Strategic and organizational concepts for MAC Flashcards
What are some of the not so good implications from strategy?
- What if the strategy is in the wrong direction? Following a path that ignores the innovation in the technology and environmental issues
- Groupthink: can get a narrow vision/forget the broader picture, and groupthink can result in not grasping the outside world.
- Can reduce creativity as it is made too simple to follow the direction
What are the five definitions of strategy?
- Plan: We see the strategy as a plan – understand what the actions should be, what to do today, and then see what objectives we need to do it
- Pattern: Strategy is something that is build up over time, and it is more the actions that are showing the direction - the pattern
- Position: Look into the environment, what competitors/customers/suppliers do/need – see where we should be. Analyze the environment and find the best position
- Perspective: Idea of where we want to be (entrepreneur), strong view/vision
- Ploy: If we want a new perspective then it is radical change, not a quick change in position
What are some of the different types of strategies?
- Planned: Often a stable environment
- Entrepreneurial: Based on individual strategy (often vision) – top leader
- Ideological: Coming from values that are proposed into the strategy
- Umbrella: Only make strategies within the specified area/umbrella. Could be only working within certain industries, or only be present in markets where there is opportunity to be market leader
- Process: Process is controlled but the content comes from participants. Open about what is going on and has clear definition about how process is structured
- Disconnected: Having a strategy but then emergent strategies come into the organization
- Consensus: Ongoing adaptation
- Imposed: Comes from external, something that need to be done differently (imposed to do due to climate changes, things become illegal)
Explain how there can be intended, unrealized and realized strategies?
Can have a intended strategy that becomes deliberate - but then some actions inside or outside the organization (emergent strategy) occurs, and the outcome of this combination/reformulation is then re realized strategy that is actually implemented. The startegies that are not implemented are then unrealized strategies
Explain what the key concepts for the Design school is
- Focus on finding a fit between internal and external capabilities
- It is a prescriptive model
- The decision maker is the CEO/top management
- It is good in a stable environment where the CEO can have the full overview
- The strategies found should be simple so that others can implement the strategy
- Clear seperation of formulation and implementation - here focus is on formulation
What is some of the critique to the design school?
- Too simple
- Assumes that we start from scrath
- Assumes that we can think our way to the strategy
- No feedback lines/learning
- CEO cannot know everything
- Not flexible to changes in the environment
What are the similarities between the three prescriptive schools?
- All missing the link to the “real world” in the organization
- Cannot be used on its own
- All are top down
- Works in stable environments
What does “prescriptive mean”
Focus on how strategies should be formulated rather than focus on strategies actually do form
Explain what the difference on the prescriptive and descriptive schools are?
Prescriptive schools: strategies made by top management, and ordinary employees does not influence the strategy. Focus on objectives - focus on the strategy formulation and not how it forms. Focus on how the strategy should be formed and carried out.
- Understand what the challenges are
- values the contribution of the lower level employees.
- Decision making process begins from the bottom.
- Based on the mental process, and how people perceive patterns and process of formation.
- Strategy formation can be done using past experience, process of learning
- Strategies can be unplanned, developing incrementally over time
- If past experience was positive then we do that, and if negative then a different decision is made (prescriptive analyze all options before deciding based on all factors what the best option is)
What are the key concepts of the planning school?
- Prescriptive school
- Find overall strategy, decompose into smaller plans, elaborate, formalize, implement and then control
- Having a plan department
- Strategies are explicit
- Focus on objectives/budgets
What are the advantages of the planning school?
- High degree of control of the strategies and see if they are on track
- Knowing if the individual department delivered what was expected/according to budget
What are the critiques/disadvantages of the planning school?
- Require a lot of information
- Only works in stabel environments - no flexibility
- Planning department not attached to the daily operations
- Focus on the process, sometimes strategic plans gets lost in the planning
- No room for creativity and learning
What are the prescriptive models missing?
