psychodynami approach - strengths and weaknesses Flashcards
strength - psychotherapy
introduced idea of talking therapy (psychotherapy) instead of physical treatments
became forerunner of modern talking therapies like counselling
strength - behaviour and experiences
ability to explain human behaviour
explains phenomena such as personality development, abnormal behaviour and gender identity
draws attention to connection between early childhood experiences and later development
weakness - testing
it is not empirically testable (unfalsifiable)
cant dissect mind to reveal id, superego and ego
so it is not scientific and relies on subjective interpretation from psychoanalysts (pseudoscience)
weakness - androcentric and representation
freud’s focus on the oedipus complex is too androcentric and overlooks understanding of women
freuds patients were all part of the viennese middle class so he had an unrepresentative sample which he based his universal generalisations on