Period #4 Vocabulary (Set #1) Flashcards
Define “Louisiana Purchase”
Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France for $15 million and basically doubled U.S. territory
Define “Strict interpretation of the Constitution”
Only act lawfully based on what the Constitution permits, do not act based on implied powers. Constitution holds the highest power, act and think as it outlines with zero exceptions.
Define “Lewis and Clark”
Define “John Marshall”
Define “Judicial Review”
Define “Marbury v. Madison”
Define “Barbary Pirates”
Define “Impressment”
Define “Chesapeake-Leopard Affair”
Define “Embargo Act”
Define “Non-intercourse Act”
Define “Macon’s Bill No. 2”
Define “Tecumseh”
Define “William Henry Harrison”
Define “Battle of Tippecanoe”