Socialisation. Flashcards
Define Society.
An organized group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest.
Define Socialism.
A lifelong process where members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices, and roles.
Define Social Control.
A concept that refers to how people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance, and behaviors are regulated in social systems.
Define Social Issues.
Problems that affect many people within a Society.
Define Social Stratification.
A type of Social inequality where society is divided into different levels based on a social characteristic.
What are the Types of Socialisation?
Describe Primary Socialisation.
Socialization during early years of childhood - immediate family.
The key process is the Internalisation of a Society’s Culture.
Describe Secondary Socialisation.
Socialization during later years - teenagers and adults.
Other agencies have an influence, e.g. schools, peers, etc.
Define Gender Socialisation.
Involves the learning of behaviors and attitudes which are historically considered correct for that sex.
How Active are We?
1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 men in England are classes as physically inactive - doing less than 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.
Explain Social Control in Female Sport.
Mild disapproval from their husband may persuade women to limit physical activity e.g. choose Zumba over rugby.
Control from the media or peers to look feminine and maintain a slim appearance - rule out muscle development e.g. weight lifting, boxing, rugby.
List the Practical Barriers affecting Participation for Women.
Lack of Time and Lack of Childcare.
Lack of Transport.
Lack of Money.
Personal Safety.
Access to Facilities.
List the Personal Barriers affecting Participation for Women.
Body Image.
Clothing and Equipment.
Lack of Self-Confidence.
Parental and Adult Influence.
List the Social and Cultural Barriers affecting Participation for Women.
The Male Dominated Culture of Sport.
Attitudes and Prejudice about Sexuality.
Attitudes and Prejudices about Disability.
Attitudes and Prejudices about Ethnicity.
Sexual Harassment and Abuse.
Female Invisibility.