Temples Objection Handling Flashcards


To focused on the price of the program


Are you open to this from a different perspective? I know you’re fixated on the 5K price point however let me ask this five years from now.

Are you even gonna remember that 5K that you spent

will it have an impact on where you are in life

OK now, let me ask you this five years from now will not having made a change in your business.

Have an impact on where you are in life

OK so then final question why are we making decisions in a way that is counterproductive to where you want to be when you have the choice of doing the opposite in achieving your goals?

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Change the frame to challenge the prospect without coming across as sales or pushy


Yeah of course…here’s the deal though Can I talk to you as a coach for a second & not a sales rep?

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Changing the frame - changing the belief behind what the prospect is saying

Prospect yeah I have my own money. I just don’t want him to be mad at me. I don’t want to cause friction and marriage.


Yeah I get that. Nobody wants that. Everybody wants things to be happy at the same time. Does he understand what you’re going through what he say that he 100% knows how you’re feeling and that nothing else has worked for you and you feel alone

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Continue the Changing the frame - changing the belief behind what the prospect is saying


Right that might be OK for him and just because it’s OK for him doesn’t mean it’s gonna work for you right? so he may not understand so here’s a tough part. You may feel oh my gosh it’s the perfect fit for me. We try to take this to a husband or someone who may not understand what we’re going through and ask them to make a decision or something first of all on some thing that they don’t understand That you were going through second of all on a decision that they weren’t even on the call that they don’t even have all of the information or context to be able to make a decision

in fact, isn’t it unfair to ask your husband to be able to make a decision and put all the pressure on him to make that decision that’s really for you Like how could he without all the relevant information that’s not fair to do to somebody right?

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Prospect says it’s the perfect fit offer has been made finances broken down the prospect has the. Ones after saying it’s a lot of money and now doesn’t know if he should move forward and wait


For sure, man well, I don’t wanna be the one to tell you how to lose your life. I just have a bit of a concern.

What do you mean

Well, like you spent an hour with me on the phone telling me that this is the perfect fit for you and is what you need currently in your business earlier you told me if you don’t consistently start getting clients by the end of the month it’s going to put you in a bad situation

There’s two types of business owners. The first business owner makes decisions based on their emotions and how they feel the second business owner looks at the data and makes an objective emotionless decision.

Based on the fact now there’s nothing wrong with either business owner statistically, speaking, though all the business owners that get to high six and seven figures make decisions from data and the business owners that make decision for emotion, statistically, fails, and business so with everything adding up and the data shows,

this is what you need and if you don’t, you’ll be in trouble I guess I’m just concerned. We are making a decision with emotion vs data right now. What are your thoughts?

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Let me come back to you in 3 months…Let me try and do it myself first objection


Got it Would you possibly be open to looking at this from a different perspective?

Isn’t it interesting that the majority of folks live their life like they have an infinite amount of time and a limited amount of money even though money is infinite yet time is scares I understand you want to try yourself first and at the end of the day, whichever decision you choose is your responsibility. All my responsibility is to make sure that you’re able to make as educated a decision you can make by providing you with as much insight as I can

And the insight I have to share with you is it seems by doing it yourself your possibly exchanging a non renewable resource…time for a renewable resource …money

I could be off though you let me know

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Gotcha well you know the saying success loves breadcrumbs. I just wanna leave you with a little secret of ours. We invest our renewable resources money to get more money but importantly to get more nonrenewable resources time and in fact I have yet to meet a successful CEO, who doesn’t do the following formula I can confidently say I’ve never heard someone who makes seven figures say I’m going to spend money and time trying to figure this out on my own when I know someone that can help me achieve what I want that’s already done it


so my question for you is Do you want to make result driven decisions as someone you want to be would make or as your current self with where you are and your current results

What’s the date behind that decision? What’s the data that shows going off to figure it out on your own has a higher chance of success at solving it and sooner than following a step-by-step plan of someone who has achieved exactly what it is you’re wanting to do that was in the same position as you

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Hop on the call & asks for price


So to give you context, we help businesses from all sizes from Mom and pop all the way to six figures a month so opposed to being a one-size-fits-all I want to make sure we can Taylor the solution. That’s the best fit for your business your challenges and your specific needs in order to do that. I’m gonna need to ask you some questions first before giving you the price.

Taking an offer away
Right now, I just don’t think it’s best for you to join our program since you are not where you need to be from revenue standpoint the last thing I want you to do is join and not be able to get an ROI

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Dealing with difficult people


All right, let me stop you here. I’m asking these questions for you. They aren’t for me. I’m trying to help you connect to your motivation so you can fucking bulldoze this and win but if you can’t find that, and you can’t find your motivation, you’re probably not gonna succeed and we don’t even want you as a client because we wanna make sure that you’re going to be successful if you come into the program. So unless we can have an open candid conversation about it then we are both wasting each others time here

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Getting compliance just interested but no desire - shopping around - just seeing what you have


Hey, can I talk to you as a coach? I totally get your interested and that’s just fine if you are but do you know the difference between interest versus desire?

