Neuroterminology Flashcards
a momentary reversal in electrical potential across a plasma membrane (as of a neuron of muscle fiber) that occurs when a cell has been activated by a stimulus
action potential
abnormal union of separate tissue surfaces by new fibrous tissue resulting from an inflammatory process
conveying impulses toward the central nervous system (sensory)
pain resulting from a stimulus (such as a light touch of the skin) which would not normally provoke pain
the maximum departure of the value of an alternating current or wave from the average value
m/kg/s unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of 1 coulomb/s
insensitivity to pain without loss of consiousness
an agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness: drug that is used to relieve pain
loss of sensation with or without loss of consiousness
lacking awareness or sensitivity
electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs such as: the positive terminal of an electrolytic cell
situated toward the front of the body
concerned with or extending along a direction or axis from front to back or from anterior to posterior
of or relating to a thin membrane of the brain and spinal cord that lies between the dura mater and the pia mater
inflammation of the arachnoid membrane
decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue
a part of the vertebrate nervous system that innervates smooth and cardiac muscle and glandular tissues and governs involuntary actions (such as secretion and peristalsis) and that consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
autonomic nervous system
a forcible separation or detachment: such as: a tearing away of a body part accidentally or surgically
situated around, in the direction of, on, or along an axis
a usually long and single nerve-cell process that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body
having or involving the use of two poles or polarities
the negative terminal of an electrolytic cell
the roots of the spinal nerves that extend beyond the termination of the spinal cord at the first lumbar vertebra in the form of a bundle of filaments within the spinal canal resembling a horse’s tail
cauda equina
directed toward or situated in or near the tail or posterior part of the body
a constant, usually burning pain that results from injury to a peripheral nerve and is often considered a type of complex regional pain syndrome
an agent (such as a hot iron or caustic) used to burn, sear, or destroy tissue
the nucleus-containing central part of a neuron exclusive of its axons and dendrites that is the major structural element of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord, the ganglia, and the retina
cell body
the part of the nervous system which in vertebrates consists of the brain and spinal cord, to which sensory impulses are transmitted and from which motor impulses pass out, and which coordinates the activity of the entire nervous system
central nervous system
toward the head or anterior end of the body
a colorless liquid that is comparable to serum, is secreted from the blood into the lateral ventricles of the brain and serves chiefly to maintain uniform pressure within the brain and spinal cord
cerebrospinal fluid
an unmyelinated nerve fiber especially of the autonomic system
the complete path of an electric current including usually the source of electric energy
the process of becoming viscous or thickened into a coherent mass: the forming of clots (as in blood or cream)
a small bone that articulates with the sacrum and that usually consists of four fused vertebrae which form the terminus of the spinal column in humans and tailless apes
a condition of chronic, severe, often burning pain usually of part or all of one or more extremities that typically occurs following an injury, that is often accompanied by swelling, skin discoloration, allodynia, abnormal sweating, and impaired motor function in the affected area, and that is of unknown pathogenesis, —abbreviation CRPS
complex regional pain syndrome
a material or object that permits an electric current to flow easily
something (such as a symptom or condition) that makes a particular treatment or procedure inadvisable
occurring on or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body
the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric charge equal to the quantity of electricity transferred by a current of one ampere in one second
a flow of electric charge
deterioration of a tissue or an organ in which its function is diminished, or its structure is impaired
any of the usually branching protoplasmic processes that conduct impulses toward the body of a neuron
loss of the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the plasma membrane of a muscle or nerve cell due to a change in permeability and migration of sodium ions to the interior
an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value
direct current
to separate into pieces: expose the several parts of (something, such as an animal) for scientific examination
relating to or situated near or on the back especially of an animal or of one of its parts
a longitudinal subdivision of gray matter in the dorsal part of each lateral half of the spinal cord that receives terminals from some afferent fibers of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves
dorsal horn
the one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and consists of sensory fibers
dorsal root
the tough fibrous membrane that envelops the brain and spinal cord external to the arachnoid and pia mater
dura mater
impairment of sensitivity especially to touch
any of various conditions (such as Parkinson’s disease and torticollis) characterized by abnormalities of movement and muscle tone
a condition produced by faulty nutrition
an abnormal infiltration and excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity
conducting outward from a part or organ (motor)
cauterization of tissue by means of an instrument heated by an electric current
