Prejudice and Discrimination Flashcards
a preconceived opinion that isn’t based on reason or actual expirence
the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex or disability
the activity of mixing socially with others
a widely held but fixed and oversimplified imac or ides of a particular type of person or thing
an exclusive, typically, small, group with a shared interest or identity
those people who do not belong to a specific in-group
How does prejudice and discrimination connect to sociology
- Born with it
- Psychology
- Resource conflict
- Frustration - Aggression
- In groups and Outgroups
A lot of social scientists believed that prejudice was basic part of our biological makeup
Evidence indicates that prejudicial attidue are socially learned and we aren’t born with them
Resource conflict
This theory argues that the basic source of prejudice and discrimination comes from competition among ethnic groups for scarce resources
Frustration - Aggression Hypothesis
-According to this theory, when peoples goals and expectations are blocked, they becomes angry and frustrated and look for a scrapegoat, often turning on members of minority groups
-Scrapegroups take the blame for society ills even though they are not responsible for them
-Often forms around a charismatic leader
-Has distinct and unorthodox beliefs tjay challenge mainstream societal norms
-Engages in exclusive or isolating practice with a strong emphasis on loyalty and control over members
Instrumental leadership
organizes a group in pursuit of certain goals. An instrumental leader defines the goals and determines ways to achieve them
Expressive leadership
created harmony and solidarity among group members. An expressive leader keeps morals high. He or she is usually liked by others groups members
Authoritarian leadership
simply gives orders, it is effective in emergency situations