Restoration Flashcards
Ecological Restoration
The process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed to its original state.
(Gann et al, 2019)
Why is monitoring important?
Increased understanding of how humans are impacting environment.
Makes it possible to set and measure restoration targets.
Allows us to track the present day condition of environmental indicators.
Enables tracking of long-term trends in ecosystem health.
Needed to determine effectiveness of restoration and conservation efforts.
(ENSC 3106 Notes)
How do you tell when restoration is successful?
It’s very hard! You need planned targets to be able to determine but even then it may to be hard to tell if back to normal due to lack of longterm data.
(ENSC 3106 Notes)
As outlined by the Society of Ecological Restoration’s (SER) Primer, restoration is considered successful when an ecosystem is able to function and withstand disturbances properly without any further assistance (SER, 2004).
To assess this success SER provides nine attributes including the (1) ecosystem being composed of (or has the ability to be naturally colonized by) species that match a reference ecosystem (2) without invasives, (3) including those that are required for the ecosystem to function properly (SER, 2004). That the (4) habitat provides the capability for species to reproduce, and (5) functions normally for whatever stage of development it is at, including (6) its interactions with its surrounding environment, and its (7) ability to resist disturbances (SER, 2004). Also, (8) threats to the ecosystem have been eliminated and it will be (9) self-sustaining (SER, 2004).
Adaptive Management
An ongoing process for improving management policies and practices by applying knowledge learned through the assessment of previously employed policies and practices to future projects and programs.
It is the practice of revisiting management decisions and revising them in light of new information.
(Gann et al, 2019)
Ecosystem Integrity
The ability of an ecosystem to support and sustain characteristic ecological functioning and biodiversity (i.e. species composition and community structure).
Can be measured as the extent that a community of native organisms is maintained.
(Gann et al, 2019)
Natural Recovery Potential
Capacity of ecosystem attributes to return to a site through natural regeneration.
(Gann et al, 2019)
Nature-Based Solutions
Actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits.
(Gann et al, 2019)
A management activity, such as the removal or detoxification of contaminates or excess nutrients from soil and water, that aims to remove sources of degradation.
(Gann et al, 2019)
The process of making severely degraded land (e.g. former mine sites or wastelands) fit for cultivation or a state suitable for some human use. Also used to describe the formation of productive land from the sea.
(Gann et al, 2019)
Management actions that aim to reinstate a level of ecosystem functioning on degraded sites, where the goal is renewed and ongoing provision of ecosystem services rather than the biodiversity and integrity of a designated native reference ecosystem.
(Gann et al, 2019)
What is the difference between restoration an rehabilitation?
Restoration attempts to return environment to its original state, while rehabilitation acknowledges that it will be permanently altered, but seeks to return a self-sustaining native community that is as close to the original as possible.
Society for Ecological Restoration
SER is a global network of diverse experts that actively promotes best practices and effective restoration policy around the world.
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals.
The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change.
The International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration (the Standards)
A framework to explain, define, guide, and measure the activities and outcomes of ecological restoration practice.
(Gann et al, 2019)
What are the underpinning assumption of the Standards?
Ecological restoration should never be invoked as a justification for destroying or damaging existing native ecosystems or for unsustainable use.
Based on increasing potential for native species and communities to recover and continue to reassemble, adapt, and evolve.
Ecological restoration complements other conservation activities and nature-based solutions and vice versa.
(Gann et al, 2019)