a conductor used to establish electrical contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit
situated upon or administered or placed outside the dura mater
containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers
the number of times that a periodic function repeats the same sequence of values during a unit variation of the independent variable
neural tissue especially of the brain and spinal cord that contains nerve-cell bodies as well as nerve fibers and has a brownish gray color
grey matter
laminectomy involving the removal of vertebral laminae on only one side
a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second
—abbreviation Hz
decreased sensitivity to pain
neurological condition that causes a person extreme sensitivity to touch, pain, pressure and thermal sensations due to many possible causes and affected nerves, typically involve pain in varied intensity, frequency and quality
disagreeable or painful sensation in response to a normally innocuous stimulus (as touch)
the apparent opposition in an electrical circuit to the flow of an alternating current that is analogous to the actual electrical resistance to a direct current and that is the ratio of effective electromotive force to the effective current
a wave of excitation transmitted through tissues and especially nerve fibers and muscles that results in physiological activity or inhibition
a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, and pain and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue
to supply with nerves
a neuron that conveys impulses from one neuron to another
any of the tough elastic discs that are interposed between the centra of adjoining vertebrae and that consist of an outer fibrous ring enclosing an inner pulpy nucleus
intervertebral disc
any of the thin membranous ligaments that connect the spinous processes of contiguous vertebrae
interspinous ligament
not easily relieved or cured
introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord
situated or appearing on or affecting the same side of the body
deficient supply of blood to a body part (such as the heart or brain) that is due to obstruction of the inflow of arterial blood
either of two broad, flat plates of bone of a vertebra that is fused with and extends from the pedicle to the median line of the neural arch to form the base of the spinous process and that along with the pedicle forms the posterior part of the vertebral foramen
surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra (as to relieve compression of a spinal nerve root)
surgical division of a vertebral lamina
of or relating to the side
a tough fibrous band of tissue connecting the articular extremities of bones or supporting an organ in place
puncture of the subarachnoid space in the lumbar region of the spinal cord to withdraw cerebrospinal fluid or inject anesthetic drugs
lumbar puncture
a neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement
motor neuron
the insulating covering that surrounds an axon with multiple spiral layers of myelin, that is discontinuous at the nodes of Ranvier, and that increases the speed at which a nerve impulse can travel along an axon
myelin sheath
any of the filamentous bands of nervous tissue that connect parts of the nervous system with the other organs, conduct nerve impulses, and are made up of axons and dendrites together with protective and supportive structures
any of the processes (such as axons or dendrites) of a neuron
nerve fiber
the progressive physicochemical change in the membrane of a nerve fiber that follows stimulation and serves to transmit a record of sensation from a receptor or an instruction to act to an effector
nerve impulse
the proximal (close to the point of attachment) end of a nerve
nerve root
acute paroxysmal pain radiating along the course of one or more nerves usually without demonstrable changes in the nerve structure
an inflammatory or degenerative lesion of a nerve marked especially by pain, sensory disturbances, and impaired or lost reflexes
a grayish or reddish granular cell that is the fundamental functional unit of nervous tissue transmitting and receiving nerve impulses and having cytoplasmic processes which are highly differentiated frequently as multiple dendrites or usually as solitary axons which conduct impulses to and away from the cell body
damage, disease, or dysfunction of one or more nerves especially of the peripheral nervous system that is typically marked by burning or shooting pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness or atrophy, is often degenerative, and is usually caused by injury, infection, disease, drugs, toxins, or vitamin deficiency
substance (such as norepinephrine or acetylcholine) that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse
a receptor (as in the skin) for nociceptive stimuli: a pain sense organ
of, relating to, or being a drug used to treat a condition for which it has not been officially approved
the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric resistance equal to the resistance of a circuit in which a potential difference of one volt produces a current of one ampere
a law in electricity: the strength of a direct current is directly proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit
ohm’s law
an electrical circuit in which the continuity is broken so that current does not flow
open circuit
a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin that has no objective cause
the part of a skin or tissue graft left attached to the original site during the preliminary stages of union
the part of the nervous system that is outside the central nervous system and comprises the cranial nerves excepting the optic nerve, the spinal nerves, and the autonomic nervous system
peripheral nervous system
vascular disease (as Raynaud’s disease and Buerger’s disease) affecting blood vessels outside of the heart and especially those vessels supplying the extremities NVM PVD
peripheral vascular disease
an often painful sensation of the presence of a limb that has been amputated.
