What flows from a conductor with higher electron concentration to one with lower concentration?
Free electrons
What happens to the movement of electrons when concentrations equalize?
The movement stops
What acts as a source of electrons in an electric circuit?
Electric cell
In an electric cell, what is the direction of electron flow?
From cathode to anode
How do bodies move in terms of gravitational potential?
From higher gravitational potential to lower gravitational potential
What happens when two vessels with different water levels are joined?
Water flows from higher level to lower level until equal
What is the potential of a conductor with an excess of electrons?
Negative potential or lower potential
What is the potential of a conductor with a deficit of electrons?
Positive potential or higher potential
What is the direction of electron flow in terms of potential?
From low potential to high potential
What is the direction of current flow in relation to electron flow?
From high potential to low potential
What formula represents potential difference?
V = W/Q
In the potential difference formula, what are the units of work and charge?
Work: joules (J), Charge: coulombs (C)
What is the SI unit of potential difference?
Volt (V)
What is electric resistance?
Obstruction offered to the flow of current by a conductor
What does Ohm’s Law state?
R = V/I or V = I × R
What is the resistance of a conductor if one ampere flows with one volt applied?
One ohm (Ω)
List the factors affecting resistance in a conductor.
- Material of the wire
- Length of the wire
- Cross-sectional area of the wire
- Temperature of the wire
What affects the resistance of a wire?
Number of collisions between electrons and fixed positive ions
True or False: The resistance of a conductor is the same for all materials.
what do you mean by potential dif
potential dif between 2 conductors is equal to the work done in transfering a unit positive charge from one conductor to the other conductor
what do you mean by “the potential dif bet 2 conductors is 1 volt”
this means thar work done in transfering 1 columb of charge from one pt to another is 1 joule
define ohms law
the current flowing through a conductor is directly prop. to the v applied across its ends provided its temp is constant