Sistema Nervoso de Camundongos Flashcards
Quais são as camadas do neocórtex do camundongo?
1, 2/3, 4, 5, 6 e 7
Onde estão localizadas, na placa e tubo neural, as células progenitoras dos neurônios e glia?
The neuroepithelium of the neural plate and tube contains the progenitors for the neural cells – neurons and glia – that will jointly form operative brain structures
O que é neurulação?
Neurulation is a fundamental process of embryogenesis that culminates in the formation of the neural tube after progressive infolding of the early neural plate.
Qual a diferença entre dorsalização e ventralização?
Dorsalization, mediated by dorsally-originated diffused signals, tends to pattern typical dorsal neural derivatives, while ventralization, mediated by signals diffusing from the axial mesoderm (notochord) and the neural floor plate, tends to pattern ventral neural fates
Qual é a função do gene Sonic Hedgehog?
Ventral signaling is represented by Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), which is expressed at the axial mesendoderm and codes for a secretable protein morphogen, SHH.
Qual a função comportamental do córtex?
Behaviorally, the role of the cortex is to provide sophisticated control and integration, on the basis of an analytical overview of the interoceptive and exteroceptive environment
Quais são as limitações estruturais do córtex cerebral de camundongos?
The mouse cerebral cortex, bordered by the medial pallium (archicortex) on the medial side, and the lateral pallium (allocortex) laterally, is dominated by a large expanse of neocortex
O que acontece se for introduzida uma nova classe de cones na retina de um camundongo?
For example the genetic manipulations that introduce an additional class of visual cone receptors in the mouse retina cause a smooth, behaviorally useful reconfiguration of the visual cortex instead of disruption