- The human side:
- Cognition: can the top leader have all of the information? = bounded rationality
- Creativity: a leader having a vision
- Learning: action, though action/trying out strategies- cannot think everything though - Seperation between formulation and implementation
- Strategy does not interact between formulation and operational side
- Lack of creativity
- Risk of lack of commitment/involvement
What are the key concepts of the positioning school?
- Strategy formation is a analytical process
- Based on Porter
- Organizations need analyse the environment extensively and then decide upon the best strategy/position to be in
- Suggest a specifik strategy
- Do not focus on history or resources but rather where the company wishes to be
- Highly focus on external environment
What are the advantages of the positioning school?
- Get a lot of information though the analyses
- Understand how a firm can get a competitive advantages
- Raises the issue of sustainability – do not want a short-term strategy, but a long term/sustainable to earn money in the long run
What are the critique/disadvantages of the positioning school?
- Companies do not have all choices available in reality
- Is it realistic that companies can just chose a position that they wish to be in? Is strategy rather build over time
- Works stable environments
- Bias towards large companies
- Does not include learning and creativity - simply chose the strategy that is best on paper
What are the key aspects of the entrepreneurial school?
- Strategy formation as a visionary process.
- In between prescriptive and descriptive schools
- Entreprenør can change the vision of the organization (culture schools that this is not possbile)
- Former schools are more deliberate - here, not aware and focus on how we ended up with the strategy
- Having a vision, trying to see where the future is heading and what are the opportunities (Elon Musk moon)
What are the advantages of the entrepreneurial school?
- Flexible
- Minimizes organizational politics – what the entrepreneur says goes
- A charismatic leader gives motivation for implementation
What are the disadvantages of the entrepreneurial school?
- Can result in groupthink where the group cannot think themselves, but are blind and just follow the leader
- If the leader stops then the visionary is gone
- Narrow control
- No involvement of employees
- Paradox: when the vision is formed it can be difficult to change it
What are the key concepts about the cognitive school?
- Strategy formation as a mental process
- Concerns how we perceive the environment and how different people perceive it differently based on their prior information/background
- Underlines why we need diverse group of managers and employees
- Perception is not rational - bounded rationality
- We cannot comprehend all information
What are some of the cognitive biases?
- Conservatism: Failure to change ideas in the light of new information
- Self-sealing: Searching for facts confirming held view while rejecting information. Try to find facts that confirm the present beliefs, not as open towards new information
- Inconsistency: Inability to apply same decision criteria to similar situations
- Recency: Recent events dominate thinking, while less recent are ignored
- Availability: Reliance on events/information that are easily recalled/close to one
- Anchoring: Giving initial information too much weight when making prediction
- Illusory correlation: Easily believe in causation
- Selective perception: Tendency to see problems in terms of one’s own background - why we need a diverse group of managers
What are the two wings of the cognitive school?
- Objective wing: need to reduce biases
2. Subjective wing: we will always have biases
What is the strength of the cognitive school?
Reminds us that thinking and psychology play an important role in strategy formation
What are the weaknesses of the cognitive school?
- Raises important questions but does not answer them
2. Very descriptive, but does not tell us how to do the strategy based on that
How is the cognitive and learning school linked?
Both says how we do not everything/cannot perceive the whole world
How is the learning school and cultural school linked?
Focus on resource based view, and collective understanding
How is the learning school and cultural school linked?
Focus on resource based view, and collective understanding.
Both learning and culture are resources that cannot be imitated - and both is binding the company to their current state and strategy.
How is the learning school different from the prescriptive schools?
Prescriptive schools only works in stable environments, and often forgets that the ones with the operational knowledge is not a part of the management/planning team at it tries to predict the future.
Learning school is acknowledging the bottom-up knowledge, and a lot of change in the environment
Prescriptive schools are also more deliberate and focus on control and making sure that intentional are realized - learning school is more emergent
Perscriptive: think, do, think
Learning: do, think, do