Social Woker Flashcards
What are Social Workers?
They are Allied Health Assistants who help people who are in crisis and need support. They provide counselling, information and referrals to other services.
Where might you find a Social Worker?
Hospitals, Schools, Aged Care facilities, Government departments etc
What is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker?
They are Social Workers who have completed advanced training and education in mental health
How do Social Workers assist in a hospital setting?
Discharge planning; Work closely with other hospital staff to plan and arrange support which may be required during or after hospital treatment
Social Work Assessment; Undertake assessments regarding personal, family or home related issues
What does ‘cleft’ mean?
A split or divide
What are the risk factors of cleft palate?
The cause is unknown but possible risk factors are genetics, smoking whilst pregnant, certain medications during pregnancy etc
Explain Social Workers in relation to the Australian Healthcare System
Medicare; 10 free sessions as part of MH plan if social worker is an accredited mental health worker
PBS; n/a
PHI; may be covered (dependent on level of cover)