Specialized mucosa Flashcards
Talk about specialized Mousa on dorsal surface of tongue
Taste buds-tongue papillae-lingual tonsil
Present on the dorsal surface of the tongue
is divided by V shaped sulcus terminalis into:-papillary part (ant.2/3) lymphatic part (post 1/3).
Talk about filiform papillae
high, narrow conical structures
arranged in parallel rows
near the post. 1/3 become parallel to sulcus T.
central core of C.T. covered by keratinized str. sq. epithelium.
Has 1-2 secondary papillea.
Does not contain taste buds, but has a mechanical function
Talk about fungiform
Present in between filiform papillae.
mushroomlike structures
central core of primary C.T. papilla
covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinized
2RY C.T. papillae make the B.V near surface of epithelium
appears red .
Contains 1-2 taste bud
The numerous papillae on the tip of the tongue are responsible for sweet sensation.
The papillae on the lateral borders are responsible for salt sensation.
Chorda tympani is responsible for these sensation
Talk about circumvallate
812 in number Present e anterior to sulcus terminalis. do not protrude above the surface of the tongue embedded in the tongue surrounded by deep trough wall of the trough contains taste bud narrow base wide surface
central core of C.T. which sends 2ry C.T. papillae to the stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium.
responsible for the bitter sensation
nerve supply is by glossopharyngeal nerve
In the C.T. in the base of the trough von Ebner salivary glands are present
Talk about functions of von Ebner salivary glands
Clean the food deprise in the trough to prepare the taste bud for new taste sensation.
Dissolves the food to help the taste function.
In infant secretes lipase enzyme
Talk about foliate papillae
presents at lateral sides of sulcus terminalis.
sharp parallel clefts
Surrounded by troughs
von Ebner salivary g. opens in walls of troughs
covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinized Contains taste buds.
Responsible for the Sour sensation
Nerve supply is by glossopharyngeal nerve
What are other names of outer , inner suporting cells & neuroepthelial cells
Outer & inner : sustainecular cells
Neuroepithelial : receptors to taste stimuli
What is type of weber salivary gland & von ebner
weber : mucus
von ebner : serous
Talk about taste bud
all tongue papillae except filiform
Soft palate.
Posterior surface of epiglottis.
rounded base toward C.T
pointed end at the outer surface (taste pore).
Outer supporting cells arranged like layers of onion .
Inner supporting cells, rode shape cells with basal nuclei.
Neuroepithelial cells 10-12 in number present between the inner supporting calls. slender basal darkly stained nucleus
apical stiff bristlelike process extends to the space beneath the taste pore.
The taste bud is about 80 in height and 40 in width.
Nerve plexus is present in C.T. below the taste bud
Talk about lingual tonsil
small rounded or oval elevations
due to aggregation of lymphatic nodules in the underlying C.T. known as lingual follicle
lingual follicles are covered by stratified sqamous nonkeratinized epithelium
L.follicle extend down in many sites to form lingual crypt
composed of germinal centers and lymphatic tissue fills the spaces between these centers
Ducts from underlying Weber mucous salivary g open into the bottom of the lingual crypt.
Lingual tonsil forms a part of the lymphatic ring between mouth and nose from one side and the pharynx on the other side