Well you see Let’s say you’re walking down the street and see a woman you fancy chances are you’re going to be interested in her

every straight guy walking down the street will be right but the ones with desire are the ones that will go up and cold approach and take the chances of rejection is the same thing with business everyone is interested in getting to seven figures but the ones with the desire are the ones that actually go out and do it

you see desire comes with action if I let you in this program based just being interested you won’t get the results you are looking for, you won’t get an roi, & you’d have wasted a bunch of money

the ones with desire are the ones who are the ones who date girls who are 10s the ones with desire are the ones who run seven figure companies and travel the world so unless you have that desire, I can’t help you right now. I’m not closing the door on you, but I’d say let’s hold off on this for now.

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Want to think about it after passing the temp check


Are you open to a different perspective on this?

OK how you do one thing is how you do everything I say this because I know you wanna think about it and I’m not forcing you to do anything and you still can’t if that’s what you want, but I wouldn’t be doing my job as a coach if I didn’t point out behaviors that were holding you back from success and who you want to be so can I share that with you

at the end of the day starting a business is risky no matter what however what the most successful business owners do is choose calculated risk were the odds are best in their favor for success when choosing these odds they move extremely fast is even Warren buffet is known to make a decision under 60 seconds for multi million dollar investment deals, and the reason for this is simple success of speed, and the longer you think about it the more emotion such as doubt, fear and uncertainty have a chance of influencing your decision

Because we want to become the hyper successful we need to make decisions like them & right now Your decisions are the direct opposite of that direction.

Even though in the program, there will be tough decisions. You need to make much tougher than this, and even if I let you in after you think about it, I’m enabling you to reinforce that habit which will only hurt you in the long run,

you said the program was 10 out of 10. Exactly what you need and I know we can absolutely help you so I want to ask you one last time.

Do you wanna make decisions and achieve results like all of our other most successful members in the community or do you want to make the same decisions like the ones who don’t get results

the person you want to become is up to you, who do you want to be?

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Let’s do this after the holiday


I understand you want to wait and be more conservative at this time

And if this is your first time going through something like this I don’t blame you

It’s kind of scary when you don’t have a proven path to follow and don’t know the road ahead.

Would you be open to a different perspective so typically there are two types of business owners that go through a recession the first type of business owner contracts they are uncertain about the future so they cut back on all expenses investments and even marketing just planning to wait it out for, however long it takes

the second type of business owner understands that the majority of business owners fall under the first type which means cheaper and easier marketing for him. He can get in front of more people for less time and money since there’s less competition and he doubles down now inherently there isn’t anything wrong with either type of business owner

statistically, speaking, though the first business owner does not make it out of the recession as they wait until they completely dry up and can’t even cover rent, the second business owner thrives as he knows it’s either try and give up or fail anyways the market share that other fear holding them back from doing so now I’m curious which business owner do you want to be?

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Not opening up on discovery


Hey name, can we step out of this for a second? Yeah, what do you mean? Well, it could just totally be me but based on the thousands of calls I’ve been on, I’m getting the feeling you aren’t really opening up and being honest about your situation. Maybe you’ve been burned in the past or dealt with some shitty selfish sales people or maybe I’m just being weird but I , wanted to open the floor up to you and give you a chance to be heard yeah well it’s just I’ve been through so many programs in the past and they all promised the world and didn’t give me shit. I’m just done trying thing after thing and I don’t really know how you guys are different, I hear that I’ve been through some shitty programs from these. But I want to try and understand what you’ve tried. Tried maybe we push this program off if it doesn’t make sense for you as I don’t want you to go through that again, but do you mind if I ask you something first?

Most successful people in life have been burned. Plenty of times. And not even Justin business. Relationships friendships family. These are all areas where people have been burned or screwed over. There’s two types of people, though that stem from these shitty situations, the first stays with a sour taste in their mouth and has more of a negative perception of people in the world leading to trust issues, etc. the second person understands that there are people than bad and will use it as a learning experience for qualifying people in the future instead of just a negative experience they won’t let the bad people stop them from experiencing the good people now I want to help you even if it’s not with us but in order to do so I need you to be more open with me and it’s going to require some vulnerability which you have already done so I want to ask you which person will you be not only on this call but after this call in your personal life?