phantom limb
the thin vascular membrane that invests the brain and spinal cord internal to the arachnoid and dura mater
pia mater
the particular state either positive or negative with reference to the two poles or to electrification
located behind or toward the back; the hind end of the body
a transient variation of a quantity (such as electric current or voltage) whose value is normally constant
inflammation of a nerve root
irritation of or injury to a spinal nerve root (as from being compressed) that typically causes pain, numbness, or muscle weakness in the part of the body which is supplied with nerves from that root: a pinched nerve of the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar region of the spinal column
a cell or group of cells that receives stimuli
restoration of the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the cell membrane following depolarization
an opposing or impeding force
moving, occurring, or performed in a backward direction
the operation of cutting the anterior or posterior spinal nerve roots
the part of the spinal column that is directly connected with or forms a part of the pelvis and in humans consists of five fused vertebrae
a neuron that transmits nerve impulses from a sense organ towards the central nervous system
sensory neuron
an acute viral inflammation of the sensory ganglia of spinal and cranial nerves that is associated with a vesicular eruption and neuralgic pains and is caused by reactivation of the herpesvirus causing chicken pox
of, relating to, or being sensory activity having its origin elsewhere than in the special sense organs (such as eyes and ears) and conveying information about the state of the body proper and its immediate environment
a canal in the spinal column through which the spinal cord passes and is delimited dorsally by the arches on the dorsal side of the vertebrae
spinal canal
the cord of nervous tissue that extends from the brain lengthwise along the back in the spinal canal, gives off the pairs of spinal nerves, carries impulses to and from the brain, and serves as a center for initiating and coordinating many reflex acts
spinal cord
any of the paired nerves which leave the spinal cord of a craniate vertebrate, supply muscles of the trunk and limbs, and connect with the nerves of the sympathetic nervous system, which arise by a short motor ventral root and a short sensory dorsal root, and of which there are 31 pairs in humans
spinal nerve
a bony process of a vertebra that projects posteriorly from the neural arch and the junction of two laminae and provides attachment for muscles concerned especially with flexion, extension, rotation, and stability of the spinal column
spinous process
a narrowing or constriction of the diameter of a bodily passage or orifice
something that rouses or incites to activity
a thin wire inserted into a catheter to maintain rigidity or into a hollow needle to maintain patency
being, living, occurring, or administered under the skin
a fibrous cord that joins the tips of the spinous processes of the vertebrae from the seventh cervical vertebra to the sacrum and that continues forward to the skull as the ligamentum nuchae
supraspinal ligament
a strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living body
the part of the autonomic nervous system that contains chiefly adrenergic fibers and tends to depress secretion, decrease the tone and contractility of smooth muscle, and increase heart rate
sympathetic nervous system
a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition
the largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and serves chiefly to relay impulses and especially sensory impulses to and from the cerebral cortex
electrical stimulation of the skin to relieve pain by interfering with the neural transmission of signals from underlying pain receptors
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
a localized usually tender or painful area of the body and especially of a muscle that when stimulated gives rise to pain elsewhere in the body
trigger point
promoting cellular growth, differentiation, and survival
either of the 10th pair of cranial nerves that arise from the medulla oblongata and supply chiefly the viscera especially with autonomic sensory and motor fibers
vagus nerve
being or located near, on, or toward the front or anterior part of the human
the one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes ventrally from the spinal cord and consists of motor fibers
ventral root
one of the bony or cartilaginous segments composing the spinal column, consisting in some lower vertebrates of several distinct elements which never become united, and in higher vertebrates having a short more or less cylindrical body whose ends articulate by pads of elastic or cartilaginous tissue with those of adjacent vertebrae and a bony arch that encloses the spinal cord
the thick, cylindrical, anterior part of a vertebra that bears the weight of the head and trunk, is attached to and articulates with an adjacent vertebral body by an intervertebral disc, and encloses the front part of the vertebral foramen
vertebral body
a testing technique for measuring subjective or behavioral phenomena (as pain or dietary consumption) in which a subject selects from a gradient of alternatives (as from “no pain” to “worst imaginable pain” or from “every day” to “never”) arranged in linear fashion
visual analog scale
the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electrical potential difference and electromotive force equal to the difference of potential between two points in a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between these two points is equal to one watt and equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of one ohm when one ampere is flowing through it
neural tissue especially of the brain and spinal cord that consists largely of myelinated nerve fibers bundled into tracts, has a whitish color, and typically underlies the cortical gray matter
white matter