?
The Dombrock antibodies have been reported to cause acute to delayed transfusion reactions.
How many antigens are there in the Colton system?
The Colton system has three antigens: Coa, Cob, and Co3.
Which antigens are antithetical partners in the Colton system?
Coa and Cob are antithetical partners in the Colton system.
What is the incidence of Coa antigen in the random population?
Coa antigen is present in 99.9% of the random population.
What is the incidence of Cob antigen?
Cob antigen is present in 10% of the population.
Which antigens are resistant to cin, papain, DTT, and choroquine treatment in the Colton system?
Colton antigens are resistant to cin, papain, DTT, and choroquine treatment.
How many phenotypes are there in the Colton system?
There are four phenotypes in the Colton system: Co (a+b-), Co (a+b+), Co (a-b+), and Co (a-b-).
What type of antibodies are Coa and Cob antibodies?
Both Coa and Cob antibodies are IgG antibodies.
Which reactions do Coa and Cob antibodies participate in?
Both Coa and Cob antibodies participate in RBC stimulated reactions in the IAT.
What types of transfusion reactions have Coa and Cob antibodies been associated with?
Both Coa and Cob antibodies have been associated with acute to delayed transfusion reactions.
Has Cob antigen been associated with hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)?
Cob antigen has been associated with mild HDN only.
Which cells does Anti-Co3 react with?
Anti-Co3 reacts with all Co(+) and Co(b+) cells.
What reactions have Chido (Ch) and Rodgers (Rg) antibodies been associated with?
Chido (Ch) and Rodgers (Rg) antibodies have not been associated with RBC transfusion reactions, but have been implicated in anaphylactic reactions post transfusion of plasma containing components.
What antigens are included in the Gerbich system?
The Gerbich system consists of high and low incidence antigens, including Ge2, Ge3, Ge4, GEPL, GEAT, GETI, Wb, Lsa, Ana GEIS, and Dha.
What is the Gerbich null phenotype?
The Gerbich null phenotype is Ge: –2, –3, –4 (Leach) and produces antibodies anti-Ge2 or anti-Ge3.
Which treatment are Gerbich antigens resistant to?
Gerbich antigens are resistant to DTT and glycine-acid EDTA treatment.
Which Gerbich antigen is sensitive to papain and cin enzymes?
Ge2/Ge4 antigen is sensitive to papain and cin enzymes.
What is the most common immunoglobulin class of Gerbich system antibodies?
Most antibodies in the Gerbich system are IgG, but some are IgM.
What are Gerbich antibodies?
Gerbich antibodies are alloantibodies produced by red cell exposure.
What is the clinical significance of anti-Ge3 antibodies?
Anti-Ge3 antibodies can cause anemia in newborns weeks after birth.
What should be done for babies of moms with anti-Ge3 antibodies?
Babies must be monitored for several weeks post delivery.
How do Gerbich antibodies affect red cell destruction?
Some transfusions demonstrate increased red cell destruction in vivo while others do not.
Which is the most common Gerbich antibody?
The most common Gerbich antibody is anti-Ge2.
What is the prevalence of Sda positive individuals in the population?
Approximately 91% of the population is Sda positive.
In which specimens is Sda substance found?
Sda substance is found in urine specimens and can be present in saliva and urine of newborns.