skil aquisition Flashcards
skill definition
the learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximum certainty often with the minimum outlay of time and energy
characteristics of a skill
goal directed
follows technical model
open skills
affected by people around you
unstable environment
may perform skill differently each time
e.g. recieving a pass, a rugby tackle
closed skills
perform the same every time
stable environment
e.g. golf, long jump
gross movement
large, whole body movement
e.g. rugby tackle
fine movement
small, intricate movements
precise and accurate
e.g. pool, snooker, archery
self paced
start of movement is controlled/initiated by performer
e.g. javelin
continuous skill
no clear start and end of the skill
externally paced
start of movement is controlled by external factors
e.g. 100m sprint
serial skill
several discrete skills making up a sequence
discrete skill
clear start and end of the skill
low organisation
made of sub routines
easily separated and practiced themselves
high organisation
closely linked together
difficult to separate
basic skills
learned quickly
few decisions to make
e.g. walking, jumping
complex skills
difficult decision making
takes practice
e.g. high jump, somersault