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If I rush through to fast


Can I be vulnerable with you for a second? Honestly, this is my bad I quickly noticed you’re an ideal. Client and I know we have an amazing program that can help you and being frank. I just got too excited about that. I didn’t ask the right questions I should have asked and did a poor job of sharing the program as I do believe if you knew what I knew about the program , you’d quite possibly believe it’s a perfect fit so I just want to remove my ego and ask you what would you need to see or understand in order to possibly do business together?

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Prospect is in pessimistic frame of mind and keeps finding reasons why this wouldn’t work for them


Can I give you some feedback here so far we spent the last 10 minutes finding reasons why this won’t work for us, but could I share with you a similar situation? Say I tell you red car everywhere you look you will find nothing but red cars in fact, you probably won’t even notice a single blue or green car for the day , why is this well because your brain is some consciously hardwired to only really focus on one task at a time now I say this because if you want to find reasons why this won’t work for you you will find them till the end of time not just us but any program you talk to there will be a reason not to do it or why it won’t work for you, but I can’t tell you this there are people that came into our program with much worse and much situations than you and there are some of our best case studies to date

Why is that well because they were looking for reasons why this will work for them success favors opportunities instead of pessimist so I want to ask you do you want to find reasons why you won’t achieve your XYZ goal or reasons why you finally will

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Hard closing without seeming salesy


Can I ask you what might seem like a silly question when you’re in the program are you going to want to coach that pushes you when he knows what’s best for you and hold you accountable or do you want to coach that is passive and believes in your excuses?
OK, well is it OK if we start that process now because this is technically the first coaching call?

And just to give you some context first it’s my job to push you as a coach so at the end of the day, it’s my job to push you to do whatever it is you want to do and realign you with whoever you need to be in order to achieve what you tell me you want to achieve if you were to hop on the phone with me and tell me you weren’t really on the spot and didn’t know if you want to do it anymore I do everything in my power to convince you and push you to not so when you tell me you want to achieve Per month you said you believe we can be the ones to help you to get there that you’ve had this issue for months now and if you don’t do something about it, you can hit red and three months is my job to make sure I push you as a coach and realigned you with the fact that you doing objection goes against what you told me earlier so you need to do this now and if you won’t make the best decision on what’s right for you I’ll step up and will let’s do this and achieve ex. Let me welcome you to the family what’s your email for the receipt?


Risk frame


Can I ask you a personal question?

What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done?


Unsophisticated buyers little voice


OK, got it. Well just sent the invite for tomorrow. Do you mind if I give you a quick coaching session before you hop off?

Cool as soon as you hop off this call what’s going to happen? Is you’re going to have this little voice in the back of your head and it’s gonna go like I don’t know I mean what if it doesn’t work out I don’t know if it’s a lot of money maybe we can wait on this. We don’t really need this right now. Do we and that little voice is going to be negative is going to hold you back fun fact, though everyone has this voice and I want to ask you I mean, do you think people making 100 K a month listen to this voice no how do you think they think?
Yea they do so how are we going to think

OK, I just want to make sure if you can give me that promise. I can definitely give you the promise of the time for being able to think it over tonight and talk to your wife.


Fear nerves or uncertainty based objection


Is it OK if I show you why your last-minute hesitations are just limiting beliefs holding you back from your true potential worst case you come in this program apply everything we say and only close three clients and break even meaning you lost no money and face no downside that’s your apocalypse situation. Best case you come into this program apply what we say, and finally achieve result and ex emotional benefit , where else are you going to find better odds in business than that?


Can I speak to a referral


Just to be frank with you we don’t do that as a company nor do we need to

However can I explain why we don’t do that and how it actually doesn’t benefit you but hurts you?

So at the end of the day I’m only gonna give you the people that absolutely love our service I’m not gonna give you someone that came in absolutely hates us & didn’t get the result

So what that means is, I’m only giving you people with a biased perspective Which isn’t gonna help you with what you’re looking for in terms of speaking to a referral

Second thing is, I can tell you we absolutely do have people that come in this program and dong get the result they are looking for

They come and try to implement overdoing they don’t implement correctly. Something comes up in their personal life.

They don’t ask for help when they need it and they don’t achieve the result

That being said if any sales person is saying that they don’t have people they don’t get results for run for the hills cause they don’t care about you they care about your credit card

The vast majority 95 % absolutely do get the result that they’re looking for if they achieve 100% of exactly how we ask to implement

So let me ask you what would make you different than the 95% as to why this wouldn’t work for you?


I need to think about it


No worries if you need to think about it and that’s the way you make decisions all good that said when you go to think about it just so I can help you out

And give you more clarity on the process of thinking about it. What specifically are you thinking through? That way I can give you materials that would help out with that


I just want to make sure this is right for me


OK got it. Thanks for helping out with that. I definitely might have some stuff that can help with that just to get a bit more clarity. What do you mean specifically when you say xyz