Species Profiles Flashcards
What genus of tree is a Picae
Spruce Tree
What genus of tree is a Pinus
Pine Tree
What genus of tree is a Psuedotsuga
Douglas Fir Trees
What genus of tree is an Abies
Fir Tree
What genus of tree is a Tsuga
Hemlock Tree
Larix larcina
Larix Lyalli
Alpine Larch
Picea glauca
White Spruce
Picea mariana
Black Spruce
Picea pungens
Colorado Blue Spruce
Abies balsamea
Balsam Fir
The Tamarack genus is found in…
in the central foothills muskegs and fens but less frequently in bogs. Commonly associated with Pinea mariana, Betula papyrifera, & Salix spp.
The larix tree is a…
Deciduous hard-wood, up to 50m tall with smooth young bark that furrows and flakes into scales as it ages. Soft pine needles growing in clusters with catkins and cones at its terminal ends.
A Tamarack tree is
up to 20m tall, with thin grey bark that turns brown-red and scaly with age. Leaves cluster in groups of 12-20, and are deciduous blue green in Summer.
Tamarack cones are
ovulate cones are upright on the stem, ovoid shaped, 1-2cm, brown and woody when mature, opening at the end of the season.